Cllr McCarthy: Vast Potential for City’s Tourism
Press Release:
The meeting last week between Cork City councillors and Fáilte Ireland was a productive wake-up call to the competitive nature of tourism, and what type of product is invested in nationally according to Independent Cllr Kieran McCarthy.
Cork City’s tourism needs a vision for its future, a realistic plan, pressure for change and actions to be executed according to Fáilte Ireland Executive Jenny De Saulles of Ireland’s Ancient East (IAE) programme.
Ms De Saulles made the calls to Members of Cork City Council who recently received a presentation by her on challenges for Cork City within the IAE. Whereas the tourism industry in general is in a good place – growth and jobs- can be see, there are challenges with the Impending Brexit and making sure that tourism creates sustainable jobs and business.
Cllr McCarthy noted “Fáilte Ireland has an ambitious growth target of 3.4 % by 2028. The ambitions places pressure on future potential tourism sites to be of a high quality, unique and a signature experience; this has a knock-on effect on what the city should aspire to for the future in its tourism product”.
Ms De Saulles outlined that Cork is well positioned between the Wild Atlantic Way and Ireland’s Ancient East, international access is good and Irish Hotel Federation works hard in the region. The City has good festivals and a range of visitor experiences. The City’s tourism has vast potential for growth and must consider where that growth should be, and what role Cork City Council as a local authority should be.
Cllr McCarthy noted; “the questions we received revolved around key questions, does Cork City need an international signature tourism site? what does the visitor want? should we develop the city’s extant tourism products? What is the role of a local authority in tourism in supporting a tourism product? I found the meeting very productive to discuss the future of Elizabeth Fort and the Old Shandon Butter Exchange building. Small scale funding is available for both and should be moved upon quickly. It was clear from the discussion that the city needs a strong joined up thinking tourism strategy for the future”.
Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 18 January 2018
Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,
Cork Independent, 18 January 2018
Stories from 1918: Save Our Food
With war raging since 1914, Cork like many European cities suffered food shortages. In January 1918 Cork Corporation continued to be pressurised by citizens to react to protect food supplies for basic living standards. To discuss and broker some steps of resolution to the supply problem, on this day 100 years ago, 18 January, a public meeting was convened by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Thomas C Butterfield in the Council Chamber, City Hall. It was held at the request of an agreed resolution passed at a meeting of the City Council.
Addressing the meeting, the Bishop of Cork, Dr Cohalan proposed a number of resolutions: “(1) That a Committee be formed, consisting of food producers, men engaged in the cattle, grain, potatoes, pig, butter, eggs and milk trades, to report on the food supply of the country, and on the means to be adopted for its conservation; (2) That it is the duty of merchants to retain for the use of the people the existing supplies; (3) That the following [persons] be requested to act on the Committee, and to report to a general meeting of citizens to be held on Friday, 25 January 1918”. The High Sheriff Mr O’Connor formally seconded the resolution.
Present at City Hall were Mr Lucey (chairman of the South of Ireland Cattle Trade Association), as well as Councillors and business representatives. Lord Mayor Butterfield highlighted that citizens were living in “very serious times”, and they wished to retain “the produce that was necessary for the people of the country”. He declared he was not knowledgeable to declare whether there was a surplus quantity of food in the country but they should do more to import necessities, such as coal and wheat.
A number of people spoke at the meeting. Mr McCurtain said he wished to support the motion. He had mined down into the figures of the Cork Harbour Board regarding the export of food supplies. He revealed that as far as those figures and statistics were obtainable, they showed that necessary food stuffs for the people were being exported at what he described as “an alarming rate”. He noted; “if some definite action is not taken and an effort made to hold supplies of food for the people, they would drift into a very serious state of affairs. Mr McCurtain placed the responsibility of retention of adequate supplies on the merchants who were making money. He called for them to re-organise their export of supplies without any financial loss to themselves.
