Monthly Archives: August 2023

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 31 August 2023

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 31 August 2023

Recasting Cork: Results of the 1923 General Election

On 27 August 1923, at the conclusion of the polling for membership of Dáil Éireann in the Cork Borough (one of 30 constituencies) the ballot boxes from the different electoral areas were conveyed to the City Courthouse and launched in the Sub Sheriff’s Office.

Returning officer Mr Francis Hanrahan and his staff then checked the votes of the absent postal voters, numbering about 205 – the result of this meant their work extended into the small hours of the morning. This work was carefully performed in the presence of the authorised agents of the election candidates.

The following morning, on 28 August 1923, the boxes were brought to the Technical Institute by members of the counting staff. A total of 130 boxes were brought from one building to the other in lorries in which members of the stuff were accompanied by armed military. The first batch of boxes, twenty in number, were brought to the counting room and just after 11am the counting began. Mr Hanrahan with a legal assessor Mr William Mockler were in attendance as well as a number of Civic Guards and military were on duty inside and outside of the building.

The number of public in attendance at the start was small but grew as the day went on. The formal election of Cork City’s five elected candidates would not be made known for a considerable number of hours.

The candidates who sought election were: Alderman James J Walsh, Postmaster-General (Cumann na nGaedheal), Professor Alfred O’Rahilly, Alderman Richard H Beamish (Cork Progressive Association), Andrew O’Shaughnessy (Cork Progressive Association), Mary MacSwiney (Sinn Fein), Con Lucey (Sinn Féin), Alderman Frederick Murray (Sinn Féin), Timothy Corcoran (Farmer’s Association), Robert Day (Labour), R S Anthony (Labour), William Kenneally (Labour), Captain Jeremiah Collins (Independent), and Sir John Harley Scot (Independent). Those candidates included three outgoing members Alderman J J Walsh Robert Day and Mary MacSwiney.

The initial counting did not conclude until 7pm, and it was then learned that the total poll was 43,256 out of a register of 66,700. The required quote became 7,000 votes. At that point the election count was suspended till the following morning, 29 August. Overnight the checked ballot papers were lodged in a huge box, on which wax seals replaced and the lecture theatre was then closed and all its doors sealed. Outside the doors armed military replaced on duty and representatives of the candidates were permitted to remain within the precincts.

On the following day, 29 August, at 9am the wax seals were broken in the presence of the candidates and their representatives, and the counting was resumed. The only candidate to hit the quota was Alderman James J Walsh who had a surplus of over 10,000 votes above the quota itself. From the start of the count his heading of the poll was assured. Whereas J J Walsh knew his fate early, to reveal the other four successful candidates the count lasted all that day and night and ended at 7.30am on 30 August. Professor Alfred O’Rahilly, Alderman Richard Beamish, Mary MacSwiney and Mr Andrew O’Shaughnessy were then elected in this order.

Tensions remained high though between Sinn Féin and the local Civic Guard. Mary MacSwiney in a letter to the Cork Examiner on 30 August 1923 noted she was unhappy with the raids on Sinn Féin offices and arrests in the City; “Our agents have been arrested in Bantry, rooms rated come out and election literature seized in Clonakilty and a numerous raids and arrests have been affected in the city. Mr J Hennessy, who acted as scrutinising agent yesterday was looked for last night, and his house raided. He was fortunately not at home but as a consequence we are deprived of his services to today. Mr Sean Nolan, who is in a very serious state of health, was arrested at 5.30pm yesterday. He spent the night in the underground dungeons of the Courthouse… what is this brutality for? Just for acting as Sinn Féin director of elections”.

            On 30 August as well a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Cork Progressive Association was held evening in the Offices on the Grand Parade.

Returned TD Mr. James J Walsh for Cumann na nGaedheal was warmly received. He emphasised the fact that the verdict from Cork was an endorsement of the policy pursued by the Government during the past twelve months; “It is therefore an encouragement to them to pursue a strong, firm and just Government, discriminating impartially between all its law-abiding citizens; The combination of Cumann na nGaedheal and Progressives under one banner was a happy augury for the future progress of the city. It combined under one standard the different elements of the community, eliminating sectional entities, and, as the election showed, was endorsed by all classes in Cork”.

Alderman Beamish, who was also enthusiastically received, noted that the election result had clearly indicated one thing, that throughout the country in general, that Irish people were now determined to uphold law, order and progress and that the country was are on “the eve of a new direction of thought”, in which the consistent progress of all Ireland would be the first consideration amongst its members.

