Monthly Archives: March 2014

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 27 March 2014

734a. Model of Blackrock Castle from student in St Vincent's Secondary School, Cork

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 27 March 2014

Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project 2014


This year marks the eleventh year of the Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project co-ordinated by myself. The Project for 2014 culminated recently in two award ceremonies for the project. It  is open to schools in Cork City and County- at primary level to the pupils of fourth, fifth and sixth class and at post-primary from first to sixth years. A total of 48 schools in Cork took part this year. Circa 1600 students participated in the process and approx 220 projects were submitted on all aspects of Cork’s history.

One of the key aims of the project is to allow students to explore, investigate and comment on their local history in a constructive, active and fun way. The emphasis is on the process of doing a project and learning not only about your area but also developing new personal skills. Students are challenged to devise methodologies that provide interesting ways to approach the study of their local history. Submitted projects must be colourful, creative, have personal opinion, imagination and gain publicity. These elements form the basis of a student friendly narrative analysis approach where the students explore their project topic in an interactive way. In particular students are encouraged to attain primary material through engaging with a number of methods such as fieldwork, interviews with local people, making models, photographing, cartoon creating, making DVDs of their area.

Students are to experiment with the overall design and plan of their projects. It attempts to bring the student to become more personal and creative in their approaches. Much of the work could be published as local heritage / history guides to people and places in the region. For example a winning class project this year focussed on the history of the Church of the Annunciation, Blackpool, researched it, mapped out its memories through interviewing local people.

This year marks went towards making a short film or a model on projects to accompany history booklets. Submitted DVDs this year had interviews of family members to local historians to the student taking a reporter type stance on their work. Some students also chose to act out scenes from the past. A class in the city this year chose to narrate their own film on what it is to be a Cork Citizen. Another group created a short film on University College Cork and Fota House.

The creativity section also encourages model making. The best model trophy in general goes to the creative and realistic model. This year the best model in the city went to a model of St Anne’s Church, Shandon, which complemented her creative booklet. Indeed models of Cork churches featured this year in several projects. In the county, the top model prize went to students from Scoil Aban Naofa, Baile Mhuirne who re-created different archaeological monuments associated with St Gobnait.

Students are encouraged to compare and connect the past to their present and their immediate future. Work needs to involve re-imagining what life may have been like. One of the key foundations in the Project is about developing empathy for the past– to think about attitudes and experience in the past. Interpretation is also empowering for the student- all the time developing a better sense of the different ways in which people engage with and express a sense of place and time.

Every year, the students involved produce a section in their project books showing how they communicated their work to the wider community. It is about reaching out and gaining public praise for the student but also appraisal and further ideas. Some class projects were presented in nursing homes to engage the older generation and to attain further memories from participants. Students were also successful in putting work on local parish newsletters, newspapers and local radio stations and also presenting work in local libraries. This year the most prominent source of gaining publicity was inviting parents and grandparents into the classroom for an open day for viewing projects or putting displays on in local community centres and libraries. 

Overall, the Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project attempts to provide the student with a hands-on and interactive activity that is all about learning not only about your local area but also about the process of learning by participating students. The project in the city is kindly funded by Cork Civic Trust (viz the help of John X Miller), Cork City Council (viz the help of Heritage Officer Niamh Twomey), the Heritage Council. Prizes were also provided in the 2014 season by Lifetime Lab, Lee Road (thanks to Meryvn Horgan), Sean Kelly of Lucky Meadows Equestrian Centre Watergrasshill and Cork City Gaol Heritage Centre. The county section is funded by myself and students. A full list of winners, topics and pictures of some of the project pages for 2014 can be viewed at and on facebook on Cork: Our City, Our Town. For those doing research, has also a number of resources listed to help with source work.

Forthcoming lectures with Kieran; Wednesday 2 April, 7.30pm South Parish Historical Society at St John’s College, talk on the River Lee; Wednesday, 9 April, 10.30am, Meeting room, Church of the Real Presence, Curaheen, talk on Cork’s Great Exhibitions.


734a. Model of Blackrock Castle, from a student in St Vincent’s Secondary School (picture: Kieran McCarthy)

First Call: Cllr Kieran McCarthy’s Community Talent Competition 2014

Cork’s young people are invited to participate in the sixth year of Cllr Kieran’s McCarthy’s Community Talent Competition’. The auditions will take place on Sunday 27 April 2014 between 10am-6pm in the Lifetime Lab, Lee Road. There are no entry fees and all talents are valid for consideration. The final will be held over one week later. There are two categories, one for primary school children and one for secondary school students. Winners will be awarded a perpetual trophy and prize money of €150 (two by €150). The project is being organised and funded by Cllr Kieran McCarthy in association with Red Sandstone Varied Productions (RSVP). 

