Monthly Archives: August 2023

Lord Mayor of Cork, The Echo Column, 12 August 2023

This week coming is National Heritage Week and it celebrates Ireland’s cultural, built and natural heritage. This week’s theme is Living Heritage and the week brings together volunteers, community groups and heritage enthusiasts to share their experience, knowledge culture and practices.

The tours I have chosen for National Heritage Week this year are all important areas in Cork city’s development plus they all have a unique sense of place and identity. I will host seven tours. There is no booking involved and all are free. My tours are the tip of the iceberg, so to spea,k on the array of events on this week in Cork City. Check out National Heritage for more information on talks and walks on the City and its region.

Sunday 13 August 2023, Cork Through the Ages, An Introduction to the Historical Development of Cork City; meet at the National Monument, Grand Parade, 6.30pm (free, two hours, no booking required). 

 Cork City possesses a unique character derived from a combination of its plan, topography, built fabric and its location on the lowest crossing point of the River Lee as it meets the tidal estuary and the second largest natural harbour in the world. This tour explores the city’s earliest historical phases. In particular there is a focus on the walled town of Cork, which would have dominated the swampy estuary of the River Lee. Imagine an eight to ten-metre high and two-metre-wide rubble wall of limestone and sandstone, creeking drawbridges, mud filled main streets and laneways, as well as timber and stone built dwellings complete with falling roof straw and a smokey atmosphere from lit house fires keeping out the damp.

Monday 14 August 2023, Shandon Historical Walking Tour; explore Cork’s most historic quarter; meet at North Main Street/ Adelaide Street Square, opp Cork Volunteer Centre, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required).  

 Tradition is one way to sum up the uniqueness of Shandon Street. Despite being a physical street, one can stroll down (or clamber up), the thoroughfare holds a special place in the hearts of many Corkonians.  The legacy of by-gone days is rich. The street was established by the Anglo-Normans as a thoroughfare to give access to North Gate Drawbridge and was originally known as Mallow Lane. Different architectural styles reflect not only the street’s long history but also Cork’s past.

The name Shandon comes from the Irish word ‘Sean Dún’, which means old fort and it said to mark the ringfort of the Irish family, MacCárthaigh who lived in the area circa 1,000 A.D. The site of this fort is now marked by the Firkin Crane, Dance Cork centre. Nearby St Anne’s Shandon was built in 1722 to replace the older and local church of St. Mary’s, Shandon, which was destroyed in the siege of Cork in 1690 by English forces. In 1750 the firm of Abel Rudhall in Gloucester cast the famous bells of Shandon. On 7 December 1752, the bells were first used and were rung in celebration and recognition of the marriage of a certain Mr Henry Harding to Miss Catherine Dorman. Inscriptions can be found on the bells, which contain messages of joy and death.

Tuesday 15 August 2023, The City Workhouse and St Finbarr’s Hospital; meet just inside the gates of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, 6.30pm (free, two hours, no booking required). 

The Cork workhouse, which opened in December 1841, was an isolated place – built beyond the toll house and toll gates, which gave entry to the city and which stood just below the end of the wall of St. Finbarr’s Hospital in the vicinity of the junction of the Douglas and Ballinlough Roads. The Douglas Road workhouse was also one of the first of over 130 workhouses to be designed by the Poor Law Commissioners’ architect George Wilkinson. 

 Wednesday 16 August 2023, Cork South Docklands, in association with the Cork Jewish Community and Heritage Team; meet at Kennedy Park, Victoria Road, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required). 

Much of the story of Cork’s modern development is represented in Cork South Docklands. The history of the port, transport, technology, modern architecture, agriculture, sport, the urban edge with the river – all provide an exciting cultural debate in teasing out how Cork as a place came into being.  

Friday 18 August 2023, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain StreetHistorical walking tour; Discover the area around St Patrick’s Hill -Old Youghal Road to McCurtain Street; meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required). 

 This is a tour that brings the participant from the top of St Patrick’s Hill to the eastern end of McCurtain Street through Wellington Road. The tour will speak about the development of the Collins Barracks ridge and its hidden and interesting architectural heritage.

 Saturday 19 August 2023, Douglas and its History, in association with Douglas Tidy Towns; Discover the history of industry and the development of this historic village, meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 2pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required, circuit of village, finishes nearby). 

