Celebrating Cork’s Past

Celebrating Cork’s Past

Over sixty Cork historical societies and groups will gather for an exhibition at the Millennium Hall, Cork City Hall on Thursday 30 September (12am-6pm) to celebrate Cork’s past. Exhibitors from the Gaeltacht regions of the county to the inner city will present panels outlining their local history. This is the second time that such as venture has been attempted. The half day long exhibition aims to present an afternoon of talks and chat bringing a cross section of Cork’s finest historians and ‘caretakers’ of Cork’s past to speak about the Cork region’s history and memories as only they know how. The theme of the exhibition is celebration and participation.

Cllr Kieran McCarthy is offering free tours to school groups of the exhibition every half an hour. Places are limited. Please call Kieran at 0876553389 for more information.

Recent Celebrating Cork's Past, September 2010