Daily Archives: April 1, 2014

Draft Cork City Heritage Plan 2014-2018

The draft Cork City Heritage Plan 2014-2018 is now available for public comment. 

The Cork City Heritage Plan is an action plan and sets out a series of realistic and practical actions to protect conserve and manage our heritage over the next five years and a methodology on the implementation of these actions.  The formulation of what is the second Heritage Plan for Cork City presents an opportunity to build on the achievements of the previous plan and to renew the efforts to protect, manage and promote Cork City’s heritage. The aim of the draft Cork City Heritage Plan 2014-2018 is “To protect and promote the heritage of Cork City and to place the care of our heritage at the heart of the community”
Organisations and individuals are invited to make submissions and express their views and opinions on what they believe are key heritage issues in the city and what they would like to see in the new Heritage Plan.
The draft Cork City Heritage Plan is available to download from www.corkcityheritage.ie/newsandevents  or by contacting the Heritage Officer at heritage@corkcity.ie or tel 021 4924086
The closing date for comments is Friday 25th of April 2014.  Please forward all submissions in writing to
Niamh Twomey, Heritage Officer, Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork, Or email to heritage@corkcity.ie