The story of Douglas and its environs is in essence a story of experimentation, of industry and of people and social improvement. The story of one of Ireland largest sailcloth factories is a worthwhile topic to explore in terms of its aspiration in its day in the eighteenth century. That coupled with the creation of forty or so seats or mansions and demesnes made it a place where the city’s merchants made their home in. Douglas makes also makes for an interesting place to study as many historical legacies linger in village’s surrounding landscapes.

 Sunday 20 August 2023, Views from a Park – The Black Ash and Tramore Valley Park, historical walking tour; meet at Halfmoon Lane gate, 2pm (free, duration: 90 minutes, no booking required). 

Historically William Petty’s 1655 map of the city and its environs marks the site of Tramore Valley Park as Spittal Lands, a reference to the original local environment and the backing up of the Trabeg and Tramore tributary rivers as they enter the Douglas River channel. We are lucky that there are also really interesting perspectives on the area recorded through the ages.

Come and take a walk with me this week!

National Heritage Week Tours with Lord Mayor Cllr Kieran McCarthy

(All tours free, no booking required, all finish near their original start)

Sunday 13 August 2023, Cork Through the Ages, An Introduction to the Historical Development of Cork City; meet at the National Monument, Grand Parade, 6.30pm. 

Monday 14 August 2023, Shandon Historical Walking Tour; explore Cork’s most historic quarter; meet at North Main Street/ Adelaide Street Square, opp. Cork Volunteer Centre, 6.30pm.  

Tuesday 15 August 2023, The City Workhouse and St Finbarr’s Hospital; meet just inside the gates of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, 6.30pm. 

Wednesday 16 August 2023, Cork South Docklands, in association with the Cork Jewish Community and Heritage Team; meet at Kennedy Park, Victoria Road, 6.30pm. 

Friday 18 August 2023, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain Street; Historical walking tour; meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm. 

Saturday 19 August 2023, Douglas and its History, in association with Douglas Tidy Towns, meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 2pm. 

Sunday 20 August 2023, Views from a Park – The Black Ash and Tramore Valley Park; meet at Halfmoon Lane gate, 2pm.

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 10 August 2023

1214a. Former Cork Savings Bank, Lapp's Quay, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).
1214a. Former Cork Savings Bank, Lapp’s Quay, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 10 August 2023

Cork Heritage Open Day, 12 August 2023

Another Cork heritage open day is looming. The 2023 event will take place on Saturday 12 August. For one day only, over 40 buildings open their doors free of charge for this special event.  Members of the public are allowed a glimpse of some of Cork’s most fascinating buildings ranging from the medieval to the military, the civic to the commercial and the educational to the ecclesiastical. This event was greeted with great enthusiasm by building owners and members of the public alike in 2022 with an estimated 23,000 people participating on the day.

   It is always a great opportunity to explore behind some of Cork’s grandest buildings. With the past of a port city, Cork architecture has a personality that varied and much is hidden amongst the city’s narrow streets and laneways. It is a photogenic city, which lights up with sunshine as it hits the limestone buildings. Much of its architecture is also inspired by international styles – the British style of artwork and nineteenth century brick pervading in most cases– but it’s always pays to look up in Cork and marvel at the Amsterdamesque-style of our eighteenth century structures on streets such as Oliver Plunkett Street or at the gorgeous tall spires of the city’s nineteenth-century churches.

    Cork Heritage Open Day is eighteen years in the making and with 40 buildings it is almost impossible to visit them all in one day. It takes a few goes to get to them all and spend time appreciating their physical presence in our city but also the often hidden context of why such buildings and their communities came together and their contribution to the modern day picture of the city.

The team behind the Open Day, Cork City Council, do group the buildings into general themes, Steps and Steeples, Customs and Commerce, Medieval to Modern, Saints and Scholars and Life and Learning – one can walk the five trails to discover a number of buildings within these general themes. These themes remind the participant to remember how our city spreads from the marsh to the undulating hills surrounding it, how layered and storied the city’s past is, how the city has been blessed to have many scholars contributing to its development in a variety of ways and how the way of life in Cork is intertwined with a strong sense of place and ambition. For a small city, it packs a punch in its approaches to national and international interests.

