Community Meetings

Local election candidate Kieran McCarthy is outraged at the fact that Cork City Council has failed to adequately include the Ballinlough and Blackrock area in the Draft Cork Strategic Development Plan 2009-2015.  The Independent Candidate has learned that while Cork City Council have made some reference to the area in the plan, it has not addressed some of the key developments in the area.


Most disappointing according to the candidate for the south east ward is the Council’s failure to adequately make provision for the development of the burgeoning suburbs which he believes are critical to the health of the whole constituency. In the last development plan (2004-2009) which finishes this year only one third of the thirty initiatives planned for the south east of the city were carried out. This time round Mr. McCarthy notes that Ballinlough and Blackrock areas with a stock of circa 5,000 households are not highlighted in the suburban strategy section of the plan. While the plan does make some reference to the docklands, he is concerned by the fact that if that development does not come together, the overall area will gain very little from the development plan.

Kieran McCarthy noted: “Cork City Council’s failure to include Ballinlough and Blackrock will have detrimental consequences for the areas. The plan does not make adequate provison for employment needs, social services, community facilities and community life. The Council talks alot about sustainability but I don’t see what is sustainable about the plan for Ballinlough and Blackrock”.

To address the lack of planning  and to make a community submission to the City Council, Mr. McCarthy is holding two community meetings; the first in Blackrock Castle on Monday 6 April at 7.30p.m. and the second in Blackrock Hurling club on Tuesday 7 April at 7.30p.m. The event is free and residents in Ballinlough and Blackrock are welcome and encouraged to attend to help Mr. McCarthy make a community submission to the City development plan.

Mr. McCarthy can be contacted at 087 655 3389 for further details.

The Marina Walk