Daily Archives: January 25, 2017

Kieran’s Question to the CE & Motions, 23 January 2017

Question to the CE:

To ask the CE for a progress report on archaeology monitoring at the event centre site? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)


Marian Park, Resurfacing:

That the Council review the deteriorating conditions of the parking area/footpaths fronting House No’s 11 to 20 at Marian Park. They have completely disintegrated over the Winter, pockmarked with potholes, and are giving rise to the risk of damage to vehicles and a trip hazard for residents in particular young children. The surface levels of the whole parking area needs to be reduced and resurfaced. Also the footpaths fronting these houses need to be replaced as they are now very uneven and at the same level as the parking area (Council Reference No. 21947 and 19198).

With reference to the works carried out by the City Council on the triangular piece of green area to the front of No’s 9 and 11 Marian Park where two strips of tarmac were laid, the Committee would request the City Council to also tarmac/pave the remaining piece of the green area as it is now a patch of mud which is a trip hazard and quite unsightly (Council Reference No. 19199).

There is also the issue of road/footpath subsidence outside Number 59 and 60 on Church Road.  This may have been connected to the recent repair of a water main break, which was repaired very effectively and expeditiously by Council Staff.  However, the road over the main has subsided due to the works leading to a series of ponds forming anytime it rains causing an inconvenience to pedestrians.  We request the Council to raise the surface level and resurface the area (Council Reference No. 21950) (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).

Marina Trees:
For each of the trees that have been cut down on the Marina for different reasons, that they be replaced by younger trees (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).