Cllr. McCarthy noted: “The talent competition is a community initiative. It encourages all young people to develop their talents and creative skills, to push forward with their lives and to embrace their community positively”. Further details can be attained from the talent show producer (RSVP), Yvonne Coughlan, 085 1798695 or email

Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 March 2014

Question to the Manager:

To ask the City Manager, why the 2014 City Council vans have a KK registration plus possess an ad for the maker of the coat of arms sticker on the side of the vans? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)



To have the footpaths in Sundrive Park, Ballinlough repaired especially those sections that are trip hazards (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

To have heritage information panels installed on the wall of the graveyard of the former St Paul’s Church on Paul Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 20 March 2014

733b. Gouldings, Centre Park Road, Cork, 1958

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 20 March 2014

Technical Memories (Part 76) – Goulding’s Heritage”


Picking up from last week’s column, in 1872 a change took place when the Goulding business became a limited company with a capital of £150,000. The first Board of Directors was composed of William Goulding, Chairman, H M Goulding, B Haughton, N D Murphy MP, and J S Smithson. The prospectus of the new company referred to 500 duly appointed agents in the United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Russia and America. It was reported that Gouldings were the first firm to ship a cargo of manures into the United States, and in addition to the countries referred to above, an extensive export trade was carried on with Norway and Natal in South Africa. A special manure was supplied to the latter for the sugar cane crop. The year 1872 was also noteworthy in that a further factory was opened at Singland in Limerick, where a 20-year lease was taken on the premises.

In the manufacture of superphostate, the use of mineral phosphates steadily replaced bones. At what date Gouldings first used the mineral phosphate is unknown, but in 1873, the company purchased phosphate beds in France. These deposits, belonging to a group known as Quercy phosphates, were situated near Cahora in the French Department of Lot. The material varied widely in quality and was difficult to mine. The Goulding Phosphate Company Ltd was formed to operate the mines. In 1876 this company leased a mill at Mercuès in the vicinity of the phosphate deposits and a works was in operation at Laberaudie in the same district. Operations were continued until 1880 when Gouldings ceded their rights to a French firm.

In 1874, a cargo of rock phosphate was imported from Pernambuco in Brazil, and in subsequent years this raw material was obtained from a variety of sources. In addition to the French phostate referred to, there was Estramadure phosphate from Spain, Sombrero phosphate from the West Indies, phosphates from Norway, Canada, Belgium and Russia. American phosphate from South Carolina was in use and in later years, particularly when a Florida factory was opened, the American material was used extensively.

Another new works was started in 1878 at Gracedieu, Waterford and in 1884, new works were commenced on Bressay one of the islands in the Shetland group.  In the same year 1884, William Goulding died at the age of 67, having spent half a lifetime in the fertiliser business. From small beginnings, he rapidly built up and expanded the company until at the time of his death it consisted of five factories and was one of the largest concerns within Britain and Ireland. Seven years previous to this, Humphrey Manders had died at the age of 57. Following William Goulding’s death, his son, William Joshua Goulding, was appointed Chairman of the Company.

In 1902, sales of manures by the Goulding group had reached 119,337 tons and the building of a new factory at Newrath, Waterford was commenced. This now gave the company six factories in Ireland, situated at Londonderry and Belfast in the north, two at Dublin in the east, and at Waterford and Cork in the south, this making distribution to any part of the country an easy matter.  Phosphates from North Africa began to replace material from other sources and eventually North Africa became the sole supply. During the next twenty years, output from these factories was gradually increased by improved processes and extensions to the factories. In 1919 a controlling interest was purchased in two further companies, namely the Drogheda Chemical Manure Company Ltd. and the Dublin and Wicklow Manure Company.

From 1920 to the commencement of World War II, production of fertilisers showed a steady increase from the factories in operation and the total deliveries rose to 178,000 tons. The company also went through two chairmanships, Sir William Joshua Goulding and his son Sir Lingard Amphlett Goulding. On Lingard’s death in 1935, Sir Basil Goulding took over as Chairman.

The World War II years coincided with a serious reduction in trade brought about by difficulties of obtaining shipping for imports of raw materials, but after the end of the of the war, production rose to surpass the pre-war level in a most spectacular manner. The post-war years were a time of immense activity, many items of plant were in a state of disrepair and other items were becoming obsolete. As a result all the factories witnessed extensive replacement of old equipment with modern machinery and methods of manufacture.

By 1956, due to the increasing demands on the Glen Factory, the first steps were taken towards the construction of a new factory on a 17-acre compound on the deep water site at the Marina, Cork on which the company had had an option for some years. The Irish Times for 29 March 1958 records that work began on the preparation of the Cork site at the Marina and the piling in October, 1955. There were 303 piles driven and the contractors started work in February, 1956. In all, 16,500 cubic yards of concrete were used in the construction of the factory, 291 tons of reinforced steel and 700 tons of steelwork.

