Monthly Archives: November 2015

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 26 November, Kieran’s New Book, Ring of Kerry Postcard Collection

820a. Front cover of Ring of Kerry, The Postcard Collection by Kieran McCarthy

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 26 November 2015


Kieran’s New Book – Ring of Kerry Postcard Collection


    The third of three books I have been compiling and penning this year is entitled Ring of Kerry, The Postcard Collection. Vibrancy, a wild vibrancy, is perhaps the best way to describe the Ring of Kerry. Exposed by raw elements, the landscape is windswept and awe inspiring. This book follows on from my previous work of exploring the nature of postcards in the south west region and how they helped to placemake and construct local, regional and national identity. The book explores the fascination of landscapes around the Ring of Kerry or the Grand Atlantic Tour as it was known a century ago and comprises what could be genuinely described as stunning images. Many could be printed in large sizes and hung on walls and I have no doubt many have over the decades. They are beautiful images made to entice the viewer to remember, to visit and not forget.

    These postcards were the preferred souvenirs for connoisseurs of the landscape. They framed a world for people to view, consume, keep a part of, send to other people and mass produce. The mass production of such images helped advance the narrative in promoting the south west Iveragh peninsula. The communication of the message behind these postcards in the early twentieth century was important and the messages were and still are numerous and strong. They showcase extraordinary and geologically ancient but desperate spaces in an artistic narrative our countryside, a sense of adventure, ideas of self-discovery, true, honest and valuable experiences, the 40shadesofgreen package, concepts of Irish culture and identity, and ultimately the collective memory of a country and what it stands for.

    The postcards contain representations of an Ireland to draw people to the country and into the country’s regions. The images are collective representations and visual metaphors of the power of landscape in the culture of the time they were produced – they all spin a political narrative of sorts on the selection of memories, stories, legends and their meanings, the role of natural and built landscape in shaping the Irish psyche – what should be remembered more so than forgotten, what images are deemed important in the construction of local and national belonging in the early twentieth century. The postcards are all romantic and poetic odes to landscape – by photographers and artists – their awe and respect can be viewed as well as their devotion to nature and the quest for a vision of the idyllic.

   Many of the images within this book are also of familiar landscapes, landscapes that many Irish people learned about in school or on holidays (like my own situation!) whilst bottled up in a car travelling from one set piece to another. They are Ireland’s public and private playgrounds of sorts – places to get lost in – to feel dwarfed by the mountains, the lakes and the coastline. The images are exaggerated with the addition of reflections and shadows and oil painting type colours – colours that heighten and aid in the construction of place. Even a single image can make a huge impression. Memorials and ruins are shown with ivy and crumbling stone – to show the contribution of nostalgia, how it creeps into a sense of place to ignite a present and to question a future.

    Accumulating a large cross section of these early twentieth century images together provides a wider snap shot of perspectives and perceptions of landscape, the stories within the landscape and Irish identity, and how they interweave. The postcards are framed narratives – perceived as symbolising Irish landscapes, identity within those landscapes, that the peaks, troughs, rivers, lakes, cottages symbolise an idyll. The Ring of Kerry is all about travel. There are tourist reports of visits to Killarney since the late eighteenth century, accounts of Grand Tours of Kerry in the nineteenth century, and narratives about Irish Free State tourism products in the county in the twentieth century. All reflect a pilgrimage of the self – of silent conversations with yourself and nature and your place in the world chasing reflections of the world in south Kerry’s crystalline lakes or bending to the might of the landscape on its coastal roads, seeking the Atlantic view point.

   Now scattered to the four corners of the virtual eBay world and institutions like Kerry County Libraries and postcard fairs and shops, these postcards in their day influenced the modern photographic and text based narrative in marketing the Ring of Kerry today. Of course not every place was photographed and the editing of this book has also been difficult in choosing which postcards to include. The book is divided into four sections, Kenmare and its surroundings, Killarney and its tourism heart, the lake district, and a spin around the c.180km Ring of Kerry. Scattered across the publication as well, I have put in my own artistic responses to the landscape in the form of poems. The postcards and landscapes opened up further creativity in my own writing and new ways to research, decode and describe the Irish countryside. The postcards offer much to the student of cultural landscapes and how our heritage is constructed and ultimately how it can be appreciated, understood, interpreted, reinterpreted, negotiated, protected and advanced – and above all cherished.

Ring of Kerry, The Postcard Collection by Kieran McCarthy is published by Amberley Press and is available in all good bookshops.


