Daily Archives: December 9, 2013

Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 December 2013


Question to the Manager:


To ask the manager when will the Fireman’s Hut, formerly on St Patrick’s Street, be located in Fitzgerald’s Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)





To fix the faulty lights at the junction of Skehard road and Church Road Blackrock. When pressing the button for walking across the road and when the green man indicates it is safe to cross on the chemist side of the junction, there is still a green light showing on the Skehard side of the junction allowing cars to carry on, which has caused a couple of near misses (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).


To seek a second ‘lollypop’ warden for Eglantine National School on Eglantine Park due to the large numbers of children crossing over the road at that location (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)