5. Park Histories

In any city or urban area, the space of parks is special. The association with aspects such as relaxation, fitness, personal memories, personal meanings, landscape appreciation, connection with nature, climate action, and general inspiration, is significant.

Presented below is a guide to the wonderful array of public and accessible parks and recreational spaces within the south east local electoral of Cork City. The history presented has been researched over the past three years.

Most interestingly and most unique is that all the parks have rich histories, quirky stories, stunning landscapes and memories.


Map of South East Cork City; basemap: www.osi.ie

Shalom Park, 1. Shalom Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Kennedy Park, 2. Kennedy Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Ballinlough Community Park, 3. Ballinlough Community Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Japanese Gardens, 4. Japanese Gardens Ballinlough | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Beaumont Park, 5. Beaumont Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

The Marina, 6. The Marina | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

The Atlantic Pond, 7. The Atlantic Pond | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

The Marina Park, 8. Marina Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

The Old Railway Line Walk, 9. The Old Railway Line | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Joe McHugh Park and Estuary Walk, 10. Joe McHugh Park and Estuary Walk | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Loughmahon Park, 11. Loughmahon Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Clover Hill Park, 12. Clover Hill Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Douglas Community Park, 13. Douglas Community Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Ballybrack Woods, 14. Ballybrack Woods & The Mangala | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Old Court Woods, 15. Old Court Woods, Garryduff | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy

Tramore Valley Park, 16. Tramore Valley Park | Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. Kieran McCarthy