820a. Front cover of Ring of Kerry, The Postcard Collection by Kieran McCarthy

820b. Postcard of the Gap of Dunloe, c.1900

820b. Postcard of the Gap of Dunloe, c.1900

Cork City Council Budget meeting, 16 November 2015


Cork City Council Budget meeting, 16 November 2015

Comments by Cllr Kieran McCarthy


  Can I compliment the CE on producing a balanced budget for next year. It is a very difficult task to achieve what you and your team have compiled and proposed here.

   I have no doubt there was alot of questioning and debating the way forward. It seems like you have had quite a baptism of fire in the various ways this Council moves forward – development plan, boundary extension, funding issues – they are all about vast changes of mindset in terms of delivering local government for Cork.

  CE, you speak about a “considered and reasonable balance” between the desirability of maintaining services and our ability to fund them, yes I agree there has been consideration and balance on your behalf – on the behalf of the city and the people we represent, the budget papers over huge cracks in the future but not by your hand. Your hand has revealed the vast number of difficulties in getting funding in place for the raft of Council services.

   It seems like the Council is just hanging in there, if the Council was a tree, it is bent over in the wind. It is strong but needs supports to stabilise it. Its tree has been stripped bare by the economic storm that swept through here. The fruits of our revenue reserve are almost exhausted. The branches of our property tax don’t extend far enough to create a strong tree capable of bearing anywhere near how the Council used to be funded by government.

   We seem to be caught in the same season for four years – a barren place where the City will need further financial help as the years go on – we are dependent on the rates of the 6,500 rate payers, development charges and so on. Everyone the Council engages with is calling out for help to move development and I think in fairness you and your team have accommodating the listening process as least to people’s concerns.


Different perspectives and listening:

  I agree with your perspectives about not increasing the rates base and to sustain it at its current levels. Business activity has returned to the city but only just.

  I think the ring fencing of the one per cent of the rates fund for economic development has brought increase entrepreneurial activity in the city. I think it is incumbent on us a city to maximize as much as possible levels of enterprise – that we are a city of start-ups and indigenous industry – I see our local enterprise office provided training to 190 owners/ managers in areas such as Finance, Cloud computing, and start your own business. Despite our great local enterprise office and their work, stronger signals need to be sent out highlighting the significant role of enterprise and SME’s in our city.

  On the matter of car-parking, I note the drop in income. It is incumbent on us to market the two car-parks, Paul Street and Kyrl’s Quay. I think both need decent marketing plans to get more people to use them – perhaps use this time of loss to incentivise their use – I think the city centre strategy needs to move now to get more people into the city centre

   I note as well the need to retain our investment into the Council’s vibrant Arts, Cultural and Festivals. This city earns millions of euros in the roll-out of the 24 festivals – our bars, restaurants, shops and hotels all benefit – and we need to keep investing in our tourism projects like Elizabeth Fort and keep pushing the National Diaspora project, which is a must for the city.

   The ring-fencing of money for community projects is also great – so much good work goes on in our communities – and the Council direct sometimes we take for granted how much money is invested in making sure a men’s club is looked after, or a community association or a sports club – and all look not for big money generally but small monies to keep their operation in order.

  These latter aspects and more are all positive items, which the Council must continue to invest in. There are alot of very positive threads in building and bridging communities in this budget document.

  I don’t welcome the ongoing financial problems and emailing the people I represent noting I can’t help you in terms of social housing or roads or footpath maintenance. However, going forward, the city keeps evolving and further financial means will have to be secured.

Thanks Lord Mayor.


Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 19 November 2015

819a. Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 19 November 2015 

Cork Harbour Memories (Part 38) 

A Defender of Church and Town


   The vast estates of the Fitzgeralds, the Earl of Desmond dynasty (see last week), were confiscated in the reign of Elizabeth I, and granted to various English settlers (called planters or undertakers). The names of the new settlers in Ireland who obtained grants of the Desmond estates in Cork and Waterford, were Sir Walter Raleigh, Arthur Robins, Fane Beecher, Hugh Worth, Arthur Hyde, Sir Warham St. Leger, Hugh Cuffe, Sir Thomas Norris, Sir Arthur Hyde, Thomas Say, Sir Richard Beacon and (the poet) Edmond Spencer.

   Walter Raleigh (c.1554-1618) had taken part in the suppression of the Desmond rebellion in 1579 and profited from the subsequent distribution of land. He received 40,000 acres or 162 km2 which included the important towns of Youghal and Lismore. This allowed him to become one of the principal landowners in Munster, but nevertheless had only some degree of success in convincing English tenants to settle on his estates. Youghal was the home of Sir Walter Raleigh for brief periods during the seventeen years in which he held land in Ireland. The decade of the 1590s coincided with difficulties on Raleigh’s Irish plantations at a time when his own fortunes were in decline. He sold his Irish estates in 1602 to Richard Boyle, thus ending his involvement with the plantation of Munster.