In the overall General Election result Cumann na nGaedheal took a majority of seats, which were taken in the Dáil and formed the 2nd Executive Council of the Irish Free State on 19 September 1923. William T Cosgrave again became the President of the Executive Council.


1217a. Front page of report on General Election 1923 (source: National Library, Dublin).

Lord Mayor’s Column, The Echo, 26 August 2023

The Revolutionary Trail:

Hot on the heels of a large interest in this year’s National Heritage Week comes Cork City Council’s Revolutionary trail. Recently launched it gathers information on 30 city centre sites associated with Irish War of Independence. The trail is an online story map and can be accessed on A City Remembers on It charts what happened on the streets of Cork a century ago during the revolutionary period. Journey back in time and learn about the historical significance of 30 local sites. The Cork City Revolution Trail was written by Gerry White and John Borgonovo and is designed by Serena O’Connor. 

At the launch of the online trail, Gerry White presented upon a number of sites. Standing on St Patrick’s Street Gerry spoke at length about the Burning of Cork on 11-12 December 1920. At around 9pm, two hours after the IRA ambushed a patrol of Auxiliaries at Dillon’s Cross, the largest the largest arson attack committed by the Crown forces during the War of Independence took place in the centre of Cork. Known as The Burning of Cork, it resulted in the destruction of the eastern side of St Patrick Street, the City Hall and the Carnegie Free Library. £2,000,000 worth of damage was done and around 2,000 people were made unemployed.

Gerry also showcased the site of the shop belonging to Nora and Shelia Wallace. From 1919 to 1921 this shop served as a secret communications centre and headquarters for the IRA’s Cork No. 1 Brigade.  Sheila served as the Brigade Communications Officer, while Nora acted as a courier and intelligence agent. The sisters also organized Irish Citizen Army branches in the city.

The Project Children Story:

In another time and space, history continued to be another core topic to explore recently. This time the space was Northern Ireland and the time was in the 1970s through to the 1990s.

Project Children, Cork City Council, and the New York County Cork Association and I, were delighted to host a special screening of the award-winning documentary, How to Defuse a Bomb: The Project Children Story, in honour of the Cork homecoming of Project Children founding member, Denis Mulcahy, a retired and highly decorated NYPD Bomb Squad Officer, and to mark the twenty fifth anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

            US based Project Children offered over 24,000 children from all communities in Northern Ireland a six-week summer reprieve in the US, away from the intrinsic, sectarian violence of “The Troubles”, Project Children provided a safe context for cross-community friendships to flourish and for the development of mutual understanding. Founded in 1975, the project represented a monumentally brave step towards healing and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, and has been acknowledged as instrumental in helping world leaders forge the path to peace in Northern Ireland: Denis’ extraordinary story resonates to all that is good in this world.

Denis Mulcahy has received many accolades for his assiduous work promoting the cause of peace in Northern Ireland. He was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work for the children of Northern Ireland and was runner up to the First President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa respectively.

 I was honoured to welcome Denis back to his native Cork for this very special homecoming. Denis’ work over many years constitutes a distinct Corkonian contribution to peace and reconciliation on the island of Ireland.

 In addition to Denis, I was also delighted to celebrate the founder of the Hope Foundation, Maureen Forrest who has dedicated her life to supporting the children of Kolkata in the key areas of child protection; healthcare (including Hope Hospital); education, and vocational training.

Meeting Notes from the Lord Mayor’s Desk:

My social media at present is filled with short interviews with people I am meeting. It is a personal pet project I call #VoicesofCork. This week I connected with artist Chelsea Canavan who spoke about co-creating with the local community in designing a new flag for the Kinship Project in Tramore Valley Park & the call to the public to choose your favourite flag.

August 21, I was honoured to speak at the official opening of the Roches Building at Mercy University Hospital. The building is a 30 Bedded Modular Build with Operating Theatres, which includes the Da Vinci surgical robot in the theatres.

August 20, It was the final tour of my Heritage Week programme, which was held across Tramore Valley Park. I delivered seven tours and many thanks to the over 500 people who participated across the different tours.

August 19, I was delighted to attend Nostalgic About the Future Visions of European Identity in Poetry and Song – A Communicating Europe Initiative. It was a very enjoyable event where poets of Cork Migrant Centre came together with soprano Mary Hegarty to offer reflections on migration challenges & opportunities through poetry and song.