Mr Seán Twomey considered that a statement or suggestion should go forth from the meeting to the merchants and exporters, asking them to export a lesser amount of food than they had been doing up to that moment. Mr T Barry noted cartloads of dead meat were still being sent away, and such exportations needed to be stopped. Mr Delea supported the motion describing that poor people who could not depend on any certain market were starving, and it was a shame that any foodstuffs should be sent out of the country. Mr Houston asked for the merchants of the city to be called upon to take immediate action to provide some funding for the successful working of a proper supply scheme. There were plenty of funds in Cork for such a purpose; “we have merchant princes in our midst, and it is their duty to take steps to sustain the working classes in the present crisis. Those merchants should provide a central fund for the purchase of food for the citizens of Cork”.
Mr Houston drew on a proposition that had been put forward in Dublin, where the merchants were called upon to provide necessary funds. In Limerick they had funds to the extent of £10,000 already guaranteed by the merchants, and he did not see any reason why Cork Corporation should not pledge their rates to such an extent as to be able to purchase and store the necessary food for the citizen. In Old Castle, County Meath, a similar scenario was being pursued.The banks had even issued overdrafts on the signatures of the local representatives, in order that the situation would be met and the necessary food provided. That was a matter that should be taken in hands in Cork. Mr Houston pitched a resolution to the effect that the Cork merchants should form a Supplies Committee to raise funds for the provision and storing of food for the people and the selling of it to the people as required. He outlined the scheme started in Dublin and said at that moment in time the first duty of the people of Ireland was to run the food supplies of the country.
Bishop Cohalan’s motions were carried unanimously, and the meeting ended. Other meetings followed in the ensuing months. The cause was also taken up by the Sinn Féin representatives in the region but in general it was the sentiment of protectionism that prevailed more so than progressive steps to resolve a deepening problem. Other challenges such as the conscription call for Irish citizens also came into the play as the year 1918 progressed (to be discussed in weeks to come in the column).
Note: All the 2017 Our City, Our Town columns can be accessed on my website under the index to the Cork Independent column section.
Secret Cork, which is my 2017 book, and published by Amberley Press, is now in Cork bookshops.
929a. Suttons Building, South Mall, one of the key coal merchants in Cork in 1918, from Cork: Its Chamber and Commerce (source: Cork City Library)
929b. Advertisement for the importation of coal from the City of Cork Steam Packet Company, from Guy’s Directory of Cork, 1917 (source: Cork City Library)
McCarthy: Striving for EU Green Capital a Must
Press Release
There are calls for Cork City Council to work more towards securing the EU Green Capital Award. The call was led by Independent Cllr Kieran McCarthy who raised the award scheme with the Executive of the Environment and Recreation Section; “there is a lot of great work going on under the city council’s environment and recreation directorate, Healthy Cities programme and Lifelong Learning – these should be harnessed more to pursue European awards, which in essence develop more the idea of Cork as innovative European second city in the north west quadrant of the EU – a city and region of ideas to draw from and be inspired from”.
The European Green Capital Award is the result of an initiative taken by 15 European cities. Their green vision was translated into a joint Memorandum of Understanding establishing an award to recognise cities that are leading the way with environmentally friendly urban living. The initiative was launched by the European Commission in 2008. It aims to reward cities, which are making efforts to improve the urban environment and move towards healthier and sustainable living areas.
In reply to Cllr McCarthy, David Joyce, Director of Services outlined, that Cork City Council applied for the 2017 EU Green Capital Award in October 2014. The process involves approx a three-year lead-time but unfortunately the Council’s application was unsuccessful. While a well written application was submitted by the City Council they did not score sufficiently high enough on a number of indicators to be in with a chance of winning the evaluation process. Mr Joyce outlined: “it is still the goal of the City Council to apply in the future for the EU Green Capital Award. We are actively addressing the action points, which were identified in the previous application process and once this is achieved we would look to make a submission in the future”.