   Richard Boyle (1566-1643) is closely associated with the history of Youghal, purchasing the town as part of his acquisition of the Munster estate of Sir Walter Raleigh. On the rich array of heritage information panels in Youghal, the story of Richard Boyle’s influence is related. Boyle occupied the office of Sheriff from 1625 to 1626. He had a substantial residence, known today as The College, close to St. Mary’s Collegiate Church. Boyle recognised the suitability of Youghal area for the production of pig iron, for which there was great demand in England. A plentiful supply of timber for charcoal, rich iron ore deposits, water power and a great port area all combined to generate an active iron industry in the early seventeenth century. The yew woods from which Youghal derived its name (Irish: Eochaill) were used to supply the ironworks of Richard Boyle.

   Amongst the other legacies of Boyle’s influence in Youghal are the Almshouses, which he endowed to house six old soldiers, who were to receive a pension of £5 per annum. This service was later broadened to include widows. The six houses were constructed in 1610 and continued in use in their original form until the mid-nineteenth century, when some alterations took place. They are now owned by Youghal Urban District Council and still serve a similar generous purpose.

  In 1606 Richard Boyle paid for the south transept of St Mary’s Church to be rebuilt, as a mortuary chapel for his family. Boyle’s journals record that the south-transept was the place ‘wherein the townsmen in time of rebellion kept their cows’. In subsequent years he spent thousands of pounds on the restoration of the church, including rebuilding the chancel. Historian Dr Clodagh Tait in an article in the Royal Irish Academy has an article entitled Colonising memory: manipulations of death, burial and commemoration in the career of Richard Boyle, first earl of Cork. Dr Tait describes the Earl of Cork’s “energetic tomb-building”, which cost him well over £1000, was a means of demonstrating that “he had arrived, and had created a fortune and a dynasty”. Boyle symbolically presented himself as the “spiritual successor of Youghal’s ancient inhabitants”, and as the “defender of the town and its church”. Viewing the relaxed sculpture on his tomb of a smiling Boyle lying on his side with his family around him shows how he did manipulate the meanings around how he was to be commemorated in history.

 Architect Alexander Hillis of London erected Boyle’s tomb in the south transept in 1620. The monument, heavily influenced by renaissance architecture, was the height of fashion when it was built. The work is still surrounded by its original protective wrought-iron railings displaying further pieces of family heraldry. The swords shown at the bottom are a symbol of Boyle’s power, justice and the armour of God. It shows Boyle himself reclining, with his first and second wives, Joan Apsley and Katherine Fenton respectively, to either side, his mother Joan Naylor over, and a few of 16 children, kneeling in a row in front of him. His first wife died in childbirth and she is represented with a baby at her feet. The skulls portray someone already dead at the time the monument was carved.

  Boyle himself died in 1643 and was buried here in his monument with his mother – but not his wives. Incidentally, a further elaborate monument by Boyle can be found in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. It was erected to Katherine Fenton, his second wife (died 1630) and finished in 1632. Boyle’s second wife Catherine Fenton bore him fifteen children before she expired at the age of 42. Of the eight daughters, seven were married to noblemen. Of the seven sons, four were ennobled in the lifetime of their father. The most notable of this extensive offspring was Robert Boyle, the natural philosopher and author or Boyle’s Law.

To be continued…



819a. Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal (pictures: Kieran McCarthy)

819b. Detail of Richard’s face, Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal

819c. Richard’s children in sculpture, Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal

819b. Detail of Richard’s face, Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal

819c. Richard’s children in sculpture, Richard Boyle’s tomb, St Mary’s Church, Youghal

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 12 November 2015

818a. Ruins of Richard Boyle’s early seventeenth century manor house at Castlemartyr Resort


Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 12 November 2015 

Cork Harbour Memories (Part 37)

The Gems of the Fitzgeralds


      East Cork of the early 1600s possessed a number of old Fitzgerald family castles, which passed to Richard Boyle (1566-1643). John Speed’s map of c.1610, part of his collection of maps of Britain and Ireland from The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine (1611-12), showcases these structures within named territories of Irish and English lords. Three more sites are generally detailed below (continued from last week), whose ruins have survived into the modern day Irish landscape.

