Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager for a breakdown of the expenses incurred on (a) the curtains around the Council Chamber, (b) the cost of research, and framing the photographs outside the Lord Mayor’s office and (c) the cost of research, and framing of the former Lord Mayor’s portraits in the former City manager’s office in the Lord Mayor’s Room (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To repair the road from the start of Burke’s Hill, Lotamore to the GAA Pitch in Mayfield (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the introduction of legislation to support complaints about high hedges not being cut back to sustainable levels/ heights/ widths in private estates. In the UK Part 8 of their Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 allows for their Councils to mediate between parties whose hedges and trees have overgrown and are affecting the house next door in several ways. The UK documentation on High Hedge legislation is at the following link, (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)