In response Cllr McCarthy: “Preparing for such award schemes brings different relevant actors, agencies together. Joined up thinking is crucial when it comes to our region’s environment. Many of the responses from the Green Capital judges are still relevant, since their report was issued in mid 2015. Their responses are useful tools to help the Council plan and budget for. The judges who scrutinised Cork’s EU Green Capital application noted that many environmental initiatives are being pursued but more long term, regional and local committed funding was needed with more detailed plans”.
Summary of Judges’s Comments on Cork’s application for the EU Green Capital Award:
Local Transport: In the city centre, there have been many actions aimed at promoting the more sustainable modes, including restricting car access, pedestrianisation, a walking and cycling strategy with new cycle lanes and footpaths. There has also been an upgrade of the city’s bus and train stations and many other initiatives to encourage cycling, to raise public awareness and encourage behavioural change. The city’s public transport fleet is one of the oldest of the applicant cities, with no vehicles of Euro V standard or better.
Sustainable Land Use: Cork has an integrated and participatory approach to spatial planning with various aspects of spatial planning such as urban regeneration, urban development regulations, development and maintenance of green and open urban areas, and climate mitigation all being integrated in the City Development Plan (2009 & 2015). Regarding green areas, the City Development Plan seeks to ensure that the network of green infrastructure linkages are protected and enhanced to provide for movement and ecological networks, and that open spaces are designed to maximise their biodiversity so that people have access to nature close to where they live. it is not exactly clear how these are integrated into a wider green infrastructure and if there are connections to the green and blue areas beyond the city.
Nature and Biodiversity: Cork’s application on nature and biodiversity recognizes that the city faces difficulties in terms of present and future funding for biodiversity protection and enhancement work. There has been important work in the past on a Biodiversity Action Plan (to 2014, not fully implemented) and on habitat and species (for example, on trees and otters); monitoring work is limited.
Ambient Air Quality: Cork has a relatively good air quality with no exceedances of any of the indicators with a constant to slightly downward trend in concentrations. It has good air quality according to the air quality health index of Irish Environmental Protection Agency and is a WHO designated ‘Health City’ where air quality is one element.
The City has an Air Quality Management Plan from 2011 and has implemented a number of effective measures within regulation of space heating, industry and promoting more sustainable transport and land-use. An important local measure to improve air quality was the ban on bituminous coal in 1995 that reduced particulate levels by 70% and the ban was extended outside of the city bounds in 2012. Real-time and historic air quality information and also daily Twitter feed are provided by Irish Environmental Protection Agency to the public. Awareness campaigns e.g. within mobility and transport have been implemented.
Quality of the Acoustic Environment: Cork produced a five-year Noise Action Plan for 2013 – 2018 in which an acoustic zoning was proposed. This classification of territory focused primarily on potential noise sensitive groups (health care units, educational units, spiritual sites), however, the appropriate noise limits are missing. No mention is made to residential areas in particular. Stakeholder involvement and communication with citizens appear to be effective in what concerns the Action Plan; however, no budget or detailed schedules are provided in terms of this Action Plan thus risks exist that the outcomes may not be realised.
Waste Production and Management: The city has a well-functioning integrated waste management system in place which has progressed substantially over the last 15 years. More specific data and statistics in the application would help to verify the performance of the city in clearer detail. The City has a strong track record in the area of waste prevention and awareness with innovative waste prevention and industrial symbiosis projects in place. These projects are funded by the City in partnership with other business and community organisations and this model has been successfully applied to deliver many high level treatment projects.
Source segregated kerbside collections are widespread and growing with up to 4 different bins being provided to some households. However, this level of kerbside segregation is not widespread across the city with further progress to be made. The rate of recycling for municipal waste is estimated to be close to the European average although the date presented was a national figure.
Waste Water Treatment: 100 % of Cork’s wastewater is served by 2 drainage schemes and 1 WWTP. The design capacity of WWTP is well above calculated load for the year 2013. However the WWTP does not comply with the UWWTD regarding nutrient (N&P) removal. The City is aware of the need to effectively address this issue. The major issue to be addressed by future activities (required by UWWTD) is the treatment for nitrogen and phosphorous removal as well as disinfection which is considered important due to the shellfisheries.
