Kieran’s Comments, Summer Time, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2013


Lord Mayor, I understand there is a European Union Directive 2000/84/EC of 19 January 2001. As a result, all ED member states start summer time simultaneously. Consequently, time differences between member states remain constant throughout the year. Were we to consider extending summer time, and subsequently hoping to introduce such a change we would first have to convince all 26 other EU member states to do likewise in order that time differences between member states remain constant throughout the year

In considering any potential changes to our current time arrangements I am sure the Councillor will appreciate that we must consider what is happening in the UK, not least because we have same time arrangements, they are our biggest trading partner and we share a border with Northern Ireland.

Consideration must be also given to how such a change would affect the interaction between the different time zones, specifically between this island and our neighbouring island and between this island and the main Continent of Europe.

Kieran’s Comments, €13.2 million cut to the vocational education, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2013

The Government recently announced a €13.2 million cut to the vocational education committee (VEC) sector, along with an increase to the pupil-teacher ratio at post-Leaving Cert (PLC) level.

This move has sparked controversy at a time when there is an increased focus on directing jobless people into a variety of education or training programmes.

Some colleges have pointed out that the real number of teachers who are likely to lose their jobs could be significantly higher, given that many work part-time.

The City of Cork VEC is due to lose 24 posts, for example, but colleges locally claim that as many as 50 jobs are at risk.

Staff at one of the colleges in the city – St John’s Central College – have been warned that as many as seven of its courses, ranging from veterinary nursing to software engineering, may be lost as a result of the changes.

Students at Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa are already campaigning to save 13 teachers who will potentially lose their jobs, including three staff from the college’s renowned performing arts department which has produced grad

The country’s largest further education college, the Cork College of Commerce could lose 22 part-time teachers who deliver courses that lead to jobs, while St John’s College could possibly lose up to 15 specialised teaching staff.

It seems clear that the Department of Education doesn’t understand what further education does. These cuts will close courses that actually lead to jobs in industry and will put both teachers and students on the live register.

The Government is being completely short-sighted and creating more debt for the Exchequer by transferring the problem from the Department of Education to the Department of Social Welfare.


(Source: based on media reports in the Irish Examiner and Evening Echo plus emails from principals)

Kieran’s Comments, CSPCA, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2013


 Lord Mayor, on the CSPCA issue, I think overall I am disappointed that this review of the CSPCA hasn’t completely being finished.


There are large questions of the original motion that have not being answered the comparison asked for in the original motion with management and practices nationally hasn’t materialises…there are still governance issues such as the financial management that the Council has still not gone through. We still have not got a set of audited accounts before us. I’m not saying there is anything wrong but I would rather dot all the ‘i’s and cross all the ‘t’s in light of the deficiencies that have been found there in terms of paper work and this is outlined in the report in front of us.


Whereas there have been some positive changes been made, there are a lot of unresolved issues in my opinion.


Overall I’m disappointed with the CSPCA, one of the oldest bodies in looking after stray animals in the city. I’m disappointed with their quite vocal attacks on members of the public who lobbied hard to get where we are this evening. Animal welfare deficiencies were found as revealed in the report before us.


I hope the process of inspections has moved the CSPCA to a better level to start rebuilding its relationship with the general public at large.


I am still disappointed that two councillors are not still appointed to their board of directors. A large amount of tax payer’s money is invested in the facility every year.


With that in mind I am calling for a vote to reject the manager’s report and that the motion be returned to the environment committee so that work on putting two councillors on the board can be completed.

Kieran’s Question and Motions to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2013



To ask the Manager what was the cost of compilation of the most recent Docklands report, as discussed at December’s Council meeting?  (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)



That Loreto Park be added to the 2013 re-surfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

That this Council oppose the E.13.5m central government funding cut to the Vocational Education Committee (VEC) sector, along with an increase to the pupil-teacher ratio at post Leaving Cert (PLC) level (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 10 January 201

673a. Cork Civic Survey map of heavy slum areas in Cork, 1926

Kieran’s our City, Our Town Article, 10 January 2013


“Technical Memories (Part 39) –Guiding the City’s Future”


