Daily Archives: February 20, 2016

Mahon Bus Gate, Terminus & Pedestrian/Cycle Ramps Project

Cork City Council, Press Release:


Cork City Council propose to carry out improvement works on St. Michael’s Drive, Mahon Link Road and the Blackrock Amenity Walkway/Cycleway

The project aims to enhance the public realm and improve the level of service for all modes of transportation but with particular emphasis on sustainable modes of transportation (Bus, Cycle & Walking).

To achieve these aims it will be necessary to make the following modifications to the road layout:-

–         Two new pedestrian/cycle ramps will be constructed to connect the Mahon Link Road and the Blackrock Amenity Walkway/Cycleway.

–         The junction between St Michael’s Drive and the Mahon Link Road will be signalised and reconfigured.

–         The existing Blackrock Amenity Walkway/Cycleway will be widened, resurfaced, and enhanced between the two new ramps with installation of additional public lighting, CCTV etc

–         All bus stops along St Michaels Drive will be upgraded and real time passenger information displays installed.

–         Provision will be made for the installation of a new bus lane on St Michaels Drive (westbound).

–         A new controlled “Bus-Only” entrance with automatic bollards will be constructed into the Mahon Point Shopping Centre.

–         The easterly mini roundabout within Mahon Point Shopping Centre is to be relocated further south to allow for safe bus access.

–         Footpaths will be realigned repaved and widened where necessary.

–         Carriageways will repaved and relined where necessary.

–         Additional Public Lighting will be installed where necessary.


Particulars of the proposed measures will be available for inspection at the Reception Desk, Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork, from Monday, 22nd February 2016 until Monday the 4th April 2016 between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Or visit www.corkcity.ie for details.


Submissions and observations, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development is situated, may be made in writing in an envelope clearly marked “Mahon Bus Gate, Terminus & Pedestrian/Cycle Ramps Project” to the Roads Design Division, Room 331, City Hall, Cork, or by email to roadsdesign@corkcity.ie before 4.00pm on Tuesday, 19th April 2016.