For example, the trail the Customs and Commerce is a very apt way to describe the layers of our city. The trail walk encompasses some of the amazing buildings in the city centre, but also some where you come away going, “why haven’t I seen this hidden gem before”. Such buildings track the commercial history of Cork City and highlight its many industries over time. For the more energetic walker this route can be combined with the Medieval to Modern walking route. Re-imagine the turning of the wheels of the trams at the National Sculpture Factory, learn about local government in the City Hall, think highly of the multiple stories of the city’s masons and carpenters at the Carpenter’s Hall, and look at the fine details on the pillars within the Old Cork Savings Bank on the South Mall.

The Cork Savings Bank was established in 1817 following the passing of a law to encourage the establishment of savings banks across England and Ireland. Savings Banks targeted the lower income groups of society with the aim of encouraging thrift amongst these users, offering security for their savings whilst paying a fixed interest on deposits. In November 1839 the design submitted by the architectural practice of Thomas and Kearns Deane was chosen for the new Cork Savings Bank, to be located on the corner of Lapp’s Quay and Warren’s Place (now Parnell Place).

            The building was opened for business in 1842 and a plaque above the doorway to the banking hall commemorates the date and those responsible for designing and building the bank. It continued to operate as a bank until 2012, when owners, Trustee Savings Bank, closed a number of branches, including Lapps Quay. In 2015, UCC made a decision to locate their Centre for Executive Education in a dynamic, city centre location, and entered into an agreement with Cork City Council to re-use the former Savings Bank on Lapp’s Quay for this purpose. To facilitate this refurbishment and reuse of the Savings Bank a new extension was constructed within the enclosed yard to the east.

In 2015, UCC decided to locate their Centre for Executive Education in a dynamic city centre location and entered into an agreement with Cork City Council to re-use the former Savings Bank on Lapp’s Quay for this purpose. To facilitate this refurbishment and reuse of the Savings Bank a new extension was constructed within the enclosed yard to the east.

The new extension enables direct circulation across the upper floors of the former secretary’s house on Parnell Place to the southern rooms of the Bank. This extension also facilitates circulation through the building without requiring one to circulate through the main Banking Hall (facilitating reusing the Banking Hall as an independent multi-purpose/ conference facility).

Support functions for toilets and required services have also been efficiently catered for in this new construction, facilitating maintaining the large historic rooms in their original form. The new accommodation is hidden from view from the exterior of the landmark historic building, but is designed to read clearly as a modern addition from within the building.

See for more information on the city’s great Heritage Open Day and then the day is followed by National Heritage Week.

Full set of Kieran’s upcoming National Heritage Week tours are at under Kieran’s heritage tours.


1214a. Former Cork Savings Bank, Lapp’s Quay, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).

1214b. Beautiful and imposing interior ceiling of Former Cork Savings Bank, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).

1214b. Beautiful and imposing interior ceiling of Former Cork Savings Bank, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).
1214b. Beautiful and imposing interior ceiling of Former Cork Savings Bank, present day (picture: Kieran McCarthy).

Lord Mayor Speech, Party at the Port, Cork Pride Festival, 6 August 2023

Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Kiran McCarthy. Clive Davis of Cork Pride Festival and Lady Mayoress of Cork Marcelline Bonneau, Cork Pride Parade, 6 August 2023 (picture: Cork City Council)
Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Kiran McCarthy. Clive Davis of Cork Pride Festival and Lady Mayoress of Cork Marcelline Bonneau, Cork Pride Parade, 6 August 2023 (picture: Cork City Council)

Dear Friends,

Let me start with my two core messages I wish to impart to you.

Firstly Love who you want to Love.

And Secondly be who want to be.

Life is too short to be only part of yourself and ultimately you only pass through here once.

And yes when I make these messages I say them as a heterosexual cis gender middle-aged white man, and I have been very lucky to love who I wanted and want to love and lucky to be who I want to be.

But I have also seen with my own eyes through meeting with constituents, going into the eye of neighbourhood life and listening to passionate Council colleagues that everyone should be able to love who they want and be who you want to be.

Why should one person not experience it because of bigotry by a few.

It is apparent the history of campaigning has been long and arduous, emotionally, mentally draining and has had hurtfilled days, but there have also been some really great days, where the sun did shine as Ireland moved forward with a massive societal jump.

