Tramore Valley Draft Masterplan, 22 September 2012

Letter Recently Circulated to Houses on South Douglas and Adjoining Estates


22 September 2012



Re: Tramore Valley Draft Masterplan


Dear Resident,

The attached is an overview of the development of Tramore Valley Park or the former dump into a municipal park. Many resident groups in the area, as well as current and former councillors and TDs, have lobbied hard to get the ‘dump’ closed and ready for the next phase of development. The next stage can be read amongst the pages attached. The project, I feel is an exciting and positive one, but you the resident will have to live adjacent to it. There are a number of issues that need to be thrashed out including the regulation of the access points to the park through the adjacent estates. Have a read of the attached. The full draft masterplan document in colour can be viewed at:



Comments and submissions from the public on the Masterplan are welcome to the following email address: Or by post to: Environment and Recreation Directorate, Cork City Council, Angelsea Street Cork. Please have submissions for consideration in by Friday 5 October 2012.


I would also like to ask for any stories or pictures residents may have of the Black Ash before its development as a dump, in particular in light of a new historical walking tour I am developing across the site, which focuses in on the physical views from the new park and the area’s local history.

Yours sincerely,


Cllr Kieran McCarthy