Raising of the Green Flag at Scoil Ursula, Blackrock, 14 June 2011

I was delighted last Tuesday (14 June 2011) to be invited to raise the first Green Flag at Scoil Ursula, Blackrock.

Kieran’s Speech

I like the idea of standing up for something. The work you have done is about standing up for something and believing in something.

I was trying to think about what to say about the environment to you but you have been part and parcel of improving the environment of the school for the last two years…so ye know alot about the importance of it.

I would like to share some items with you. When you look at the word environment, how many letters are in it (11)….Ok so I would like to challenge you one more time before we raise your green flag…..So there are11 letters in the word environment, so let’s break it down and see if you can come words for each of those letters

So E is the start of the word environment, so apart from environment what might E stand for

E – Everyone – work you’ve done is great

N – Noticing where we can improve things – multiple reviews

V – Value of the environment – how we can appreciate its value and how it adds to our lives

I – ideas for the future

R – real change, in reducing, re-using and recycling

O – onus on us

N – Near – in front of us

M – motivation

E – Engine in your community for change

N – nurturing a way forward

T – Technology – wind turbines, traffic

The Green Flag is an absolutely fantastic achievement.

·         I see there are very positive spin-offs especially with the 30 page document you gave me.


·         Your school is cleaner and almost litter free.  Children are taking the responsibility for keeping the school litter free. They are no longer allowed to bring lunch into the yard and children are responsible for picking up the litter after second break.


·         We are recycling more and creating less waste.  Children have taken on the responsibility of sorting the recycling into the appropriate bags: paper, cardboard and plastic.  They also monitor all the bins in the school to make sure that the recycling bins are not contaminated with unrecyclable materials.  They also ensure that no food waste (which can be fed to the birds) or recyclable materials enter the refuse bin.


·         There has been a reduction in the paper bill.  Teachers are now recycling on both sides of paper and are using scrap paper for art and for writing casual notes.


·         Parents have reported back that children are educating their families about recycling and insisting that recycling takes place at home.


Very well done and thanks to the Green-Schools committee members: Simona Jansonite, Clodagh O’Riordan, Simon Hurley, Erica Hyde, Ashling Joyce, Robert Walsh, Dylan McCarthy, Kelly Walsh, David Bamidele, Leah Aston, Iris Efe Aghedo, Conor McNamara and Louise O’Mullane: Co-ordinator. (Teacher)

Thank all the various classes and teachers, parents plus thank your principal.


Cllr Kieran McCarthy with students and teachers at the raising of the Green Flag at Scoil Ursula, Blackrock, 14 June 2011

 Scoil Ursula Green Flag material

Scoil Ursula, Green Flag material

Scoil Ursula School Garden

Scoil Ursula School Garden

Scoil Ursula School Garden

Scoil Ursula Green Flag Material