To be continued…



733a. Gouldings, Centre Park Road, Marina, 1958 (source: The Irish Times, 29 March 1958)

733a. Cork City with Docklands, 1968 (source: Cork City Library)

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 13 March 2014

732a. Cork Docklands, 1949, source: Cork City Library

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 13 March 2014

Technical Memories (Part 75) – Outputs and Targets”


The day before Verolme Dockyard was officially opened on 15 October 1960, the two and half million pounds factory of Messrs. Goulding Fertilisers Ltd at the Marina, Cork, was opened. Again Seán Lemass did the honours in the presence of a large and distinguished audience. In his speech, recorded in the Cork Examiner, he highlighted Ireland’s work in seeking out new export markets; “In the struggle for export markets everything, which makes for great output at lower costs, is vital and all the available evidence supports the view that greater use of fertilisers and lime is essential for the realisation of high production targets”.

The new factory was another milestone in Cork’s ever-widening industrial progress. It completed the final stages of an ambitious project conceived by the company some years previously for the creation in the Southern region of a modern fertiliser plant. The first stage for the compounding of fertilisers in powder and granular form was completed in 1958. The opening of the factory in 1960 marked the second and final stage, and its purpose was to produce single superphosphate in largely increased quantities and also for the first time in the country, triple superphosphates together with the large amounts of sulphuric acid required for both projects. The Marina plant was planned with an eye to the future, for it had been so designed that large-scale additions could be made conveniently in spaces reserved for them whenever the need arose.

When the Taoiseach arrived at the new factory, he was met by Sir Basil Goulding, who presented him with a symbolic key and invited him to unlock the gates and declare the factory opened. The Goulding family had deep commercial roots in Cork and this is outlined in the special supplement in the Cork Examiner. William Goulding was born in 1817, the first son of Joshua Goulding, of Birr in King’s County, and Sarah, née Manders, of Blackpool, in Cork. Three years later, a second son, Humphrey Manders Goulding, was born. When Joshua Goulding died in 1829, it is thought that the family moved to Cork. Certainly by 1842 William Goulding was living in the city and carrying on the business of an oil and colour merchant at 22 Maylor Street. In the following year, this business was transferred to 108 Patrick’s Street, premises which were occupied by the firm for many years and now the site of the site of the Savoy Cinema. The title W and H M Goulding came into being in 1846 when Humphreys Manders Goulding joined his elder brother in the business at the age of 26.

An early interest in agricultural materials was shown by the sale of Goulding’s Anti-smut Composition for seed wheat, which appeared on the market in 1844. The firm became agents for patent sheep and cattle dressings in 1854, and in the same year sold fertilisers produced by the British Economical Manure Company. The year also marked the beginning of Goulding’s interest in superphosphate manufacture. A small tonnage of superphostate was thus produced in their premises available at St Patrick Street and Nelson Place (now Emmett Place) and would have been inadequate and unsuitable for large scale manufacture. The results of these pilot-plant experiments must, however have been sufficiently encouraging to warrant bigger operations, for the Goulding Brothers procured additional premises for superphostate production in the following year, 1856. During 1855 and 1856, the premises of the Glen Distillery at Blackpool, in Cork, came on the market. This property comprised mills, kilns, stores, chimneys, spacious yards and various items of machinery and plant, and it was this property which, the Goulding brothers obtained for their manure works.

Superphostate manufacture at this time involved treating ground bones with sulphuric acid, the reaction being carried out in wooden tubs, cast-iron horse troughs, or even on the bare ground. The resulting material was removed to stores and allowed to dry out. All operations were by hand, and output was necessarily small. For example the total sales for the season 1860/ 61 season were no more than the 1960 production of superphosphate from one works for one week.

While bones were available locally, sulphuric acid had to be imported during the early years. The purchase of acid from outside sources was a serious drawback to the early development of the business. To remedy the situation, an acid plant, was built in 1860 and had been extended to five chambers by 1868. The sulphuric acid was produced from sulphur initially, but pyrites were also used at an early stage, and certainly not later than 1864. The pyrites could be purchased for £1/5 per ton and was readily available from the Avoca mines in Co Wicklow, while sulphur cost £7 per ton. In 1861, following the introduction of the acid plant, five special manures were offered in addition to superphostate. During the period 1861 to 1888 delivery of manures from Cork rose from 857 tons to 7,139 tons, and the demand was so great that it was considered to open a new factory. Dublin was selected as the location for this new works as it had good port facilities and was well placed for the delivery of manures.