“In this world of change, no city can remain for long in a stationary condition. Either it must be in a state of expansion, alteration or deterioration…it is the highest degree desirable that there should be in existence a wisely prepared town plan, which will not only guide its future growth, but also so control its existing mass that no change can be made except by way of improvement (Cork: A Civic Survey, 1926)”

In December’s column, I highlighted the work by the committee of the Crawford Technical Institute in heading up the compilation of the report Cork A Civic Survey in 1926. In this survey, three clearly dilapidated housing areas of Cork are mapped out- one west of Shandon Street, the north western corner of the city centre island, and the property to the south west of St Finbarr’s Cathedral. All three except parts of the northern area were older parts of the city. The survey noted that there was not that much dilapidated property in the island to the east of North Main Street but those houses should be cleared out at the earliest opportunity, and no housing rebuilding under taken in the area. The space should be fully allocated for shopping and business purposes. The survey also questioned whether residential rebuilding should take place in the low lying and flood prone neighbourhood of Henry Street and Grattan Street.

In the city there were 12,850 houses inhabited by 15,469 families, giving according to the total population about five persons in a family and an average of six persons per house. A large proportion of the population was crowded into tenements and small houses. The number of tenements was 719 with 2,928 families. The tenement population was around 8,675. Nearly one-ninth of the total population lived in tenements and on average 12 families could live in a house meant for one family.

In the Civic Survey classification, under first class tenement structures 2,499 people or 839 families lived in 194 houses, which appeared to be structurally sound; they were not in good repair but were capable of being put in good repair. Under second class tenements, 6,114 people or 2,038 families lived in 512 houses, which were so decayed or so badly constructed as approaching the borderline of being unfit for human habitation. Under third class tenements 222 people or 61 families lived in 13 houses unfit for human habitation, and incapable of being rendered fit for human habitation. In the small house category, there was 9,649 people living in 2,329 second class houses. There were 211 people living in 54 third class houses.

The survey acknowledged that the redistribution of people was so large that it might naturally take years to accomplish (which it did). It was hoped that the progress would be more rapid than in Liverpool where it took 20 years to demolish and rebuild a similar number of houses. One of the chief aims of the survey was that the rebuilding should not be done piecemeal as a series of isolated schemes, but as part of a general scheme of town planning and redistribution of the population.

The survey outlined that one of the opportunities was the availability of land on the south of the river for re-housing as well as for an extension of the city bounds. During the compilation of the Survey, the City Commissioner Philip Monahan as well as his city engineer Stephen Farrington and Cork architect, Daniel Levie engineered and designed the start of a new slum clearance programme. Capwell Road comprised 148 houses of short terraces of four houses set at 16 houses per acre. The homes were mainly four-roomed. In the summer of 1925 the Capwell site was acquired by Cork Corporation by deed of transfer from Richard Morgan. By Christmas 1925 20 men were employed on relief work for 2/3 weeks clearing the site, preparatory to the actual building. On 14 May 1926 11 tenders were received for the Capwell development, ten from local builders and one from a Dutch firm of builders. Fifteen of the houses were built by the Cork Builders Worker’s Guild and 144 were built by Messrs. Meagher and Hayes. By 25 February 1928 the scheme was complete and money was deposited towards purchase of the Capwell houses. Under the housing scheme £14,000 had been received. The 148 occupiers are listed in a document in the Cork City and County Archives. The money received from Capwell was devoted to the development of another housing site at Turners Cross and the announcement was made that it was expected that tenders for the building of 150 more houses would be invited.

The architect for the Turners Cross developments and those to come that were connected with Cork Corporation, Daniel Levie played an active part in the Cork Civic Survey of 1926. He was a member of the Munster Fine Arts Council for many years. He was also a founder member of the Cork Rotary Club. His firm’s collection of drawings was subsequently acquired by the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, and is now in the Cork City and County Archives.

