Daily Archives: January 19, 2025

Cllr McCarthy: Non Opening of Access Path Deeply Frustrating, 20 January 2025

Former Lord Mayor and Independent Cllr Kieran McCarthy has reiterated his deep frustration for the non opening of the access pedestrian and walking path behind Douglas-Rochestown Educate Together National School, which connects the school to the Mangala or Ballybrack Walkway.

The route is a three-way project between Cork City Council, Cairn Homes and the Department of Education. Cork City Council  has confirmed that all stakeholders involved in the project are working to deliver the Ballybrack Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme, which aims to provide improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians along the greenway route and have been liaising with all concerned parties to this end.

However, Cllr McCarthy noted;

“I have had numerous calls and correspondence from parents and guardians asking about the opening of the path. Currently the pathway along the Old Carrigaline Road is the main pathway. This pathway is just too narrow and too dangerous for the amount of children and parents and guardians and teachers who walk to and from the school everyday. Like my colleagues I have been lobbying to get the pedestrian and cycleway path to open. From my perspective it has been too long a process and a deeply frustrating one. And I know that has been the perspective of many parents who voiced their concerns on local radio and within local newspapers.

Deadlines have once again passed this week. I spoke with the City Council’s Director of Infrastructure to once again express my deep frustration and that of parents and guardians. The current update is that the pathway will open when public pathway lights will be installed by the local developer Cairn Homes. This is for fear of claims during the current dark mornings. The developer is seeking out temporary public lighting systems to enable the opening of the pathway. There is no time frame on this acquisition. I implore that this process be sped up. I will keep my pressure on the City Council’s Infrastructure Directorate”, concluded Cllr McCarthy.