This year in particular, 30 years on from the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Ireland, we can reflect on the hard-won victories that have made Ireland a more inclusive and equal society.

And it has been the saying of positive and supportive messages such as what I have opened with over and over again – putting these messages on repeat, which has brought us to this moment in time – in particular over the last 30 years the vast majority of walls of intolerance and battleships have been replaced with walls of empathy and partnerships.

Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Kieran McCarthy & Lady Mayoress of Cork, Marcelline Bonneau at the Cork Pride Parade Parade, 6 August 2023 (picture: Cork City Council)
Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Kieran McCarthy & Lady Mayoress of Cork, Marcelline Bonneau at the Cork Pride Parade Parade, 6 August 2023 (picture: Cork City Council)

But the job is far from being done.

We need to keep building empathy and partnership. Both are crucial. We need to keep communicating on why we need to keep building empathy and building partnership.

And yes there are trickles of intolerance and bigotry remaining with a small minority who speak in a type of emotional bullying as if they represent the majority viewpoint -` but let me reiterate today they do not.

And yes there are days when it feels like this country is going backwards, or stuck in the past, or advancing on certain issues at a snail’s pace.

But all of us here today are travelling forward together and the vast vast majority of Cork and Irish people are moving forward in a spirit of hope and collaboration.

And let me tell you this the 5 per cent of society, who remain as bigots and lack empathy, must never become the mainstream narrative.

We must never let intolerance win; we must never let our democracy be undermined. We must never let ideas of hope be undermined.

We need to keep building an inclusive and fair democracy.

If that means all of us keep fighting together for immediate future and beyond let’s do it – but let’s do it together.

And we need to not only keep building hope but creating practical roadmaps that carry out ideas of hope as well.

 For example, the importance of Pride is ongoing, not only as a celebration but as a way to reflect upon all of the progress that has been made in terms of LGBT+ rights.

Pride is a very important time of year. It gives the LGBT+ community and its supporters the opportunity to come together, build a sense of togetherness and celebrate Cork as a diverse, welcoming city and region.

It is a real joy to see the vibrancy and enthusiasm people bring to Cork LGBT+ Pride each year.

Pride also serves as a reminder that it is essential to continue working towards making Cork and Ireland a safer and more inclusive place. 

Pride offers a crucial opportunity to show solidarity with all LGBT+ people.

For many years now as well Cork City Council’s Community Section and Cork City Inter-Agency Group have also pursued supportive LGBTI+ inclusion projects and events, working with the strong vibrant LGBTI+ community in Cork.

These projects are crucial to be enhanced and supported.

I would like to thank the Cork LGBT+ Pride Festival team, volunteers, sponsors and partners, who all work to make this event possible.

So when I say of this can I wish everyone a happy and safe Pride,

And please love who you want to love and please be who you want to be.

Corcaigh abú.

Go raibh maith agaibh.

Lord Mayor of Cork’s The Echo Column, 5 August, 2023

The Soulful City:

This week’s set of Lord Mayoral duties involved the launch of many activities on the flat of the city, and it has been great to grab some fresh air walking to many of them.

Some wise person once articulated that the best way to get to know a city is to walk it. In Cork you can get lost in narrow streets, marvel at old cobbled lane ways, photograph old street corners, look up beyond the modern shopfronts, gaze at clues from the past, be enthused and at the same time disgusted by a view, smile at interested locals, engage in the forgotten and the remembered, search and connect for something of oneself, thirst in the sense of story-telling – in essence feel the DNA of the place.

Cork has a soul, which is packed full of ambition and heart. Giving walking tours for 30 years has allowed me to bring people on a journey into that soul but also receive feedback on the wider contexts of what visitors and locals have seen elsewhere. Cork is a city packed with historic gems all waiting to be discovered at every street corner.  The upcoming and annual Cork Heritage Open Day and National Heritage week will even showcase such gems even more.

Cork Heritage Open Day 2023 Edition:

The 2023 Cork Heritage Open Day edition will take place on Saturday 12 August. For one day only, over 40 buildings open their doors free of charge for this special event.  Members of the public are allowed a glimpse of some of Cork’s most fascinating buildings ranging from the medieval to the military, the civic to the commercial and the educational to the ecclesiastical. This event was greeted with great enthusiasm by building owners and members of the public alike in 2022 with an estimated 23,000 people participating on the day.