Eco-innovation and Sustainable Employment: The application is well-structured covering many areas of eco-innovation. A cluster of private/public institutions has been established with the aim of branding Cork as European Technology Cluster (sustainable employment). The municipality is an active player in the development, i.e. providing financial support. Strategy and development plans are in place with a continuous review process. However the City is behind in Green Public Procurement and is waiting for the adoption of GPP guidance at the national level.
Energy Performance: Because Ireland’s energy operates as a pool market, there is no breakdown of energy use at a regional/city level. It is not clear how far Cork’s initiatives exceed the national ambitions. Data and information of energy performance in section A mainly focuses on sectoral energy consumption. No detailed information about the application of renewable energies or cogeneration is provided (even with regard to the specific consumption of municipal buildings (kWh/m2). The energy plan seems to be quite new and offers concrete goals for 2020 including 39 specific actions.
Integrated Environmental Management: Sustainability and environment is an important issue of the Cork Vision, City Development Plan 20092015 and the 2015-2021 Plan. It is not clear if the vision has been endorsed by the city council and who is politically responsible for the vision. It is not clear if the City takes its exemplary role serious enough. There is no indication of demonstrative actions within its own organisation. Environmental strategies are embedded through each of the Directorates. It is not clear which department or steering committee is installed to safeguard the environmental interests.
Cllr McCarthy: Joined-Up Thinking Crucial for Future of Cork’s Coal Quay
Press Release:
A call has been made on Cork City Council that a Coal Quay Stakeholders be created to bring together the various traders and residents on this historic street. Independent Cllr Kieran McCarthy has made the call following some discussion between stakeholders on the street; “It is clear that some plans by different stakeholders are similar but others are not aligned; there are tensions on the street between the aspirations of the traditional traders and the larger restaurants and pubs on the street. A lot more harmonisation of ideas needs to take place, a lot more joined up thinking”, noted Cllr McCarthy.
The City Council Executive recommended that the setting up of Cllr McCarthy’s call for a Coal Quay Stakeholders Forum be postponed for the short terms and be reviewed again when present initiatives have concluded. Replying to Cllr McCarthy at the City Council’s recent planning functional meeting with councillors, the Director of Services Pat Ledwidge detailed that in 2014 the City council published the City Centre Strategy and subsequent yearly action plan. A key part of this has been the division of the City Centre into Quarter Areas and the assignment of a Quarter Champion and Area Planner to each area. The Coal Quay/ Cornmarket Street is part of the North Main Street and the Marsh character area/character.
Over the past 12 months the Quarter Champion, Area Planner and City Centre Co-ordinator have met on numerous occasions with representatives of the residents and businesses on the street. Part of this process has been together all of the various needs of these stakeholders with a view to building up key networks on the street, which will inform and facilitate the future development of the street. Mr Ledwidge noted: “The process has worked well to date and will be continued going forward. It would be appropriate to allow this process to move towards a logical conclusion prior to engaging in any other local initiatives”.
Cllr McCarthy responded: “it is important that each of the stakeholders gets to listen to other stakeholders. The removal of tensions around the future of trade on the street, securing the vibrancy of the street should be ultimate goals, whilst drawing on an enormous heritage. There is massive scope to really push more the market feel on the street, which would be a real shame to lose. It is the DNA of this three-hundred-year-old street and should be woven into its future”.
RTE, Kieran McCarthy, Significant Siking Settlement found in Cork City Centre, 13 January 2018
Cllr Kieran McCarthy, news piece with RTE News, 13 January 2018 on Late Viking Age Finds under former Beamish and Crawford site, South Main Street
McCarthy’s 2018 Ward Funding
Cllr Kieran McCarthy is calling on any community groups based in the south east ward of Cork City, which includes areas such as Ballinlough, Ballintemple, Blackrock, Mahon and South and Front Douglas Roads, with an interest in sharing in his 2018 ward funding to apply for his funds. A total of E.8,000 is available to community groups through Cllr Kieran McCarthy’s ward funds.