To be continued…



732a. Cork Docklands, 1949 (source: Cork City Library)

Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 March 2014

Question to the Manager:

To ask the City Manager what the Council’s response will be to the recent call by government for a public-private partnership for a National Disapora Centre, where the government will part fund a centre; will the Council be applying to develop the centre in Cork? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)



To fix the cracked footpath outside the house numbers 1-5 Douglas Drive, Pic-Du-Jer Park, Ballinlough (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

That the Council replace the trees that fell in the recent storms on Beechwood Park green (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 6 March 2014

731a. Verolme Dockyard,1960

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

 Cork Independent, 6 March 2014

Technical Memories (Part 74) – Keel Encounters”


Verolme occupied the site of the old yard at Rushbrooke, where ship repair work had been carried on for a century. The new yard covered a much larger area, a great deal of which was reclaimed from the estuary of the River Lee. The outstanding features of the new yard in 1960 were the huge 230 feet long plating shop and the new 668 feet building slip-way. The slip-way was flanked by two giant mobile 40-ton cranes, which were used to transport the plates from the workshop to the slip-way.

In accordance with the Verolme system of using the most modern techniques, the work was carried out by methods of prefabrication in the plating shop, which contained the most up-to-date shipbuilding machinery, and was equipped with a variety of cranes, some of which were run on overhead girders. As one journalist noted at the time “everything was designed for efficiency, combined with speed in production”. The opening on Saturday 15 October 1960 coincided with the laying of the keel of the first ship to be built in the new yard, a 14,700 ton dry cargo vessel for Irish Shipping Ltd. The vessel, 500 feet long, was the biggest to be built in the country, outside of Belfast. Guests who attended the opening of the shipyard – they numbered over 400 and included a large party form Dublin – saw some of these modern techniques in operation at the keel-laying ceremony. The keel section, which had been prefabricated in the workshop, was something new in keel construction. Instead of a single plate, as was usual in other yards, it consisted of a bottom and inner keel, joined together by separating plates. The section, weighing about 38 tons, was picked up in the workshop by the large 40-ton overhead crane, which travelled along the workshop on rails.

Outside the doors of the workshop the keel section was picked by one of the great mobile cranes, which then moved down its tracks and placed the keel section in the correct position on the slipway.  The first stage in the actual building of the first ship in the new dockyard was completed in a matter of minutes. Incidentally the ship had not been given a name, and had been known only as no. 645 on the Verolme books. The beginning of shipbuilding had not awaited the final completion of the yard. Steel was imported from Great Britain for the building of the new ship. The conveyor system which was to bring the imported steel from the ships, unloading at a nearby jetty, to the workshop, was still in the course of completion. It was to be some time before the jetty was ready. In the meantime, a special crane equipped with magnets, was used to lift the plates and get them on the conveyor.

Although part of the keel was been laid, work was still proceeding on the building of the slip-way, about two thirds of which was completed. The construction of the slip-way, and the dockyard area generally, involved a great deal of excavation work and extensive piling had gone on for a number of years by the Irish Engineering and Harbour Construction Co. Ltd Dublin. John A Wood Ltd supplied all the gravel for reclamation and all aggregates for the concrete work at the yard. Another new feature of the Dockyards efficiency was an optical tower, in which, by an ingenious system of photographic enlargements, the plans of desired sections of the plates were projected onto the steel for speedy and accurate marking. This was the first time that such a method had been used in ship-building in this country, north or south. In addition new to Ireland was the use of automatic cutters or burners for the shaping of the profiles of plates – another example of modern techniques in the building of ships.

Irish workers were especially trained in Holland for work in the Cork Dockyard. Under the direction of these men, more workers were to be trained in the dockyard at Rushbrooke. Proposing a toast to the venture on the day of the official opening, An Taoiseach Seán Lemass recalled that he had first seen the dockyard 30 years previously. It was then derelict – an area of desolation – and its equipment was rusty, and was shortly afterwards to be sold as scrap. He then entertained the hope that day that the dockyard might be restored, but the outlook in the depressed thirties had not been bright and at the time dozens of vessels lay at permanent anchor before going on their last journey to the ship breakers. The picture remained unchanged until the war and the foundation of Irish Shipping Ltd and the taking over of the old dockyard to maintain and repair the collection of vessels acquired by Irish Shipping and which remained Ireland’s Lifeline through those difficult years. Seán Lemass spoke of the decision to carry on the work of the shipyard in the post war years and the important event in 1958 when the Irish Ambassador in the Hague made contact with Mr Cornelis Verolme and put him and the board of Cork Dockyard Ltd in touch with each other.

To be continued…



732a. Verolme Dockyard, 1960 (source: John Brennan, The Yard, A History of Shipbuilding at Rushbrooke, Cobh).