August 19, I had the opportunity to explore the world of Walking football at the Mardyke Arena, which is a very easy and enjoyable way for older adults to stay active, have fun and enjoy the game. Focused mainly on men and women aged over 50, participants walk rather than run, and the game is designed to help participants increase or maintain fitness and can add to a healthy lifestyle.

August 18, I had a courtesy visit to Cork Airport to receive a comprehensive business update, and to meet with members of airport staff and to take a tour of the airport.

August 18, It was great to chat with a number of young people in Blackrock. Serve in Solidarity have launched a mural depicting Sustainable Developments Goals Project. It was funded by the Irish Aid and implemented by Blackrock Youth Club and young people pursuing their Gold An Gaisce awards.

August 17, I attended the Jewish Community Torah event as part of Heritage Week. The Torah is a scroll containing the first five books of the bible. It is written in Biblical Hebrew by hand on parchment from a kosher animal using a quill. The process of writing a Torah takes about a year. A Torah is chanted from during many Jewish services and is central to many Jewish worship services and rituals. This Torah was donated to the Cork Jewish Community by Congregation Agudas Achim-Ezrath Israel.

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article, 24 August 2023

1216a. Mary MacSwiney, c.1920 (picture: Cork City Library).
1216a. Mary MacSwiney, c.1920 (picture: Cork City Library).

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 24 August 2023

Recasting Cork: Sinn Féin Prepares for a General Election

In light of the impending General Election on 30 August 1923, the Sinn Féin election campaign was ramped up. On 24 August 1923 in the city, a public meeting was held on the Grand Parade. Speeches wero delivered by well-known supporters of the Republican movement. The Cork Examiner describes the event. The MacCurtain Pipers’ Band was in attendance. During the meeting bouquets were presented to two of the speakers. Miss Mary MacSwiney and Miss Mary Comerford. Mr Daniel Corkery occupied the chair.

Daniel Corkery, who first spoke in Irish, claimed that the election was an unfair one due to its summer date. He thanked those who were assisting their candidates in the election. He referred to the raiding of the Republican offices in Dublin, the arrest of their director of elections, and the treatment of the prisoners. He appealed to all present to keep together and to join Sinn Féin clubs.

Daniel claimed that the Labour movement had been weakened by its representatives remaining in the Dáil in the post Treaty era. He denoted that the only force in Ireland that had beaten the “capitalistic Press and Capital was the spirit of Irish Nationality”. He continued; “No one from a Republican platform wants to say anything that would injure the Labour Party or divide the ranks of Labour, but there was a terrible fight before the working man in the country”.

Mary MacSwiney, who spoke first in Irish and afterwards in English, received an ovation. She claimed that the Sinn Féin movement were asked to go into the British Empire with their heads up or their hands up with a leadership she could not trust; “We stand for a free and independent Ireland; we swore our oath to the Republic and mean to keep it. mean to make Ireland free and prosperous, and we would not be mislead into thinking that they could make Ireland prosperous by sending work out of Ireland, by sending goods made out of Ireland, and by giving unemployment doles to the people at home”.

Mary argued that the proper way to support Irish industries was by purchasing them and by protecting them and guarding them against all profiteering, and that was what Sinn Féin and the Republican Party promised them to do if they were returned at the General Election.

As regards the interned Republican prisoners in Irish gaols, Mary wanted to tell the assembled crowd that for two months the relatives of the men in Newbridge had no letters from them and had not been allowed send parcels to them. The reason was that the men tried to make a tunnel; “The men in the prisons of the Free State Government could hardly live on the food they were getting, and if they bad extra food and cigarettes they came from friends outside, who at enormous sacrifice were trying to send them a little help”.

There was one matter Mary wanted particularly to deal with. She drew attention to the fact that some of the Republican literature was printed in Manchester. She claimed that the reason they had had to get pamphlets and papers printed in Manchester was because twenty printing machines had been destroyed by the Irish Free State; “We have not been allowed to print even a little leaflet until recently, and since the election campaign began their papers had been seized and burned and their people threatened…we therefore ask them by their votes on Monday next to declare for free speech and for free press, and that we can no longer support people who have hounded the Republicans, who have burned our printing presses and destroyed our means of living, because that is not the will of the people, and the people will not stand for it”.