Application should be made via letter (see for address) or email to Kieran at by Friday 9 February 2018. This email should give the name of the organisation, contact name, contact address, contact email, contact telephone number, details of the organisation, and what will the ward grant will be used for?
Ward funds will be prioritised to community groups who build community capacity, educate, build civic awareness and projects, which connect the young and old. Cllr. McCarthy especially welcomes proposals where the funding will be used to run a community event that benefits the wider community. In addition, he is seeking to fund projects that give people new skill sets. That could include anything from part funding of coaching training for sports projects to groups interested in bringing enterprise programmes to encourage entrepreneurship to the ward. Cllr. McCarthy is also particularly interested in funding community projects such as community concerts, coffee mornings and those that promote the rich history and environment within the south east ward. More guidelines can be viewed under ward funds at his blog at
Kieran’s Our City, Our Town, 11 January 2018
Kieran’s Our City, Our Town Article,
Cork Independent, 11 January 2018
Stories from 1918: Matters of Sugar and Butter
As World War I raged, rationing of food stuffs continued. The British Ministry of Food set up a food control committee for Ireland on 31 August 1917 and many of its regulations, in theory, applied to this country. In Great Britain there were Local Food Control Committees whilst in Ireland the administrative duties were initially entrusted to one control body, the Food Control Committee for Ireland. However, the Committee eventually on 13 December 1917 conferred local committees with the authority to fix retail prices of food supplies.
One hundred years ago this week, the second week of January 1918, the Food Control Committee of Ireland issued an order, and published it every major newspaper including the Cork Examiner. Entitled “The Sugar Order (Ireland), 1917”, it contained provisions with reference to a rationing scheme of sugar distribution in Ireland, which were similar to those contained in the Sugar Order 1917, relating to Great Britain. Under the provisions of the Irish Order from 6 January manufacturers and caterers in Ireland had their supplies of sugar regulated by the authorities and institutions, and from 3 March retailers and wholesalers were restricted. It was an offence from these respective dates to supply the different “classes of purchasers” with sugar except against vouchers duly issued.
The task of the distribution of sugar cards in Cork was entrusted to the members of the Royal Irish Constabulary. By the second week of January, the task was almost completed – except for a few cases where persons were absent from their places of abode during the Christmas holidays, or where some last moment persons were just too late in making their needs known to the authorities. Provisions were made for everyone.
By mid January, all sugar card holders in Ireland had to be registered with their respective grocers who retained half the card. Grocers in the weeks before the scheme came into operation made their arrangements with the Ministry of Food for a regular supply of sugar to meet the needs of their customers, in accordance with the number of cards lodged with them. Questions were asked as to what quantities of sugar were to be given to adults and children. It was taken for granted that the adults’ ration would be half-a-pound per week, as was the case in England. It was believed that in the case of children under, sixteen that a slightly larger allowance was to be made. The system of receipt and checking of the rations as sold by the retailer to his customers was also an issue.
As sugar cards were been shared with the general public, the Irish Food Control Committee issued an appeal to the public to “exercise as much economy as possible in the use of essential foods, especially bread, butter, milk, and sugar”. The Committee suggested that bread and butter should be served only at breakfast. Eating bread at luncheon or dinner was according to them “merely an unnecessary habit for those who can afford fish, meat and vegetables”. Butter it was stated, was so scarce that “any saving in the quantity hitherto used would be of assistance”.
To discuss the butter shortage crisis, a meeting of the members of the Irish Butter Trade Association was held on the 9 January at the Cork Butter Market. Mr D Horgan presided. Compared to one hundred years previously, the Cork butter trade was on a slow decline. Further national regulation or even control of the market was not welcome. The Chairman at the outset said the meeting had been called to consider the “attitude of the Irish Food Control Committee” in connection with the distribution, control of grading and rationing of Irish butter, and the possible surplus supply during the ensuing season. The matter was of great consequence to the dairy farmers of the country, and to all connected with the butter trade. Mr Horgan expressed a view on behalf of all the members, that it would be a terrible blow if the Government assumed control and set the direction of the butter trade of Ireland, and that “if it became permanent it would be a disaster”. Cork butter had been locally inspected and graded for over 150 years. He publicly called for strong efforts of their Parliamentary representatives, to invoke their influence on stopping the giving over a great deal of power to government to control the butter trade.