   Ballymartyr Castle is marked on Speed’s map, which survives as a key attraction on the Castlemartyr Resort estate. The ruins of the impressive Boyle manor house, its exterior walls, chimneys, its bawn or enclosure wall, a mural tower, and a fortified house survive as well the five-storey tower house. The tower is quite possibly an earlier structure. The historical records for the site detail a chequered history but certainly there is a sense that there is much to still much to discover and interpret about its role in the formation of the layered histories of East Cork. It is known that the first castle was first built in 1210 by the Knights Templar under the leadership of Richard Earl de Clare, also known as Strongbow. By the mid fifteenth century, the castle was the seat for the local seneschal or steward of the regional Lord appointed by James, Earl of Ormond. Ballymartyr Castle was captured in 1569 by Elizabeth’s Lord Deputy of Ireland Sir Henry Sidney, when Ormond’s men abandoned the castle overnight after a cannon attack. Sidney had initially proposed the appointment of a military governor (Lord President) in the provinces of Munster and Connacht. This incited the first of the Desmond Rebellions led by James Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald of the Geraldine family. Ballymartyr was subsequently given to Sir Walter Raleigh, and later managed by local Elizabethan steward John FitzGerald. The Earl of Ormond attacked the castle in 1579. John FitzGerald was eventually captured in 1583 and died a few years later in Dublin Castle in 1589.

    During the early seventeenth century, Richard Boyle, the first Earl of Cork, built a magnificent Manor House, whose exterior walled ruins are impressive to explore and circumnavigate. It is only when you stand by its walls that you appreciate how significant this court-like-castle would have been in the East Cork countryside showcasing a marker of a change in leadership and architecture in early seventeenth century Irish society. In the 1640s, the citizens of the castle again witnessed conflict and changed hands twice more before being set on fire to prevent it being used as a base for the Irish Confederate forces. During the civil war, the castle was captured by the Irish, and then recaptured by the Williamites in 1690, but was badly damaged and eventually abandoned and fell into disrepair. It was Henry Boyle (1682-1764), 1st Earl of Shannon and ancestor of Richard Boyle, who built the eastern portion of the present mansion house or hotel and who set about beautifying the estate between the years 1733 and 1764.

   Located c. 3 miles west of Castlemartyr village in the parish of Ballyoughtera and the barony of Imokilly is Ballintotis Castle. Its proposed restoration in 2008 led to a request for an impact assessment to be prepared and a log in the great archaeology website, www, It is a small square tower-house that was built as an outer defence for the Castlemartyr estate in the sixteenth century. The castle and lands were granted to George Moore in 1579 in gratitude for his contribution to the wars in Scotland and Ireland. The castle is included in the Down Survey of 1655 and the lands of ‘Killurgane and Ballytotis’ are listed as being the property of Edmund Fitzgerald at this time. The castle survives today as a small, standard four-storey tower-house.

  Ballintotis Castle today is entered at ground-floor level by an arched door near the north end of the west wall. Part of a high rubble limestone wall survives to the west of the tower, which is interpreted as part of the original bawn wall or part of a former building which abutted the castle. The initial phase of monitoring for restoration focused on the removal of topsoil for a new driveway leading from the castle to the public road. All works associated with the insertion of services and the removal of waste from the tower-house were also monitored. Margaret McCarthy, the author of the detail on, details that during restoration no features of archaeological significance were identified on the surface and the finds consisted of three fragments of post-medieval ware.

   Inchiquin castle of the Fitzgeralds is also marked on Speed’s map. It is one of the few round structured castles in County Cork. The walls are from 8-12 feet thick. In 1322 a document mentions it as a round tower built of stone. It was the property of the Fitzgeralds and was a dower house for widows of the Desmond family. According to legend, the Old Countess of Desmond lived here for 70 years and died in 1604 tradition says aged 140 (!). So myth from this time has also survived in the local folklore of the area which intertwines with the landscape. Walter Raleigh later owned this property in time and sold it to Richard Boyle.

To be continued…



818a. Ruins of Richard Boyle’s early seventeenth century manor house at Castlemartyr Resort (picture: Kieran McCarthy)

818b. Section of East Cork from John Speed’s Province of Munster, from his The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, c.1610-11 (source: Cork City Library)

818b. Section of East Cork from John Speed’s Province of Munster, from his The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, c.1610-11

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 5 November 2015

817a. Eastern section of Cork harbour from John Speed’s Province of Munster

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 5 November 2015

 Cork Harbour Memories (Part 36)

 Old Territories in East Cork


   I am a big fan of the open road east of Carrigtwohill to Youghal – the gorgeous lake of Loughaderra, the opportunity to get lost on the roads to Ballymaloe, Ballycotton or Roches Point and the accompanying rolling landscape along the scenic coast, and the chance to stop in the quaint and colourful villages of Aghada or Cloyne.