To be continued…



673a. Civic Survey map of heavy slum areas in Cork, 1926 (source: Cork A Civic Survey, 1926)

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article, 20 December 2012

672a. Patrick Abercrombie, c.1944

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article

Cork Independent, 20 December 2012


“Technical Memories (Part 38) –The Genius of Place”


As noted last week, in March 1922, the Cork Housing and Town Planning Association was formed. In the Dictionary of Irish Biography D.J. Coakley (D.J. or Daniel John), Principal of the Cork School of Commerce became honorary secretary of the association. Under the direction of Professor Patrick Abercrombie, D.J. organised a survey of Cork city, a report on which was published as Cork: A Civic Survey in 1926. This work was built on the back of a booklet for the Cork Incorporated Chamber of Commerce & Shipping under the title Cork, Its Trade and Commerce (1919), which is said to have achieved an international circulation. As an aside D.J. was one of the five sons of John Coakley, a farmer in Donoughmore, Co. Cork. D.J. lived at 5 Newenham Terrace, Cork.

Different committees were formed to deal with different sections of Cork’s civic survey. The groundwork was headed up by a sub-committee from the Crawford Municipal Technical Institute and well known Cork Architects. All gave valuable assistance. Diagrams were prepared by Alec G. Jenson. Professor Patrick Abercrombie and Sydney Kelly, both working in Liverpool were invited and agreed to act as special advisors to the Survey. The UK National Biography for Professor Patrick Abercrombie reveals an architect whose recurrent pre-occupation was with the human side of his profession- his concept of a town as primarily the setting for human life, rather than a mere pattern of roads and land uses.  In general, his work through his career strongly emphasised the need to preserve and underpin the traditional character of each locality. Abercrombie was also influenced personally as an architect by the École des Beaux Arts in Paris and particularly by Baron Georges-Eugéne Haussmann (1809-1891) whose city planning of Paris he admired. Hence Abercrombie had an interest in creating wide boulevards and pubic squares, where the emphasis was on the public.

Abercrombie’s interests are indirectly highlighted in the introduction of the Cork Civic Survey, published in 1926. It set out it aims clearly: “One of the results of a Civic Survey should be that the genius of the place emerges, and the artificial control to which it submits is thus not an arbitrary or foreignly conceived yoke, but rather a sympathetic course of direction. To adopt another simile, the Survey is the diagnosis of the symptoms for which the Town Plan is the prescriptive remedy.”

The introduction reflects that there is a multitude of smaller forces at work in shaping the city of Cork; “it has not been progressive in the recent past; if rightly directed, should put a slow and steady growth in future years”. The survey denotes that Cork exists to fulfil a number of diverse purposes; “The creation of the Irish Free State with its impulse towards devolution, should tend to make it more markedly a provincial capital with possibilities of specialised growth”. Cork was, at the same time, a sea port, a distributing centre, market town, manufacturing city, residential area and educational centre. The Survey denotes that each of these aspects has made “characteristic impression, but without orderliness”.

On matter of trade, the Civic Survey outlines a decline in trade: “Changes in the nature of trade have for years been sapping the city’s nineteenth century prosperity, while political upheavals had a bad effect upon the city’s finances. In order to progress a greater civic self-consciousness it  is essential that a knowledge be attained of the physical facts of the city, of its blemishes and how to remedy them-in short, a proper Town Planning Scheme is needed. During the past decade many local problems have arisen.”

The introduction praises the work that went into attaining and building the Ford Factory in 1917 and how it had set the “seal of industrialism” on what had been the city’s race course known as “The Park”. The survey claims that the burning of Cork four or five years previously opened up a series or problems which the city was not equipped to meet. Street improvements might have been made if the Council had had the necessary plans and powers. The introduction outlines that the postponement of the re-building of the City Hall was fortunate as proper consideration needed to be made in relation to its position in the city. and its relation to the future development of the whole City.

The survey reveals the question of a new cattle market, which opened up a big problem of traffic and communications by rail, road, and water; “A site chosen merely by methods of opportunism, is likely to become a nuisance rather than a gain to the City”. The City’s housing problem is also set out; “Slums are the breeding ground of disease, political as well as physical. They are a source of danger and of expense to any community. To build even much better houses on the sites that are, or may become unsuitable is merely to provide a heritage of slums for the next generation. Re-housing, to be affective, must be planned on a comprehensive scale. The right sites must be found, and the right services and communications.