Mary wished to also say some words about majority rule. She maintained that she was a democrat but would not respect the Irish government giving allegiance to the King of England; “I stand for the upliftment of every man. woman and child in Ireland, for an equal chance for the poor and the rich, but if there was to be inequality that the advantage was to be given to the poor for a change… I stand for the right of every man to the inheritance of his country, that he must be a free citizen in every shape, free to educate his children as he likes, free to bring thorn not with the bare sustenance…I stand tor majority rule, but will never obey a government that gives allegiance to the King of England”.

Professor Stockley, Mr McArthur (Dublin), Mr Nolan, Mr K Walsh, and Máire Comerford also spoke, and appealed for united support for the Republican candidates. Wicklow-born Maire Comerford (1893-1982) was a leading national figure in Cumann nBan during the Irish War of Independence and her anti-Treaty stance led her to go on hunger strikes whilst imprisoned in gaol like Mary MacSwiney. In August 1923 she helped the Sinn Féin General Election campaign in Cork.

On 30 August 1923, Mary MacSwiney was elected for the Cork Borough in the general election. Her two running colleagues for Sinn Féin, Frederick Murray and Con Lucey, were unsuccessful in their quest for a seat.

Upcoming Historical Walking Tour (free, no booking required):

Sunday 27 August, Stories from Blackrock and Mahon, meet in the carpark below Blackrock Castle, 2pm.


1216a. Mary MacSwiney, c.1920 (picture: Cork City Library).

Lord Mayor of Cork, The Echo Column, 26 August 2023

The Gastronomy Region of Ireland:

Great credit is due to the organisers, gastronomic advisers, restaurant owners involved in Cork on a Fork Festival.  Enormous goodwill, genuine interest, and leadership over the openness of the festival combine to push the culture of food and the climate action element of food forward.

This festival is an important piece of Cork’s festival diary – Cork can boast over 25 festivals and nearly 100 festival days. Festivals like this to bring Corkonians together to not only celebrate our gastronomy culture but also concept of bringing people together. In the world we find ourselves, bringing people together matters as well as building communities more so than ever before. Our social bonds are more important than ever.

The element of food is really important to the Cork City Development Plan, 2022-2028 and onto 2040.With a population of over 210,000, Cork City is an emerging international city of scale and a national driver of economic and urban growth. The quest is to be an innovative, vibrant, and resilient healthy city. At the heart of these aims are the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are embedded across the development plan.

Working together for Climate Action is Crucial:

One of Cork City Council’s flagship projects, which works across all its strategic aims is it Cork Healthy Cities initiative. It’s about a city and its communities that connects to improve the health and well-being of all its people and reduce health inequalities. 

Whilst a significant all-encompassing project for Cork City Council and the entire City is the quest to become Climate Neutral by 2030. Cork is proudly one of the 112 cities involved in the European Commission’s five missions, one of which is climate neutrality.

Climate neutrality is not an easy task and there are many parts where climate actions and engaging the general public are crucial. Where early mapping of the challenges ahead have been made public there is as one would expect a huge piece of work required for local government such as Cork City Council to pursue and be successful in.

However Cork City Council also needs numerous sectors working with it towards Cork’s climate neutrality goal, and a broadening range of stakeholders involved in the co-creation of climate action programmes.

When it comes to food, there are large pieces of the puzzle, such as engaging in public procurement, creating local food system, dealing with food waste, empowering food rural and urban food connections or food corridors, ensuring bio school canteens, and developing more community food gardens.

Meeting Notes from the Lord Mayor’s Desk:

My social media at present is filled with short interviews with people I am meeting. It is a personal pet project I call #VoicesofCork, which over the next few weeks and months will build into not only a mapping of the diversity of the work of the Lord Mayor but most importantly also to give a voice to a cross-section of those I meet.

16 August 2023, My Lord Mayor’s Heritage Week historical walking tours are ongoing. The eight tours so far have been very well supported and many thanks to everyone who turned out to support. More upcoming tours can be viewed at under walking tours.

15 August 2023, Honoured to meet two hard working dedicated young fighters of Siam Warriors Cork. Both are new World Championships Gold Medalist Winners. Major congrats to Aideen Mullins & Colm O Mahony 🇮🇹.

14 August 2023, Margaret Long and Jenny Webb were both involved in Ballincollig Heritage Festival this year and I met them to discuss ongoing ideas around promoting the history of the historic gunpowder mills.

