In January 2015, January 2020 and January 2025 Kieran was appointed by the Irish Minister for the Environment and Local Government for a five year term to be an Irish member on the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). Kieran has been a two term full member and currently is an alternate member.
The CoR is a formal EU institution – an assembly of local councillors, Mayors and Regional Parliamentarians with 329 members from across the 27 EU Member States. It offers formal opinions to the European Commission and European Parliament on topics, which affect the over 95,000 local authorities and regional assemblies at EU level.
READ Bringing Europe Closer to its Citizens:
The political priorities of the European Committee of the Regions 2020-2025/4325 Political Priorities Brochure.pdf

Kieran’s Commission Work:
Kieran has held membership of the CoR’s Commission (sub-committee) for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC),
Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) (europa.eu)
Within SEDEC, Kieran has championed the new European Bauhaus, EU Skills Agenda, informal and formal education, lifelong learning, culture and communities, the Digital Single Market, smart specialisation, science and innovation in regions and cities, cities and regions of the future, youth and sport, and socio-cultural effects of IoT.
Kieran also has sat on the CoR’s COTER Commission (Cohesion Policy and Territorial Development), Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER) (europa.eu)
Within COTER, Kieran has championed the the role and voice of small cities within the EU, the EU Urban Agenda and its partnerships, the sustainable development goals, interregional co-operation programmes and cross-border co-operation, and the dissemination to EU citizens of the work of EU structural funds.

Kieran’s Opinion Documents:
Kieran is CoR Rapporteur on the opinion documents, Digitising European Industry, Building a European Data Economy, and the Implementation Assessment of EU Urban Agenda, New European Bauhaus, and Small to Medium Cities and the Just Transition respectively.
- Opinion on Digitising European Industry: Opinion Factsheet (europa.eu)
- Opinion on Building a European Data Economy: Opinion Factsheet (europa.eu)
- Opinion on Implementation Assessment of the Urban Agenda for the EU:
Opinion Factsheet (europa.eu) - Opinion on the New European Bauhaus, Opinion Factsheet (europa.eu)
- Opinion on Small Urban Areas and the Just Transition, Opinion Factsheet (europa.eu)
Kieran’s Role Representing the European Alliance Grouping:
From January 2020 to June 2022, Kieran was President of the European Alliance (EA) political grouping at the European Committee of the Regions, and sat on the CoR’s Conference of Presidents and Bureau. Currently he is the the EA’s First Vice President.
Kieran continues to very active in championing the importance of the CoR in being a key EU institution and one where the voices of cities and regions are heard at European Commission level. He was also a COR delegate member to the Conference on the Future of Europe (2021-2022) and sat on the working group Culture, Youth, Sport, and Education.
READ more about Kieran and the European Alliance grouping here: https://web.cor.europa.eu/ea/Pages/default.aspx
CATCH Up on EA news and activities here:
EA Newsletters (europa.eu)
Highlights of Recent Debates:
Intervention of Cllr Kieran McCarthy’s on Lifelong Learning, 153rd plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions Brussels, 9 February 2023
Presentation of Cllr Kieran McCarthy’s opinion on Small Urban Areas and the Just Transition, 152nd plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions Brussels, 1 December 2022
– Cllr Kieran McCarthy’s speech at the plenary session of the Conference on the Future of Europe 11 March 2022 Strasbourg, France
– Debate on the priorities of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU with Emmanuel Macron, president of France, 147th plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions Brussels, 1 December 2021.