To be continued in the new year…Happy Christmas to all readers of this column and thanks for the support during the year, Kieran Mc



672a. Professor Patrick Abercrombie, c.1944 (source: National Biography, UK)

Kieran’s Comments, Budget 2013, Cork City Council Meeting, 19 December 2012

The Jaws of Doom

Lord Mayor, a new catastrophe graph, the “Jaws of Doom”, is doing the rounds in local government at the moment. It is a simple illustration that shows a “budget pressures” line rising steeply to the top right of the grid, and a “grant reductions” line crashing to the bottom right. It could be a child’s depiction of a shark, or a crocodile, about to bite its prey. Lunch, in this case, appears to be local government itself.

We might have a financial balance but since 2009 the economic ‘Jaws of Doom’ have savaged just over 40 per cent of this council’s budget…one has to ask the question who’s winning here… is there a plan to get out of the jaws of doom…is there a sustainable plan for local authorities going forward…

One could rub your hands together with glee shouting we have a financial balance but do we have a moral balance. Despite no increase in income tax collection, people in this city are being passed on the cuts to local government. These are silent stealth taxes of sorts. They are hitting the poorest families and those who are working hard …through the addition of a boiler revamp tax and the domestic water charges. Less money is coming into the city at a time when people are paying more. Funding from central government is reducing all the time.

It is very disappointing at a time when families are paying a tax on their houses that they expect better services but all one will get is the survival of a service, and in some instances just about. Yesterday’s call as well by Fine Gael County Councillor for quote “people should embrace house tax with a positive frame of mind” end quote will send people in the opposite direction. No one likes paying taxes but strong leadership is important…and I firmly believe the Minister for Environment needs to really step up to bat more…and engage with the public more…. the set-up for the household charge this year was a farce….I have serious concerns for next year’s collection of the property tax when the ante is upped even again.

The intention I understand also is to take the money into a central fund, to be divided out later to local authorities rather than allowing Councils to retain the money for themselves. Where is the property tax going…if a Cork person pays the bones of £400 for a house valued at E.300,000…we don’t know….that needs to be nailed down…

I do wish to acknowledge this Council’s innovative utilisation of a proportion of rates to generate and grow new business activity. It is also essential that we continue to explore ways and mechanisms through which was as a council use the revenue we generate plus continue to provide value for money. This city needs to continue to fight for itself.  This council’s ring-fencing of 1% of rates income over the last two years for economic development measures in the Cork region will mature.

I strongly believe that utilising revenue to support economic development in the region will further increase opportunities for economic recovery and growth. Indeed going forward if that figure was increased marginally we would be able to put some of the economic projects on a surer footing. I would urge those businesses who are currently experiencing difficulty in the payment of their commercial rates to contact this local authority to try to come to some understanding regarding overdue payments.


Kieran’s New Book, Cork City Through Time

Book Launch, Cork City Through Time

Cork City Through Time

Douglas Road based councillor Kieran McCarthy’s new book enitled Cork City Through Time comprises postcards from then and pictures of now. The book is co-written with Dan Breen of Cork Museum. Cork City, Ireland’s southern capital, is a place of tradition, of continuity, change and legacy, a place of direction and experiment by people, of ambition and determination, experiences and learning, of ingenuity and innovation and a place of nostalgia and memory. The pictures within this book provide insights into how such a place came into being and focuses on Cork as a place one hundred years ago.

Cork’s urban landscape or textbook is throbbing with messages about the past. As a port town, Cork was and still is strongly connected to the outside world – the international and small city ambitious in its ventures linking to a world of adventure and exploration. The city’s hills and troughs have created different perches for some of the city’s elaborate structures to stand on and for photographers to capture the city’s urban space. Cllr McCarthy noted: The buildings and streets shown in the pictures give one access to the imagination and efforts of the people. The photographs within are key to understanding the human experience, sense of place and pride in the city, one hundred years ago. Views of streets, public spaces, churches, the docks, and an international exhibition all show the energy and drive of a city, the legacies of which still linger on the southern capital of Ireland”. The launch of Cork City Through Time in on Thursday 13 December, 6.30pm in the Cork Museum in Fitzgerald’s Park. All are welcome. The book is available to buy or order from any good Cork bookstore.