14 August 2023, It was Pakistan Independence Day and the 46th year. An event was held in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Fahmeda Naheed, one of the core organisers, spoke to me for the Voices of Cork project about her love of Cork and the sharing of cultures and opportunities between Ireland & Pakistan

13 August 2023, It was my first formal visit to Nano Nagle Place. Their latest temporary exhibition is entitled Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828. It explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation. You can also view this exhibition online thanks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland, with bonus video content of convents across Ireland and interviews with Presentation Sisters.

12 August 2023, Cork Heritage Open Day was a very busy one between giving a tour on the history of Cork City Hall and visiting a few of the other historic buildings that were open on the day. It was great to catch up with building promoters from the Firkin Crane to St Peter’s Church to the Masonic Lodge. It was also great to participate in the Coal Quay Festival by singing a few songs. 

11 August 2023, It was a pleasure to welcome two distinguished Corkonians, Denis Mulcahy, founder of Project Children, and Maureen Forrest, founder of the Hope Foundation to City Hall to honour their work in association with Cork New York Association.

10 August, This year Cork Sports Partnership and Volleyball Ireland are coordinating a Volleyball participation programme at a makeshift sand arena in Marina Park. It was good to catch up with regular players in the Park and to try out the new sand arena.

10 August 2023, It was a great honour to launch of Tour de Munster with cycling legend Sean Kelly. The tour started at the English Market and took 100 cyclists on an epic 600 kms trek through Cork, Waterford, Tipperary, Kerry, Clare and Limerick.

9 August 2023, It was a visit to The Lough Céilí, which is run every summer by Tony McCarthy. It was a case of polishing off the cobwebs on Irish dancing and singing a few classic Irish ballads.

9 August 2023, My #VoicesofCork project interviewed Kate Shaughnessy who is the Cork Rose bound for the 2023 Rose of Tralee event. Very best of luck Kate in Tralee this week coming!

Cancellation, Friday 18 August 2023

Due to very adverse weather conditions this evening, Friday 17 August, I must cancel the walking tour at the top of St Patrick’s Hill.

The weather is supposed to be good for Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August, where Douglas and Tramore Valley Park respectively are the foci 🙂

Full details here:

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 17 August 2023

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,

Cork Independent, 17 August 2023

Recasting Cork: Forming the Cork Progressive Association

In the first week of June 1923 and in view of the vital importance to Ireland of the impending parliamentary elections, a preliminary meeting of Cork citizens was held with the object of forming an organisation for safeguarding and furthering the interests of the general community. Several gentlemen, representing all shades of business, were present.

At the meeting – the minutes of which were published by the Cork Examiner – it was decided that the new organisation should be called the Cork Progressive Association. A work programme was drawn up dealing with questions around representation in Dáil Éireann from the commercial and industrial community, with a particular focus on the development or the industrial our cultural and fishery resources in the country. In addition, the intention was to support proper schemes for the housing of the working classes, to lobby for the completion of land purchases, to improve and cheapen transport, and secure resilient administration in the public service.

On 3 July 1923, the Honorary Secretary John C Foley (President of Cork Chamber of Commerce) was in a position to report very satisfactory progress in the development of the organisation. He said that applications for membership were coming in and with increasing numbers the time had arrived that the association should appoint official organisers to look after the work of the association; “The feeling amongst the people of all classes and creeds who had any stake in the country was that such an organisation as theirs is very badly needed, on the head received congratulations from many large centres and being the first to take up seriously the questions of safeguarding the interests of Commerce and Industry in the coming elections”. Messrs John P O’Brien and John Clery were appointed to receive membership subscriptions.

Some days later the new chairman Thomas P Dowdall even went to Dublin to meet some of the leading businessmen there. There some expressed great interest in what was being done by the Association in Cork to conserve the interest of the ratepayers. They even asked that copies of any circulars and leaflet issued by them should be forwarded with the object of starting an organisation on similar lines in Dublin. They congratulated Cork on being the first place in the Irish Free State to set in train a movement for the “safeguarding of the commercial and industrial interest of the country”.

Several weeks later on 19 July 1923, the first meeting of the general committee of the Cork Progressive Association was held at their offices on the Grand Parade. Chairman Mr Thomas P Dowdall was present with 30 individuals also present all of whom came from different backgounds.