Cork Heritage Open Day is eighteen years in the making and with over 35 buildings it is almost impossible to visit them all in one day. It takes a few goes to get to them all and spend time appreciating their physical presence in our city but also the often hidden context of why such buildings and their communities came together and their contribution to the modern day picture of the city.

The team behind the Open Day, Cork City Council, do group the buildings into general themes, Steps and Steeples, Customs and Commerce, Medieval to Modern, Saints and Scholars and Life and Learning – one can walk the five trails to discover a number of buildings within these general themes. These themes remind the participant to remember how our city spreads from the marsh to the undulating hills surrounding it, how layered and storied the city’s past is, how the city has been blessed to have many scholars contributing to its development in a variety of ways and how the way of life in Cork is intertwined with a strong sense of place and ambition. For a small city, it packs a punch in its approaches to national and international interests. See for more.

Meeting Notes from the Lord Mayor’s Desk:

My social media at present is filled with short interviews with people I am meeting. It is a personal pet project I call #VoicesofCork, which over the next few weeks and months will build into not only a mapping of the diversity of the work of the Lord Mayor but most importantly also to give a voice to a cross-section of those I meet.

27 July 2023, I was delighted to launch the Spirit of Mother Jones Festival at Shandon’s Maldron Hotel. The 2023 Spirit of Mother Jones Festival took place from Thursday 27 July to Saturday 29 July.The festival celebrates the life and achievements of Cork woman, Mary Harris. She was born in the Shandon area in 1837 and went on to become Mother Jones, known as the “most dangerous woman in America” due to her activism on behalf of the miners, and exploited workers.

27 July 2023, A meeting with Rosemary McDonald of Cork City Council & William Walsh of Billy’s Rent a Goat who explained the use of goats to stem back an invasive species in Beaumont Quarry. Many thanks to Cork Nature Network as well for their championing of this project.

28 July 2023, I was delighted to launch Cork Craft Month. Cork Craft & Design (CCD) runs Cork Craft Month annually to encourage greater awareness of craft and increase sales of locally made products for their members. CCD is a social enterprise supporting and promoting professional craft makers working in a variety of disciplines all living and working in Cork city and county. Their aim is to promote Cork Craft, increase the range of supports available to our members and engage as many people as possible in the story of Craft in Cork.

29 July 2023, My Lord Mayor’s Walking Tours continue. The Tramore Valley Park tour continues to explore the development of the area from being a swamp through to being a landfill and then onto being an artificial mound to enable the development of a park. What is also great is the rich historical archive of documents and maps, which reveal not only historical development of the immediate area but also the surrounds of the southern suburbs. I will be hosting more tours of other parts of the city in August. The listing can be viewed on my website under walking tours.

31 July 2023, It was an inspiring morning in Knocknaheeny celebrating the amazing Denise O’Sullivan and her part in the Irish World Cup soccer team. I was very honoured to meet very proud family & friends as well as Cllr Tony Fitzgerald. Many thanks Denise for everything you do.

30-31 July 2023, It was the start of Cork Pride 2023 with Cork City & County LGBT + Pride on Tour bus with Cork City Council and Garda Traffic. has all the details and it is one of the over 25 fab annual Cork City festivals. I was also proud to raise the Pride Progress flag at Cork City Hall. 

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 3 August 2023

DKANE 1st April 2023 REPRO FREE Local Historian Cllr Kieran McCarthy hosting the Shandon Historical Walking Tour for the Cork Life Long Learning Festival.  Pic Darragh Kane
DKANE 1st April 2023 REPRO FREE Local Historian Cllr Kieran McCarthy hosting the Shandon Historical Walking Tour for the Cork Life Long Learning Festival. Pic Darragh Kane

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 3 August 2023

Kieran’s National Heritage Week Tours, 12-20 August 2023

Another summer month to come and more opportunities to take a historical walking tour. The tours I have chosen for National Heritage Week this year are all important areas in the city’s development plus they all have a unique sense of place and identity. I will host seven tours, and all are free. There is no booking required bar the one for Cork City Hall for Cork Heritage Open Day.