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 13 December 2012

671a. Patrick Geddes, c.1886

Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article

Cork Independent, 13 December 2012


“Technical Memories (Part 37) –The Surveys of Geddes”


As highlighted in a previous article, D.J. Coakely, principal of the Cork Chamber of Commerce proposed a series of reform measures for social housing in Cork City in 1918. Concluding his address he had a section entitled “What should be done in Cork”. He proposed that a ‘Housing and Town Planning Committee’ be formed in the city to consider the question of housing in its different aspects-social, economic, engineering, and legal. He wished for a detailed course of public lectures and a housing and town planning exhibition as well as a Local Government Board inquiry into the housing conditions of the working classes in Cork, similar to one held in Dublin. He also sought a report on the legal powers of Cork Corporation and the further powers required to deal adequately with the housing question.

Perhaps Coakley’s appealing proposals were that a “Civic Survey” be made of the city and that essential information be compiled for his suggested Local Government Board inquiry into the existing housing conditions of the working classes. In association with these he proposed the arrangement of a town planning competition, for which a substantial prize could be offered. The concept of a civic survey and a town plan competition was based on concepts developed by Sir Patrick Geddes. D.J. Coakley’s lecture in Cork was just echoing his work.

The UK National Biography notes that Sir Patrick Geddes (1854 –1932) was a Scottish biologist, sociologist, geographer, philanthropist and pioneering town planner. He is known for his innovative thinking in the fields of urban planning and sociology. One of his central arguments in his work was that physical geography, market economics and anthropology were related, creating a “single chord of social life [of] all three combined”. As part of that philosophy, Geddes advocated the civic survey as essential to urban planning. His motto was “diagnosis before treatment”. Such a survey could include, at a minimum, the geology, the geography, the climate, the economic life, and the social institutions of the city and region. His early work surveying the city of Edinburgh became a model for later surveys.

Geddes was particularly critical of that form of planning which relied overmuch on design and effect, neglecting to consider “the surrounding quarter and constructed without reference to local needs or potentialities”. Geddes encouraged instead exploration and consideration of the “whole set of existing conditions”, studying the “place as it stands, seeking out how it has grown to be what it is, and recognising alike its advantages, its difficulties and its defects”. Geddes’s work was adopted by the Town Planning Committee of the Royal Institute of British Architects who spread the work’s importance to town planners in Britain.

The Dictionary of Irish Architects describes that between the years 1911-1916 Patrick Geddes was heavily involved in the search for solutions to Dublin’s acute health and housing problems. In 1911, on the invitation of the Women’s National Health Association, he brought his Cities and Town Planning Exhibition to Dublin, while the Institute of Public Health was holding its congress there. The exhibition was later displayed in Belfast. In September 1913 he gave evidence on behalf of the Women’s National Health Association to the Local Government Board’s inquiry into working class housing conditions in Dublin. In March 1914 he persuaded the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Aberdeen, to give a £500 prize for an international Dublin Town Planning competition promoted by the Civics Institute of Ireland. The assessors of the competition were Geddes himself, the Dublin City Architect Charles James McCarthy and the American town planner John Nolen (1869-1937). The outbreak of the First World War delayed the meeting of the assessors, so it was not until 1916 that the first prize was awarded to Patrick Abercrombie of Liverpool University and his collaborators Sydney A. Kelly (1881-1943) and Arthur J. Kelly. Abercrombie was subsequently appointed town planning consultant for Dublin. His document Dublin of the Future was published in 1922.

Patrick Abercrombie, himself, trained as an architect before becoming the Professor of Civic Design at the Liverpool University School of Architecture in 1915, and later Professor of Town Planning at University College London. Afterwards, he made the award-winning designs for Dublin city centre and gradually asserted his dominance as an architect of international renown, which came about through the replanning of Plymouth, Hull, Bath, Edinburgh and Bournemouth, among others.

Cork’s interest in town planning was inspired by the work of both Patrick Geddes and Patrick Abercrombie. True to his proposals, D.J. Coakley worked with others especially the technical education committees in Cork in creating a series of public lectures dealing in greater detail with the different aspects of the problem as applied to Cork were given. The lectures were delivered under the auspices of the Cork Literary and Scientific Society and the Cork Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, and shipping, and by Professor Abercrombie. At a conference of the principal citizens, held at the Cork School of Art, in March 1922, the Cork Town Planning Association was formed, and subsequently Professor Abercrombie, and Sydney Kelly were invited and agreed to act as special advisors to the Association.

To be continued…



671a. Patrick Geddes, c.1886 (source: Cork City Library)