The following resolution was proposed by Mr Dale: “That the Irish Butter Trade Association are of opinion that the Government should make arrangements to have all grading of Irish butter carried out at this side, but if such an arrangement could not be made Irish butter should be sold at one flat price”.
A debate ensued by several members. Mr Roche said they all approved of the resolution to a certain extent—that the grading should be done at this side, but that within the British export market, finance because of the war was invested in lower quality grade butter, which decreased support for high quality products, and ultimately eroded the grading process. Ultimately if the demand for Irish butter deteriorated at the other side it would be hard financially on Irish exporters.
Mr Dale proposed an amended resolution: “The Irish butter trade are strongly of opinion that the grading of Irish butter is quite unnecessary in Britain as shippers will ship under their usual brands; but in the event of grading being insisted on, the trade believe it would be disastrous to Irish trade interests were it to be done outside Ireland”. The resolution was agreed to and sent on to the Irish Food Control Committee.
928a. Ad for Cork Butter Merchants 1919, from Cork: Its Chamber and Commerce (source: Cork City Library)
928b. Ad for Cork Butter Merchants 1919, from Cork: Its Chamber and Commerce (source: Cork City Library)
Fears over revised heritage site plans for former Beamish and Crawford site, 10 January 2018
by Eoin English, Irish Examiner Reporter, published 10 January 2018
Above: Part of a Viking piece found on the Beamish and Crawford site.
Concerns have been expressed about a scaling back of heritage space in a landmark building earmarked for regeneration on a site in the medieval heart of Cork.
It follows the release of a new report on the archaeological excavations at the former Beamish and Crawford site on South Main St which has yielded evidence for the earliest urban layout for the city.
Tree-ring dating from samples in one area of the site have dated the remains of a house to AD1070 — 15 years earlier than the urban layout in Waterford. The foundations of a 12th-century church have also been found.
However, developers and site owners BAM, who are behind the €150m Brewery Quarter regeneration plan — student apartments, offices and the controversial events centre — have lodged a planning application seeking amendments to a previously granted planning permission relating to the site’s historic Counting House brewery building.
The original plan had just over 1,400sq m of heritage space within the building to tell the story of the site. The developers want to reduce it to just over 800sq m.
Cllr Kieran McCarthy, a historian, said he has concerns about this move, especially in the wake of the report which shows that archaeologists have found:
Evidence for the earliest urban layout archaeologically proven for Cork;
Stone foundations representing about two thirds of St Laurence’s Church. Preservation of the remains in situ is unlikely however due to unfavourable tidal and environmental conditions;
Evidence of land claim and reclamation levels dating from AD1120 to AD1150.
It was reported last year that an impressive wooden weaver’s sword, a wooden saddle pommel and a distinctive wooden thread winder, all of which were well-preserved and elaborately decorated, were also found.
The report notes that there is a “willingness” to see some form of cultural heritage exhibition housed in the redeveloped site but discussions on how that will be achieved are still ongoing between BAM and city planners.
Cllr McCarthy said it was vital that the rich history of the site was told — and told properly.
“The material found on this site is the story of all of us. It is the story of the origins of Cork and we need to ensure that the site’s history is told properly,” he said.
“We need to harness this archaeology, and this history, for the city. The events centre controversy must not be allowed affect how we develop the heritage of this site. This is where the city began. For any other city in the world, this would be a huge showcase.”
Maurice Hurley, who led the archaeological investigations on the site, will deliver a public lecture at the Crawford Gallery on February 7.
It is also hoped that an exhibition of some of the material found on the site could be staged later this year — in May at the earliest.
McCarthy: Advance Planning needed for War of Independence Commemorations