  John Speed’s map of c.1610, part his collection of maps of Britain and Ireland from The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine (1611-12), showcases clusters of settlements to the east of Cork harbour extending into West Waterford. All in time were influenced by the age of Richard Boyle (1566-1643), the first Earl of Cork and his clustering of people, industrial manufacture and new cultural practices – all of which were ‘planted’ or sown as such into the East Cork and West Waterford landscape. Boyle inherited a highly politicised landscape, which just a few years previously new plantation structures emerged across – old ways, old stories, old politics was dismantled and attempted to be disentangled, and new ways of integration and colonisation were born.This is a landscape which just a few years previously had seen its landowner beheaded – Gerald Fitzgerald – and its successor Walter Raleigh go bankrupt.

  Speed’s map of East Cork illustrates the former lands and key settlements of the Fitzgeralds who were earls of Desmond and who were one of the most powerful families in Munster. Several of them were lords deputies of Ireland in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Gerald Fitzgerald, sixteenth earl of Desmond, resisted the Reformation in the reign of Elizabeth, and waged war against the English government. The Earl of Desmond’s forces after long contests were defeated, and he himself was slain in a glen near Castle Island, in county Kerry, on 11 November, 1583. His head was cut off and sent to England, by Thomas Butler, Earl of Ormond, as a present to Queen Elizabeth, who fixed it upon London Bridge.

  On Speed’s map a number of sites are shown associated with members of the Fitzgerald family who had retained their lands due to tenancy deals struck with the monarchy and local lords such as Boyle. Corkbeg island plantation is shown. In time these lands passed down through the Fitzgerald family and Corkbeg House, the elegant residence of R. U. Penrose Fitzgerald, was created. The lawn and shrubbery were connected by a narrow slip with the main land, where the remainder of the demesne, comprising 350 acres of some of the best cultivated land in the barony was situated. The island and demense was built over by Whitegate Oil refinery in the late 1950s.

   The name FitzEdmund near Cloyne is marked or that of John FitzEdmond FitzGerald. He was an MP for Cork County in 1585. He was son of Sir Edmond Fitzgerald, knight, of Cloyne, who was descended from the Knights of Kerry. He lived at Ballymaloe in a tower house; part of the fifteenth century structure still stands. He was sheriff of the county in 1570. On 16 May, 1582, he had a pension of 100 marks per annum granted to him. For his allegiance and his neutrality during the plantations wars with other cousins of the Fitzgerald clan, and neutrality within the Battle of Kinsale he was knighted 11 March, 1601-2, by Lord Mountjoy, the lord deputy, “whom he entertained at his castle at Cloyne. He died at Cloyne on 15 January, 1612, aged 85. A stone commemorating the event and bearing the Fitzgerald coat of arms is set into the back wall of the present house at Ballymaloe.

  As for Cloyne it is marked as Cloney. The Diocese of Cloyne has its beginnings in the monastic settlement of St Colman at Cloyne in East Cork. A round tower and pre-reformation Cathedral still stand at this site. Cloyne was later to become the centre of an extensive diocese in Munster. For eight centuries it was the residence of the Bishops of Cloyne and the setting for the Cathedral.

  A settlement called Tranakan is marked on the map, where now Trabolgan is situated. I have not managed to find information on Tranakan. However around 1640-1650 AD, the Roche family purchased this part of the Fitzgerald estate from Edmund Fitzgerald of Ballymaloe and lived for many centuries at Trabolgan.

  To the north of the eastern harbour area, the town of Midleton had not been created yet (it was incorporated by charter in 1670). In the 1180s the Anglo Normans led by the family Barry Fitzgerald founded an abbey at a weir on the nearby river to be settled by Cistercian Monks. The abbey became known as “Chore Abbey” and “Castrum Chor”, taking its name from the Irish word cora (weir). The abbey is remembered in the Irish name for Midleton, Mainistir na Corann and in the Owenacurra or Abhainn na Cora meaning River of the Weirs. The name Coragh Flu is marked on Speed’s map. To the east of this denotation, the site of Castle Redmond built by Redmond Fitzgerald or FitzEdmund in the reign of Henry VIII is denoted. Coppingerstown Castle, another Fitzgerald castle, is also shown (survives in ruins). The lands were formerly that of the Coppinger family who were originally of Danish stock and who for many generations were important in the Danish sector of Cork and County.

To be continued…


817a. Eastern section of Cork harbour from John Speed’s Province of Munster, from his The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, c.1610-11 (source: Cork City Library)

817b. St Colman’s Cathedral, Cloyne, Round Tower and graveyard, formerly the centre of an extensive diocese in Munster, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy)

817b. St Colman’s Cathedral, Cloyne, Round Tower and graveyard