 Saturday 12 August 2023, A Tour of Cork City Hall as part of Cork Heritage Open Day, 9.30am, meet at entrance at Anglesea Street entrance (90 minutes, booking required from Cork Heritage Open Day website with Cork City Council).

Learn about the early history of Cork City Hall and Cork City Council; learn about the development of the building and visit the Lord Mayor’s Room. The current structure replaced the old City Hall, which was destroyed in the Burning of Cork in 1920. It was designed by Architects Jones and Kelly and built by the Cork Company Sisks. The foundation stone was laid by Eamon de Valera, President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State, on 9 July 1932.

Sunday 13 August 2023, Cork Through the Ages, An Introduction to the Historical Development of Cork City; meet at the National Monument, Grand Parade, 6.30pm (free, two hours, no booking required). 

 Cork City city possesses a unique character derived from a combination of its plan, topography, built fabric and its location on the lowest crossing point of the River Lee as it meets the tidal estuary and the second largest natural harbour in the world. This tour explores the city’s earliest historical phases.

Monday 14 August 2023, Shandon Historical Walking Tour; explore Cork’s most historic quarter; meet at North Main Street/ Adelaide Street Square, opp Cork Volunteer Centre, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required).  

 Tradition is one way to sum up the uniqueness of Shandon Street. Despite being a physical street, one can stroll down (or clamber up), the thoroughfare holds a special place in the hearts of many Corkonians.  The legacy of by-gone days is rich. The street was established by the Anglo-Normans as a thoroughfare to give access to North Gate Drawbridge and was originally known as Mallow Lane. Different architectural styles reflect not only the street’s long history but also Cork’s past.

Tuesday 15 August 2023, The City Workhouse and St Finbarr’s Hospital; meet just inside the gates of St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road, 6.30pm (free, two hours, no booking required). 

The Cork workhouse, which opened in December 1841, was an isolated place – built beyond the toll house and toll gates, which gave entry to the city and which stood just below the end of the wall of St. Finbarr’s Hospital in the vicinity of the junction of the Douglas and Ballinlough Roads. The Douglas Road workhouse was also one of the first of over 130 workhouses to be designed by the Poor Law Commissioners’ architect George Wilkinson. 

 Wednesday 16 August 2023, Cork South Docklands, in association with the Cork Jewish Community and Heritage Team; meet at Kennedy Park, Victoria Road, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required). 

Much of the story of Cork’s modern development is represented in Cork South Docklands. The history of the port, transport, technology, modern architecture, agriculture, sport, the urban edge with the river – all provide an exciting cultural debate in teasing out how Cork as a place came into being.  

Friday 18 August 2023, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain StreetHistorical walking tour; Discover the area around St Patrick’s Hill – Old Youghal Road to McCurtain Street; meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required). 

 This is a tour that brings the participant from the top of St Patrick’s Hill to the eastern end of McCurtain Street through Wellington Road. The tour will speak about the development of the Collins Barracks ridge and its hidden and interesting architectural heritage.

 Saturday 19 August 2023, Douglas and its History, in association with Douglas Tidy Towns; Discover the history of industry and the development of this historic village, meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 2pm (free, duration: two hours, no booking required, circuit of village, finishes nearby). 

The story of Douglas and its environs is in essence a story of experimentation, of industry and of people and social improvement. The story of one of Ireland largest sailcloth factories is a worthwhile topic to explore in terms of its aspiration in its day in the eighteenth century. That coupled with the creation of forty or so seats or mansions and demesnes made it a place where the city’s merchants made their home in. Douglas makes also makes for an interesting place to study as many historical legacies linger in village’s surrounding landscapes.

 Sunday 20 August 2023, Views from a Park – The Black Ash and Tramore Valley Park, historical walking tour; meet at Halfmoon Lane gate, 2pm (free, duration: 90 minutes, no booking required). 

Historically William Petty’s 1655 map of the city and its environs marks the site of Tramore Valley Park as Spittal Lands, a reference to the original local environment and the backing up of the Trabeg and Tramore tributary rivers as they enter the Douglas River channel. We are lucky that there are also really interesting perspectives on the area recorded through the ages.


1213a. Lord Mayor Cllr Kieran McCarthy giving a historical walking tour on Shandon earlier this year (picture: Darragh Kane).