Mr Dowdall articulated that an involvement in Dáil Éireann was crucial; “Their [Association] programme spoke for itself. The main object was to seek representation for parties who in the past had practically no representation. The commercial class did not in the past pay any real attention to parliamentary representation, but left it to the political parties the reason for that was that the party that would go to the British parliament was comparatively so small compared with the number in that parliament that I cannot influence them. Now that the control of Irish affairs were in their own hands it was for them, the Irish people, to do the best they could to achieve that success which, for one reason or another heretofore did not think they would be able to manage”.

On 27 July 1923 the general committee cast its eye on the fact that the extension of electoral boundaries of the Cork Borough district had brought into the parliamentary constituency nearly 24,000 additional votes and stop the new area took in a large area of the county including Passage West, Monkstown, Currabinny, Carrigaline, Blarney, Ballinhassig, Ballincollig, Dripsey, Firmount and Rathduff.

The chairman Thomas P Dowdall reiterated the point of being not political in the old sense; “The programme was wide enough to interest everybody who had an interest in the country’s welfare, and the intended, with the people’s help, to carry it to success… they wanted unexpected every member to become an organiser in himself, and get his friends to join the association, so that when their candidates were put forward they would have the united backing of the commercial and industrial people of the constituency”.

By 14 August 1923 at a committee meeting on various matters in connection with the impending elections were discussed. It was revealed that the Association’s two general election candidates were to be Andrew O’Shaughnessy of Dripsey and Sallybrook Woollen Mills and Alderman Richard H Beamish, an expert in the dairy industry.

It was the feeling both of the organisers and members that the prospects of getting the Association’s candidates elected were good. It was published: “The people all through the constituency had sent messages approving of the decision to send forward representatives of the commercial and industrial interests, and promising them the support needed”.

At a committee meeting on 15 August 1923, Richard H Beamish was present as well as Michael Murphy, the election agent for the two candidates. Having six years in Sweden and Denmark, during the development of the dairy industry in these countries Richard eventually became manager of the largest dairy in Europe.

On 30 August 1923, both Andrew O’Shaughnessy and Richard H Beamish were elected for Cork in the general election.

Upcoming Historical Walking Tours (all free, no booking required):

Friday 18 August, The Northern Ridge – St Patrick’s Hill to MacCurtain Street;  meet on the Green at Audley Place, top of St Patrick’s Hill, 6.30pm

Saturday 19 August, Douglas and its History, in association with Douglas Tidy Towns; meet in the carpark of Douglas Community Centre, 2pm. 

Sunday 20 August, Views from a Park – The Story of the Black Ash and Tramore Valley Park, historical walking tour; meet at Halfmoon Lane gate, 2pm. 

Sunday 27 August, Stories from Blackrock and Mahon, meet in the carpark below Blackrock Castle, 2pm.


1215a. Thomas Dowdall, Chairman of the Cork Progressive Association, c.1923 (source: Dowdall Family Archive).

The Cork City Revolution Trail, 12 August 2023

The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Kieran McCarthy has launched The Cork City Revolution Trail, in the company of historian Gerry White and members of Cork City Council’s Commemorations team. An online story map, the Revolution Trail features 30 historical sites located around Cork City. The areas carry stories of huge significance in relation to the Irish Revolutionary Period. 

The trail, written by Gerry White and designed by Serena O’Connor (Cork City Council) is accessible from anywhere in the world. 

Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Kieran McCarthy said: “I strongly encourage locals and visitors to Cork alike to walk the route and witness the appeal and mystery of the 30 (and counting) sites for themselves. The trail is still very much a work in progress and it is anticipated that up to 50 sites could feature along the route.”

Those present at the launch were treated to a fascinating discussion between the Lord Mayor and Gerry White. Both local historians, they spoke of the history of Cork’s streets and the revolutionary tales associated with them. The group took in historic sites such as the National Monument on Grand Parade, the site of an assassination on South Mall and the centre of Patrick Street, which bore witness to large-scale destruction during the Burning of Cork in 1920.

The lesser-known site along St. Augustine Street, which was home to the Wallace sisters, Nora and Sheila, was also visited by those walking the route on launch day. The former site of the shop belonging to the Wallace’s, it served as a secret communications centre and headquarters for the IRA’s Cork No. 1 Brigade.   

Journey back in time and learn about more revolutionary tales at Cork sites such as Broad Street, Dillon’s Cross and UCC. Check out the Cork City Revolution Trail by visiting: