Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 February 2025:
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update to the archaeological conservation strategy for Carr’s Hill graveyard? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get an update in the South East LEA the on the cycling and pedestrian scheme in Maryborough Woods (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That consideration be given to having Vice Chairs of SPCs, who can represent the Chair when missing at the SPC and at the Corporate Policy group meeting (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That continued work be pursued to keep rebuilding the Cork past and Present website hosted by the City Library (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a painting grant scheme be considered for St Patrick’s Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 January 2025:
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE why public parking has been removed on the avenue to the Ursuline Convent Avenue in Blackrock (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To ask for a bin for the new Blackrock Pier / Ursuline Convent playground (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Cantillon fountain be restored as well as a feature made of the canon and mound on The Marina Promenade (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That an update be provided to South East LEA on the upgrading of Loughmahon Playground (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council praises the initiative of the Anglesea Street Garda community policing van initiative prior to Christmas and that discussion would happen with the Garda station on a similar roll-out of the van at busy times of the city’s events calendar (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE and Motions, Cork City Council meeting, 17 December 2024
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE why public parking has been removed on the avenue to the Ursuline Convent Avenue in Blackrock (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That public lighting be provided at the Japanese Gardens, Ballinlough (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a Lollypop person be provided at St Luke’s School, Douglas (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That funding mechanisms be explored and applied for for the up grade of Mahon Youth Centre (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 November 2023:
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on Bishop Lucey Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get an update at the South East LEA on the provision of a playground at Beaumont Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 September 2024:
To ask the CE for an update on Marina Park Phase 2 and the Marina Promenade Project (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 July 2024
To ask the CE for an update on the repair of Parliament Bridge (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
July 2023-June 2024, In the chair of Cork City Council
Kieran’s Motions , Cork City Council Meeting, 8 May 2023
That Cork City Data Dashboard be reconstructed and hosted online in association with the aims of the City Council’s Digital Strategy (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask for a report at the South East Local Electoral Area on the status of Marina Park, Phases 1,2 & 3 (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the next phase of tourism development be progressed with in Elizabeth Fort especially with info panels on the ramparts and the rejuvenation of the two fallen down sheds (possible café idea?) in the eastern walls of the parade ground (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That a rolling annual maintenance program be created for the National Monument, so that the cost of maintenance does not build over several years (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE , Cork City Council Meeting, 10 April 2023
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update and progress report on the resolution of the collapsed car park quay wall at South Gate Bridge (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of the Odlum’s artist campus proposal in Dublin’s Docks, that a similar initiative be sought for in Cork’s South Docks (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the community garden idea in the former walled garden and water tower in Beaumont Park be progressed with as per the wishes of the local resident’s group (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the clock mechanism in St Anne’s Church, Shandon be fixed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE , Cork City Council Meeting, 13 March 2023
To get a report on the status of the playground space at the Old Cork Waterworks Experience being returned to Cork City Council from Irish Water (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 January 2023
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE about the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this winter in the city?
How many homelessness cases on the streets in the last weekend of January 2023?
Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city (early February 2023)?
How many emergency accommodation units?
To ask for the breakdown of finance given to housing homeless agencies in the city in 2022 and proposed expenditure to agencies in 2023? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That a root and branch assessment be made on the pedestrian safety around the new Douglas-Rochestown Educate Together School on the old Carrigaline Road and appropriate safety measures be acted upon (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the name John Swiney, one of the core leaders in Cork of the United Irishmen in 1798, be inscribed on the 1798 panel on the National Monument on the Grand Parade (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get a report on the status of the playground space at the Old Cork Waterworks Experience being returned to Cork City Council from Irish Water (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To add Lisnalee Drive, Ballintemple, to the re-surfacing estates list of the south east local electoral area (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 January 2023
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update and progress report on the resolution of the collapsed car park quay wall at South Gate Bridge (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Cork City Council archaeology team consider the digitisation of former Cork City Council archaeology books for the archaeology sub site of the Council’s website or Cork Past and Present sub site of Cork City Library (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That safer and sustainable car parking be created in the vicinity of Cinnamon Cottage, Monastery Road Rochestown in conjunction with the owner of the Cottage and other local stakeholders (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That footpaths be created from Douglas Hall AFC, Moneygourney to the T junction at Garryduff Road. Currently there are no footpaths in place along the Moneygourney Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To add Silverdale Road to the re-surfacing estates list of the south east local electoral area (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 November 2022
To ask the CE on an update on the current management arrangements for public lighting in the city, and in particular what climate action measure are being taken and what contractors are being engaged with? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 September 2022
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update and progress report on the resolution of the collapsed car park quay wall at South Gate Bridge (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask the South East LEA for an update on the progress of Coach Hill Road Works Scheme, Rochestown? When will plans be presented to the public and funding be put in place? Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask the Roads and Transportation SPC on why the provision of home insurance has become a feature of our parking by-laws permits (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 June 2022
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on fixing the Atlantic Pond valve problem? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Strategic, Economic Development, Enterprise and Planning SPC invite in management of An Post to present on their future plans in safeguarding existing post offices in Cork City from closure (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 April 2022
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the repair of the bicycle hire station on Morrison’s Island by the College of Commerce? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That an urban animation scheme be prepared for and created for Robert Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council calls upon the Minister of Housing to debate and secure that in the private housing market vendors are obliged to supply a current engineer’s status report to potential buyers, and that vendors are obliged to provide evidence of ownership prior to the house being placed on the market; that these latter measures be implemented in order to limit the exposure and costs of buyers in the private housing market (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 March 2022
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about the use of Boole House on Batchelor’s Quay and why it remains not in use? The project was undertaken in conjunction and partnership with UCC who co-funded the project with City Council. The property was handed over to UCC who are now in ownership of the building and responsible for its completion. The building remains unfitted out (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Silverdale Avenue and Aisleigh Gardens be added to the re-surfacing list for the South East LEA (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the long run of footpath lying adjacent the boundary wall of St Finbarr’s Hospital opposite the Tesco Express on Douglas Road be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council are shocked at the Russian regime aggression and military attack on Ukraine, which goes against all international agreements and norms. The loss of life through this unprovoked attack and act of war is unacceptable. We call on the Irish government and the EU and its allies to take the strongest sanctions possible against the Russian regime. The people of Ukraine are sovereign and our support is with them at this exceptionally difficult time. That this motion be forwarded to Minister Simon Coveney, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 February 2022
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE about the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this winter in the city?
How many homelessness cases on the streets in the last weekend of January 2022?
Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city (early February 2022)?
How many emergency accommodation units?
To ask for the breakdown of finance given to housing homeless agencies in the city in 2021 & for 2022? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the public lighting provision be examined and new lighting, as appropriate, be installed at Flaherty’s Lane, which gives access into Glencoo Estate, Ballinlough, and at Wallace’s Avenue if needs be (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the circular road/ trail around Tramore Valley Park be examined and resurfaced, if needs, be to help people walk and cycle upon it (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Skehard Road park get signage erected on site naming it as such, plus an examination of how to deal with flooding and drainage in its southern section plus the provision of new trees, as appropriate (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Ballybrack Heights, Donnybrook be added to the re-surfacing list for the South East LEA, as well as prioritising repairs of the estate’s footpaths (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 December 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the opening of Marina Park and the final cost of its completion and the sources of funding? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That City Library’s Cork Past and Present website be put back together online as soon as possible. It plays a very supportive role in the study of local history and genealogy in the city and region (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 November 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the Skehard Road works? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council’s arts and recreation sections consider working with artists to create murals, in order to enliven Douglas Swimming Pool’s exterior walls – potential topics could be water safety or themes of environment and energy efficiency (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 October 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the opening of Marina Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 September 2021
That the Council erect solar speed signs on Victoria Road/ Albert Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the broken timber spars on seats on the Atlantic Pond be replaced, and all seats be repainted to coincide with the upcoming opening of Marina Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 July 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE on the city schools, which received Safe to School funding through the NTA and the associated Green Schools An Taisce initiative in 2019, 2020 & 2021, and how much was allocated to each school? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the entrance to Broadale be examined from a safety perspective. Double yellow lines may be required to dissuade parked cars from blocking the entrance (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a more user friendly Planning website be explored where is easier to access information such as letters and drawings (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 June 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE on an update on the Penrose Quay hoarding? Whilst acknowledging, the recent creation of a smaller hoarding space and the Crawford Art Gallery print display of historic Cork paintings, it is now over a decade since my initial asking of when this remnant of the Cork Main Drainage Project will be completed, and the site levelled off? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Cork City Council in 2022 celebrate the 300th anniversary of the construction of the Church of St Anne, Shandon recognising its impact on the city and its unique landmark for Cork citizens (Cllr Kieran McCarthy) [co-signed with Cllr Tony Fitzgerald).
That the City Council with Ballintemple National School traffic review the management guidance provisions in place for both school campuses currently. With an increase in the number of children attending Scoil Iósaf Naofa and increasing volumes of traffic in the surrounding community vicinities, the Board of Management feels that further traffic and pedestrian safety measures need to be implemented. In particular, the school seeks additional traffic calming measures on Crab Lane itself, an increase in visual awareness signage, and a pedestrian priority feature at the school gate itself, to ensure all car users are aware of the school gate. At the Boreenmanna Road campus, an additional lollypop person is sought for the senior school as an immediate necessity. A pedestrian crossing is sought in close proximity to the senior school as an important safety feature (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council enhance their directions / signage in City cemeteries to help locate burial plots. Where the cemeteries are well maintained, in some of the older cemeteries it is difficult to locate faded inscribed numerical markers. In additional, that there be an increased effort by the City Council to put burial records online so they can be located, either on their own website or on Cork City and County Archives website, and especially through the use of volunteers (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council calls on An Post to create a maintenance plan for the older green historic post boxes. These are historical artefacts which, literally, have history inscribed on them, and which deserve to be preserved and maintained. They are examples of craftsmanship and are part of our fine national heritage and Cork’s fine street furniture (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 May 2021
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the progress of Marina Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the double yellow lines be returned to the corner of Park Hill and Skehard Road. Cars are parking on the corner making vehicles difficult to exit and enter with ease (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council and the ESB work on a joint programme of works to return the sub station on Caroline Street to an art gallery/ cultural space (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That appropriate trees be replanted at the Japanese Gardens, Ballinlough, following the recent cutting due to health and safety (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 March 2021
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on fixing the Atlantic Pond valve problem? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That safety signage be erected at the unprotected pier in Blackrock. There is no life jacket sign. There is no indication that it is a dangerous area for vehicles (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of the recent presentation on the city centre and the difficulty of rolling out broadband fibre cable to replace the old copper cable, that a suitable, sustainable and efficient technological solution be sought out with service providers. Cork City Centre cannot be left behind in the roll-out (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the remains of the Cantillan family sponsored drinking fountain atop a grassy mound at the western end of The Marina in front of Shandon Rowing Club be re-imagined – either as a conservation project or a new drinking fountain installed at the location – or a mixture of both (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 February 2021
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this winter in the city?
How many homelessness cases on the streets in the last weekend of January 2021?
Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city (early February 2021)?
How many emergency accommodation units?
To ask for the breakdown of finance given to housing homeless agencies in the city in 2020 & for 2021? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the footpath between Temple Inn and Venue Public Houses, Ballintemple be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the request to ward councillors by the Parent Association of St Michael’s NS, Blackrock on Church Road be looked at and implemented with regard to speed limit reduction to 30 kph, adequate school awareness signage, speed limit posting on both approaches on Church Road, road markings, and bollards at the front of the school (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council calls on the Government to put in place legislation on the standards, management and maintenance specific to houses of multi-occupancy (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 January 2021
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on repair work on Parliament Bridge on its north-western side? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the public lights within the lamps on the National Monument on the Grand Parade be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the public lights within the lamps on South Gate Bridge be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get a report on the status of the Traffic Operations review of the current demand for EV charging points on public roads and in public spaces, as began last year (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To review traffic speeds on the main road outside Foxwood and Monfield, Garryduff and to erect further slow down signs and mind children signs as appropriate (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 December 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the progress of opening Douglas Library? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the rising flag stone footpaths opposite Nagle Community College on Avenue de Rennes in Mahon be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That repairs be competed on the many broken footpaths sections in Ardfallen Estate, Ballinlough (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get an update at the LEA meeting on progress for traffic calming measures outside Eglantine National School on the Eglantine Park side (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the tree line be thinned around the public lights in the northern section of Endsleigh Estate, Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 November 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for the most recent update on progress associated with the re-opening of Daly’s Bridge? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That info gathered from the consultation on the Marina’s permanent pedestrianisation be presented to the South East Local Area Committee (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of ongoing work on Penrose Quay, that the unfinished Cork Main Drainage infrastructure feature upon the quay be finished (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Arising from the difficulties with some older buildings within the old medieval core, that a plan be put in place that every single building be inspected from ground to roof on South and North Main Streets, and on Washington Street – and the data be collated and presented to the Planning SPC (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council calls upon central government to ensure that local authorities are allocated part funding from the REACT-EU fund or Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe Fund (Cllr Kieran McCarthy). This will enable local authorities such as Cork City Council to keep carrying out their work in job creation and in the green and digital transition (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 October 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for a progress report on Marina Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That road safety measures be again looked at the junction of Ballinlough Road and Bellair Estate. The corner of Old Lady of Lourdes National School is a blind corner and has many people crossing this dangerous stretch of road everyday (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That arrangements be made that the 1779 archway behind Supermacs on Kyrl’s Quay be abstracted and placed in a more prominent position nearby to reflect its stature, history and design (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get a progress report at the South East Local Area Committee on progress in installing ramps on Churchyard Lane as agreed by Councillors some time ago (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council consider signing up to the Walk 21 International Charter for Walking (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 September 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on progress and final contract work and its complexities associated with the re-opening of Daly’s Bridge? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get a report for the South East Local Electoral area of any future plans for the extension of the Mangala Walk in Douglas (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the historic Parliament Bridge be in the mix as the next City bridge to be revamped; its stonework on its balustrades are in poor shape and its lighting is broken (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 July 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on progress on re-opening Douglas Library? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask for a presentation from Open Eir on the progress of fibre broadband roll-out in Cork City (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That a centenary commemoration event be created to mark the hunger strike of Terence MacSwiney (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In lieu of removal of trees due to health and safety, that a tree replacement programme be implemented at Ballinlough Community Park and on The Marina (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council upgrade the crossings signals at the crossroads of Wallace’s Avenue, Boreenmanna Road, and Victoria Avenue, similar to those developed within the city centre (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 March 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the tender process for Marina Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the white lines be repainted at the entrance and exit from Maryville Estate to Blackrock Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That “Welcome to” Signs to Ballintemple Village and Blackrock Village be erected on routes entering the respective villages (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That a bus stop shelter be erected at Skehard Lawn stop next to the Petrol Station on Skehard Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Cork City Council amend the Private Drains Information Leaflet to state that should the deeds of a house owner state that the house owner is responsible for their own drains then any pipe work repair / replacement will be the responsibility of the house owner only (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 February 2020
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this past winter season in the city?
How many homelessness cases on the streets in the two weeks of January 2020?
Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city
How many emergency accommodation units are there?
To ask for the breakdown of finance given to housing homeless agencies in the city in 2019 and to be allocated in 2020? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That road safety measures be again looked at the junction of Ballinlough Road and Bellair Estate. The corner of Old Lady of Lourdes National School is a blind corner and has many people crossing this dangerous stretch of road everyday (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the public lighting on Wallace’s Avenue, Ballinlough be improved (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That yellow boxes be repainted at the entrance and exit to St Finbarr’s Hospital on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question the CE & Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 January 2020
Kieran’s Question to CE:
To ask the CE for the Council’s role, if any, in the archaeological dig that recently took place on Bessborough grounds?
That the Council finish off the repair of sections of footpaths not reached within Ardmahon Estate (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Pic du Jer Park Ballinlough be re-surfaced as a priority as the surface of the road is collapsing at its sides (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Commemorative Plaques booklet published in recent years by the City Council be re-issued in light of the commemoration of the War of Independence (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That in light of the local office development at Penrose Quay to be opened this year, that a proper maintenance plan be affected for the Listening Posts sculpture (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 December 2019
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE about progress on Marina Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council paint a yellow box as Boreenmanna Road meets the City inbound and outbound South Link lanes (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council repaint the road line junction markings as Blackrock Road meets Victoria Road junctions (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council begin to host visible tree planting events that the public can engage with (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask Community, Culture and Place-Making Directorate for a progress and implementation report on the City of Sanctuary Action Plan (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 November 2019
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the progress of Coach Hill Road Works Scheme, Rochestown? When will plans be presented to the public and funding be put in place? Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the ongoing demographic change and the emergence of many new families living in the area that a new playground be made a priority for delivery in Ballinlough. The current very small playground in Ballinlough Swimming Pool Park is out of date and is not fit for purpose for such an area with a rapidly growing number of families (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the lines for the car parking spaces at the start of Blackrock Amenity adjacent Blackrock Castle be re-painted as they are faded. In particular drivers are unable to note the delineations of the designated wheelchair spaces (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting:
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about work to restore Douglas Library in a temporary premises and work ongoing to save the book stock? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a guard rail barrier be erected between the gate and the road outside Ballinlough Community Park on Boreenmanna Road. The gate leads directly on to the Boreenmanna Road and there is no pedestrian guard rail / safety barrier to stop small children running straight onto the road if somebody left the gate open (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
As per previous motions by fellow colleagues in the south east LEA, and building upon their previous calls, that the process to close part of the Marina on Sunday afternoons be expediated (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 September 2019
Kieran’s Question to CE and motion, Cork City Council Meeting
To ask the CE for an update on the progress of Marina Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council place traffic calming measures through Ballintemple in particular exiting from Lower Beaumont Drive onto Blackrock Road as it has become a dangerous junction for local residents (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the one per cent art scheme connected with the Douglas Flood Defence Scheme be initiated and the funding put aside to attain proposals from interested artists for a work within Douglas Community Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Lee to Sea Greenway as proposed by the Cork Cycling Campaign and Cork City Council be progressed to its early planning stages (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council’s 1920-2020 Commemorative programme be put together as a matter of urgency (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and motion, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 July 2019
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the progress of the successful Urban Redevelopment Funding projects, and also a listing on those projects, which were not successful? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the public lighting on Wallace’s Avenue, Ballinlough be improved (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council give consideration to the CPO-ing of the derelict Lakelands Bar on Avenue de Rennes, Mahon as it is in a very poor condition and there has been no sign of redevelopment for many years (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of dereliction, traffic and spatial planning challenges that a Douglas Village Local Area Plan be created (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council appoint a dedicated Cycling Officer in order to build a positive narrative on the benefits of cycling and associated cycling community projects (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and motion, Cork City Council Meeting, 23 April 2019
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for a progress report on Tramore Valley Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
“Mindful of changes in the way the current council is being run from previous years, with more groupings now involved in the rotation of chairs and outside committees, that the standing order governing the replacement of councillors following resignation of their seats (for reasons such as election to the Oireachtas or European Parliament, sickness, death etc) be changed to afford non party members the same rights as the larger parties to nominate their replacements in such eventualities” (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 April 2019
To ask the CE about progress on negotiations to retrieve the green in front of the Ursuline Convent, Blackrock for the proposed playground (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That speed controls be put in place at either side of O’Driscolls shop on Ballinlough Road. It is a congested area with cars and delivery trucks parked and lots of pedestrians crossing over and back from the shop all the time. Many of these pedestrians are vulnerable road users such as primary school children and older residents. Cars travel through this busy junction every day without slowing down. This is effectively the heart of Ballinlough village and a hub for pedestrians and the fact that children and older people cannot safely cross reduces their quality of life (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 January 2018
To ask the CE on a concept proposed in 2008/09 of a 50m swimming pool for Cork. It was noted to Council at that point in time that progress would be made on exploring the concept more when the economic climate would pick up again – has any progress been made on the idea todate in the ten-year interval? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on progress on Tramore Valley Park ? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Cork City Council calls upon Minister Zappone’s Department to acknowledge Adoptee Identity Rights and allow Adoptees access to their own information on Health and Heritage in line with the equality and personal autonomy rights of other citizens (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 December 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this winter in the city?
How many homelessness cases on the streets in the first weekend (1st/2nd) of December 2018?
Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city (early December 2018)?
How many emergency accommodation units?
To ask for the breakdown of finance given to housing homeless agencies in the city in 2017 & 2018? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Motion: That the City Council organise an annual tree planting & biodiversity day with interested communities (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 November 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about progress on Boole House on Batchelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Cork City Council enter the European Youth Capital initiative for 2022. It is a title awarded by the European Youth Forum. It is granted to a European city for a period of one year that puts young people at the core of the city’s social, economic, cultural and political life (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That exploration be begun on parking voucher schemes in the Council City Centre carparks – that potentially a person who buys in a city centre shop gets a discount off their parking in a Council multi-storey carpark (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 November 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE what are the differences between the “Super 7” measures of the City Centre Mobility Plan launched in August 2018 & and the revised city Centre parking and marketing measures for November and December 2018? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the ongoing difficulty in illegal parking in the vicinity of the old post office sorting office – now a residence – that bollards be placed on the road in Churchyard Lane opposite entrances to houses. This would create a chicane into the road and would achieve improved safety slowing vehicles down, improved safety for pedestrians as cars would no longer be able to park on top of footpaths thereby forcing pedestrians to walk on the road, guarantee residents easy access to their homes as cars could no longer park where the bollards are, stop illegal parking on the road, and ensure emergency services have ready access to all houses on and through the Lane (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council locks in Earth Hour on its annual events calendar so it happens every year and is on par with other events. That Cork City Council participates in Earth Hour by switching off all of City Hall’s non-essential lights, particularly facade floodlights. That Cork City Council actively liaises with the relevant officials to broaden participation in Earth Hour to Cork City’s most-renowned buildings including: Saint Anne’s Church, North Cathedral, Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral and the Aula Maxima in UCC (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 October 2018
To ask the CE for an update on phase one of works at Marina Park ? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 September 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the opening of Tramore Valley Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council put in place a significant tree planting programme within the 2019 budget (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
At the meeting of the passing of the Morrison’s Island Part 8 it was tentatively agreed by some Party Whips that a review of the overall proposed OPW Lower Lee scheme be implemented. I am calling that a review be discussed again at a Party Whips meeting with a view to possible implementation (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 July 2018
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 July 2018
To ask the CE about progress on funding approved in late 2017 to commence draft designs for the enhancement of Kennedy Park and the public realm along Monahan Road. An important element of the design process was to be consultation with residents and other stake holders. What is the status of this project? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of White Street Car Park being closed, that provision be made to create an official art graffiti space elsewhere in the city (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council work with Airtricity so that the two public lights on a laneway from Aisleigh Gardens to Skehard Road be fixed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 June 2018
To ask the CE for an update on progress on the Mahon Local Area Plan? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 May 2018
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting
To ask the CE about progress regarding the upcoming opening of Tramore Valley Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council install flower beds at Audley Place, Our Lady’s Well and clean up the dumped rubbish on the Fever Hospital Steps – ultimately making the space more of a tourist and community quarter (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council install air quality monitors in the City Centre (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 April 2018
To ask the CE about progress and time scales on the current Skehard Road works? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council re-commits to the concept of having a playground on the Ursuline Convent grounds, as proposed in the original plans for the Blackrock Pier Regeneration project (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the road sign Convent Avenue, an iron plaque on Cork City Gaol heritage centre’s wall, be cleaned and painted (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 March 2018
To ask the CE about progress in unlocking the NAMA lands of formerly Howard Holdings in Cork’s Docklands? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 March 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on planning applications for the old Odlums building in Docklands, and have any approaches been made to the owner regarding considering the future use of this historic building? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 February 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the Marina Park development todate? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council review the safety of pedestrians in Ballintemple Village. Regular speeding is not helped by fact it is still 50kph through the village. It suffers from poor design with zero traffic calming features. Sweeping bends, irregular parking, limited crossings points, dangerous bus stops all feature. Crab Lane road to the local school is also devoid of footpaths making it very dangerous at school times (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council patch as appropriate the larger potholes in Greenhills Estate (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 February 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about what communication has occurred with the HSE to move forward the site of the former St Kevin’s Hospital away from dereliction to some form of use? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council apply for central government funding to replace the 500 trees felled by Storm Ophelia (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council re-iterate the points in discussion with private developers the protected status of the Port of Cork building and the bonded warehouses (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 January 2018
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about the work programme and timeframe for Tramore Valley leading up to its opening to the general public this year? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the missing street plaques be replaced at Dalton’s Avenue and Sheares Street, as well as the Sráid An Chapaill Bhuí at the Roundy House pub side on Castle Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council’s future Arts Plan be compiled and published (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 January 2018
To ask the CE on progress made on drawing down government funding to replace fallen and damaged trees in the city after Storm Ophelia? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 December 2017
As part of the creation of Tramore Valley Park, a deal was struck between the City Council and Vayu Energy Company to sell the gas from the landfill to this energy company, yielding an income for the Council each year. What has been the return for the City Council todate? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the trees due to be planted on the Blackrock Pier regeneration project be put in place (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE and Motion, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 November 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE, as the south docks area develops in the Navigation House area, what plans and measures are in place to reduce the increasing congestion of traffic in the morning and evening times? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council provide better pedestrian priority measures as Boreenmanna Road meets Rockboro School; the visibility of the traffic lights and luminous areas needs to be improved as do widening the footpaths from the school to Castlegreina Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 November 2017
Question to CE:
(A)To ask the CE about the progress of ongoing considerations for a tree replanting programme for the 500 fallen trees lost from Storm Ophelia? (B) Plus to ask about the number of trees removed as part of the ongoing City Centre Traffic Strategy and the reasons why? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council works towards preparing an application for the EU Green Capital Award. The Awards aim to reward the efforts of cities who strive to improve the lives of their citizens, become role models and commit to environmental, social and economic sustainability (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the translation of the Tomas McCurtain diaries, being currently led by the Cork Decorative Fine Arts Society in association with Cork Public Museum be supported by Cork City Council as part of the Decade of Centenaries (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 31 October 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE about plans for the future regeneration of Daly’s Bridge, which is celebrating its 90th birthday this year and is much revered by citizens? The lattice ironwork is in a poor state and parts of the structure need urgent repair (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council through Cork Innovates take an active part in the Start-Up Europe Network. The network gathers all EU regions actively engaged in promotion of startups and entrepreneurship and interested to cooperate and develop joint actions with other regions for this purpose (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council consider installing a footpath where Tramore Lawn joins the Douglas Road. Currently, there is no footpath on this intersection of the two roads making it unsafe and difficult for residents to access the footpaths of the main road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 October 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for an update on last year’s proposal by TEAM to erect new signage for tourist sites in the city – the legible city plan? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council create a Coal Quay Stakeholders forum bringing together the various traders and residents on this historic street. It is clear that some plans by different stakeholders are similar but others are not aligned (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Is there any possibility of improvements to the footpath and a safe crossing to the Mahon greenway from St Luke’s Nursing Home? St Luke’s Nursing Home in Blackrock has been fortunate to acquire a trishaw thanks to the huge generosity of PFH. This trishaw, which will be piloted by volunteers, will allow senior members of the community the opportunity to enjoy the Mahon greenway. At present there are four trishaws in Ireland with eight pending. Wheelchair access to the greenway from St Luke’s requires crossing the road four times, whereas one crossing would be possible – this would also be of benefit to nearby sports clubs (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 September 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE on the response to the increase to serious graffiti on dwellings and businesses across the City? What is the existing partnership with the external agencies especially the Probation Service to clean graffiti through the community service programme? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council work with the owners of the McCarthy Monument in an effort to get rid of the vegetation on and growing out of the stonework (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To erect signs on the old railway line walk at the Marina and at Skehard Road to alert users that pedestrians and cyclists need to be mindful of each other’s use of the line (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 September 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE on the current status of Tramore Valley Park and within the emerging budget drafts for 2018, when will the park fully open? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the cut stone and plaques deposited at the Council Depot Store in Mahon be catalogued and re-used in the landscaping of public space in the south east ward (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council fix the southern gate and wall at Buckley’s Meadow, Blackrock. At the estate’s opening residents had keys but the gate is now damaged and off its hinges (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 June 2017
Kieran’s Question to CE:
To ask the CE for a progress report on Blackrock pier plaza plus future plans and funding arrangements for the Ursuline Convent grounds and Community Centre surrounds as part of the regeneration ? Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the newly acquired former HSE Health Centre Building at Lakelands Crescent, Mahon be considered as the Blackrock / Library space (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 June 2017
To ask the CE about solutions being rolled out to tackle Japanese Knotweed? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting 8 May 2017
Question to CE:
To ask the CE for the future plans for the now demolished Abode site in Mahon? and the ongoing plan for the Blackrock/ Mahon library? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council pursue the resurfacing of Douglas Pool car park and hill as a matter of priority (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get an update from TEAM on the development of the Little Museum of Cork concept (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting 24 April 2017
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the re-surfacing of Douglas Pool carpark and hill? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council review the parking situation and road layout outside the shopping parade near the Silver Key bar. At present there is very little parking for the five businesses trading here. There can be a lot of congestion and illegal parking around busy times and this affects business and causes problems for local residents who are left with no option but to call the Gardai. A strip of cycle lane on the main road was formerly much used and greatly appreciated parking (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council resurface the stretch of road outside Galvin’s Off-Licence on Douglas Road. It has been in a deteriorating state for many years now (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE and motion, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 March 2017
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE on an update on the Penrose Quay hoarding? Whilst acknowledging, the recent creation of a smaller hoarding space, it is now eight years since my initial asking of when this remnant of the Cork Main Drainage Project will be completed and the site levelled off (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council create a new historic city centre action plan for North Main Street?
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting 23 January 2017
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for a progress report on archaeology monitoring at the event centre site? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Marian Park, Resurfacing:
That the Council review the deteriorating conditions of the parking area/footpaths fronting House No’s 11 to 20 at Marian Park. They have completely disintegrated over the Winter, pockmarked with potholes, and are giving rise to the risk of damage to vehicles and a trip hazard for residents in particular young children. The surface levels of the whole parking area needs to be reduced and resurfaced. Also the footpaths fronting these houses need to be replaced as they are now very uneven and at the same level as the parking area (Council Reference No. 21947 and 19198).
With reference to the works carried out by the City Council on the triangular piece of green area to the front of No’s 9 and 11 Marian Park where two strips of tarmac were laid, the Committee would request the City Council to also tarmac/pave the remaining piece of the green area as it is now a patch of mud which is a trip hazard and quite unsightly (Council Reference No. 19199).
There is also the issue of road/footpath subsidence outside Number 59 and 60 on Church Road. This may have been connected to the recent repair of a water main break, which was repaired very effectively and expeditiously by Council Staff. However, the road over the main has subsided due to the works leading to a series of ponds forming anytime it rains causing an inconvenience to pedestrians. We request the Council to raise the surface level and resurface the area (Council Reference No. 21950) (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Marina Trees:
For each of the trees that have been cut down on the Marina for different reasons, that they be replaced by younger trees (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting 9 January 2017
To ask the CE for a progress update on the development of Marina Park ? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 December 2016
To ask the CE the mechanisms in place to combat homelessness this winter in the city? how many homelessness cases on the streets in the first weekend (4th\5th) of December 2016? Are their beds available for all homelessness at this point in time in the city (early December 2016)? How many emergency accommodation units? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 October 2016
To ask the CE on the up todate progress on Blackrock village regeneration project as well as an update on funding for phase 2? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 June 2016
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on Tramore Valley Park and opening and the Marina Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council liase with Fáilte Ireland with regard to maximising Cork’s presence on the new Ireland’s Ancient East website (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council under the healthy cities programme develop a community garden in Mahon, perhaps on the grounds of Ringmahon House (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 June 2016
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE about the Council’s future plans for the Cork Harbour Commissioners building? Dating back two hundred years, this is a once in a generation opportunity to develop a key national state of the art martime/ diaspora centre through public and private partnership. Can partnerships be forged with the Port or Cork and our universities on its potential? It would be a real shame to watch any future building decay as well as decay of the historic bonded warehouses behind it (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a rescue plan be put in place to secure the roof of the old Butter Exchange in Shandon (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the spotlights on St Anne’s Church Shandon be restored. The historic building was once lit up to great effect in the early evenings (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 May 2016
To ask the CE for the most recent update on the resurfacing of Douglas Pool car-park and adjacent hill, and why the issue has gone on for a protracted time without resolution (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 April 2016
To ask the CE for an update on the Blackrock regeneration pier project? Especially in terms of completion schedule for phase one of the works that have begun? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 April 2016
To ask the CE on (a) the progress of St Luke’s Church and the hand-over to Tigh Fili, and (b) the progress made in the negotiations with securing Civic Trust House going forward for the festival bodies? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 March 2016
To ask the CE what is her intention about the future of TEAM and continuing its role in the Council and the datelines of the compiling of the second Cork City Tourism Strategy this year? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 March 2016
To ask the CE on how many sites across the city are awaiting tree pruning; how many sites were executed last year? When will the trees which flank the access road to the Trabeg housing scheme, Ashdene, Riverway, Nemo Rangers GAA club, etc. off South Douglas Road be pruned? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council in partnership with the Cork Sports Partnership create events in early September to mark European Week of Sport (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 February 2016
To ask the CE on the progress of consultation with the local school regarding traffic calming measures in Ballintemple village and on Boreenmanna Road? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 February 2016
To ask the CE for an update on the resurfacing of Douglas Pool car-park and adjacent hill, and why the issue has gone on for a protracted time without resolution? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 January 2016
To ask the CE for an update on the funding situation for Tramore Valley Park, and what is the plan to open it beyond the Saturday mornings (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 January 2016
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the funding situation for Blackrock pier project. Is it possible to pursue the project now in phases? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE, Cork City Council Meeting, 23 November 2015
To ask the CE about the future of the Camden Palace Arts building. Since the building is sold, what does the future hold for the Arts practices within the building? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 November 2015
To ask the CE for an update on the Boole House project on Batchelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 October 2015
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE for an update on the funding situation for Blackrock pier project (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 September 2015
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE on an update on the Penrose Quay hoarding? Whilst acknowledging, the recent creation of a smaller hoarding space, it is now six years since my initial asking of when this remnant of the Cork Main Drainage Project will be completed and the site levelled off (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add the footpaths of Oakfield Lawn, Ballinlough Road to the footpath renewal programme (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council engage with the European Capital of Innovation programme with a view to attaining such an accolade. The programme celebrates the European city which is building the best “innovation ecosystem”- connecting citizens, public organizations, academia, and business – with a view to helping the city scale up its efforts in this field – all of which Cork and its region have in abundance (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 September 2015
Question to the CE/ Manager:
To ask the CE for an update on the Blackrock regeneration pier project? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
The McCarthy Monument on Blackrock Road is in a terrible condition with small branches growing out of it. Its environs are also in poor unkept state and the boundary walls are loose and need to be stabilised. Enforcement of the keeping of this monument and its surroundings seems to have failed. A plan with the landowners for this site needs to be created before the monument falls to further disrepair (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Minister of Health intervene in staffing the unopened adult CF ward in the Cork University Hospital. It is a shame that despite the fact that money for the ward was fundraised, to create the ward, that it now remains closed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 June 2015
Question to the CE/ Manager:
To ask the CE for an update on the Blackrock regeneration pier project? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
The McCarthy Monument on Blackrock Road is in a terrible condition with small branches growing out of it. Its environs are also in poor unkept state and the boundary walls are loose and need to be stabilised. Enforcement of the keeping of this monument and its surroundings seems to have failed. A plan with the landowners for this site needs to be created before the monument falls to further disrepair (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Minister of Health intervene in staffing the unopened adult CF ward in the Cork University Hospital. It is a shame that despite the fact that money for the ward was fundraised, to create the ward, that it now remains closed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 23 May 2015
Question to the CE/ Manager:
To ask the CE/ Manager for information on the following:
1. Number of dogs taken into CSPCA for 2013 and 2014?
2. Number of dogs reclaimed during this same period?
3. Number of dogs surrendered by members of public?
4. Number of dogs put to sleep?
5. Number of dogs that died of natural causes?
6. Number of dog Licences issued by CSPCA?
7. Number of dogs seized by Dog warden?
8. Number of dogs given to other Dog charities?
9. Number of dogs rehomed during this period?
- What was the total cost to the public of retaining the dog service for 2013 & 2014, including Wardens van maintenance, wages, amount per dog per night etc.?
- Details of any other sums of money given to the CSPCA by City Council?
(Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That any flag poles erected on City Council property during the ensuing year to mark the 1916 Rising be for the business of the Council or government commemorating the rising and not for the appropriation of the site by any one political party or group (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 April 2015
Question to the CE/ Manager:
To ask the CE when the partial clean-up of the hoarding on Penrose Quay, detailed in a reply by the CE on 12 January 2015 will begin. The hoarding has since collapsed and has revealed a very ugly situation (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council install traffic calming measures on Wallace’s Avenue (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 April 2015
Question to the City Manager/ CE:
To ask the CE why has the complimentary offer by the Council of erecting tribune banners on the Sarah Flannery lights in the city centre for festival bodies been stopped? I understand that the Council now wish to have circa E.6,000 for such banners to be put up? The banners are a great way of letting citizens know about upcoming festivals and events (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That speed limit and speed warning signs be erected on Douglas and South Douglas Roads (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That ramps and speed limit signs be erected on Blackrock Road leading down from the St Michael’s Church to the pier (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 February 2015
Question to the City Manager/ CE:
To ask the Manager for an update on the ongoing preparation work for Mahon Library? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That street signage for the Mardyke be erected; currently the road is not marked by street signs. Historic style signage showcasing the importance of the routeway could be created (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
As per one of the suggestions in the Colliers Report that an entrance archway be created at the top and lower end of Oliver Plunkett Street, to denote it a city street quarter (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 January 2015
Question to the City Manager/ CE:
To ask the Manager for an update on (a) the start date and works at Blackrock Pier? And (b) the ongoing preparation work for Mahon Library? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To redraw the lines, arrows etc at the important junction opposite Aldi’s entrance, the turn-off to Mahon Point from Skehard Road. The markings are faded, some cannot be seen and have led to near car collisions (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Irish government to mark the 1916 rising in 2016 give protected and national monument status to the hundreds of memorials inspired and created by the government commemoration fund in 1966. It would give continuity and build on the aspirations of the fiftieth anniversary year giving status to a wide range of memorials in the 100th anniversary year; that this motion would also be copied to other Councils in the country as well (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 January 2015
Question to the CE:
To ask the CE about why the Cork Main Drainage hoarding on Penrose Quay, opposite the old Steam Packet Office is still present? This hoarding and dug out space has been unresolved for the length of the last Council. It is ugly; inside is untidy and does not lend itself to any future plans for that area. Can management finally bring this issue to a successful conclusion? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the roof of local studies in Cork city library be fixed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on the next steps of revamp at Fitzgerald’s Park, especially on the proposed kitchen garden and the new playground (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 December 2014
Following on from the website, that the Council develop a app (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council erect an information panel on the old toll booth in St Luke’s Cross (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 December 2014
To ask the CE about issues in Fitzgerald’s Park:
What were the tender details and process for the cafe behind the Museum?
What happened to Seamus Murphy’s sculpture ‘Seasons’, which was on the old band stand?
Can Seamus Murphy’s ‘Dreamline’ be turned around or placed elsewhere; one side of its face is weathering very poorly?
What are the 2015 projects for the Lord Mayor’s Pavillion?
That the plans for the extension of the Ceili platform at the Lough be examined and accelerated (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a plan be implemented for the replacement of fallen trees in the Marina and Atlantic Pond area (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 November 2014
Question to the City Manager/ CE
To ask the CE about the plan to replace fallen trees on the Marina? From Pairc Uí Caoimh down to the Blackrock end of the Marina there are maybe 16-24 ‘gaps’ in the treeline. Some of these are manifest in the form of a few stumps (e.g on the bank above the Atlantic pond); some are due to the fall in storms of recent years of several big trees and some just ‘gaps’ in the regular spacing of trees. In relation to the big casualties of recent years in the case of about four, the space where the tree had stood has been (very neatly) concreted over which does not give hope of a replacement. I would urge that the fine tree line is maintained. A number of substantial trees have also fallen on the perimeter of the Atlantic pond in the last year or two. There is also concern locally about the health of the long line of trees on both sides of the Centre Park Rd on Marina end. Most did not come into leaf this year and I wonder if there is a plan to replace them? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council repair the footpaths from Rathmore Lawn to the entrance at Dosco and from the top of Capwell Road to Turners Cross. They are in a dangerous and poor state of repair. They are particularly hazardous for the elderly. While other footpaths in the area have been upgraded these sections have remained untouched. Much of the road area on the same stretch of the South Douglas Road is experiencing erosion of the surface leaving many dangerous pot holes. The entrance to Rathmore Lawn from the South Douglas Road also needs to have a widened footpath to slow traffic entering at speed and facilitate pedestrians crossing at the junction (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council examine the pedestrian crossing lights at the junction of Skehard Road and Church Road; they are either set wrong or the junction is too wide to have pedestrian lights on it. If the sequence was changed so that the green man goes green after the red light from the Church road and Supervalu sides this might solve the issue of cars speeding though a red light as they rush to Mahon (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 November 2014
Question to the City Manager/ CE
To ask the CE about the potential of buying the ‘Camden Palace Hotel’, formerly on Camden Quay, to develop as an arts building, continuing what is there. I understand that the ‘hotel’ is being sold by NAMA shortly (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Alderwood Estate, on South Douglas Road be added to the patch resurfacing roads programme (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That an elaborate skate board park be developed in Tramore Valley Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 October 2014
Question to the City Manager/ CE
To ask the Manager/ CE are there any plans to clean the limestone plinth of the Fr Mathew Statue to mark its 150 years at the site on St Patrick’s Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council review traffic calming measures on Blackrock Road; There is a point in the road where the cars get a good run to build up speed around Rochelle apartments, and then it narrows suddenly heading to Blackrock, just at the 4 white Victorian houses (Cllr Kieran McCarthy.
That Cork City Council supports the call from the Restaurants Association of Ireland for the ongoing retention of the 9% VAT rate for the food, tourism and hospitality sector that has helped create one of four of the jobs in economy. That this Council ask the Minister for Finance to Keep VAT @ 9% into 2015 and beyond (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager/ CE and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 September 2014
Question to the Manager/ CE:
To ask the CE about the future of the ex Shandon Craft Centre? What is the plan regarding this site going forward and the keen interest expressed in developing the site as a community hub by local community groups? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Honan Mausoleum in St Finbarre’s Cemetery be repaired; it is in a dreadful condition (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Douglas Swimming Pool Carpark and Road be resurfaced as per the capital money put aside for it at last December’s budget (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 September 2014
Question to the Manager/ CE:
To ask the manager what is the plan to improve the aesthetics of the trough on either side of the displayed town wall in Bishop Lucey Park; the empty troughs look terrible (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Cork City Council carry out the agreement to resurface the rest of the resident’s carparks in Greenhills Estate, as agreed with residents (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council carry out the agreement to provide adequate traffic calming measures on Boreenmanna Road (as part of recent works) and a safe crossing near the Willow Lawn junction, as agreed with residents (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 July 2014
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager, what is the future plan for the 9 unsold affordable houses in Kilbrack Grove, Skehard Road? Residents were given assurances at the time of purchase in the estate by the Council that they would be only Affordable housing and that this would not change. Planning was sought for affordable housing – not social- can this suddenly change? Assurances were given to the residents and local councillors that these would only ever be an Affordable estate- can the council go back on their word? Nine Social houses in an estate of 41 is almost a 25% split- this seems large? This will affect people’s home value significantly- will they be compensated by Cork City Council? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the north west lamp on St Patrick’s Bridge, closest one to Camden Quay, be fixed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That in light of numerous tour buses parking by St Finbarre’s Cathedral, that a tour bus parking bay be re-instated (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 April 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for an update on the revamp of Boole House on Bachelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council look at the dangerous section of road at the cul-de-sac hill and entrance to Beaumont Park on Silverdale Ave opposite house no 32, 34 and 36. The problem is that some drivers parking on the hill going to the park or up to Beaumont school don’t apply their hand break properly. Three times in about 6 months, cars have come down the hill in reverse and knocked down the pillar and wall dividing no 32 and 34 (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the footpaths in Baltimore Lawn, Douglas Road receive urgent repair work; some are major trip hazards (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 March 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager, why the 2014 City Council vans have a KK registration plus possess an ad for the maker of the coat of arms sticker on the side of the vans? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To have the footpaths in Sundrive Park, Ballinlough repaired especially those sections that are trip hazards (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To have heritage information panels installed on the wall of the graveyard of the former St Paul’s Church on Paul Street (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 March 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager what the Council’s response will be to the recent call by government for a public-private partnership for a National Disapora Centre, where the government will part fund a centre; will the Council be applying to develop the centre in Cork? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To fix the cracked footpath outside the house numbers 1-5 Douglas Drive, Pic-Du-Jer Park, Ballinlough (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council replace the trees that fell in the recent storms on Beechwood Park green (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 February 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager, what is the status of the Blackrock Harbour area plan? Plus have tidal surges and sea level rise been taken into account re the proposed stepped down area into the tidal area itself? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council hold a National Expo in Docklands in future years (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a Docklands Festival be established making use of vacant buildings such as Odlums (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 February 2014
Question to the Manager:
With reference to the South East ward, to ask the City Manager how much was spent on footpath renewal, public lighting and estate road resurfacing in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and budgeted for 2014, and that he would names the areas of the South East Ward where these works were carried out?
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 January 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the Manager is it his intention to mark, through an event or festival, the tenth anniversary in 2015 of the city’s European Capital of Culture award? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council would remove the untidy and dumped earthen material at the end of Hillgrove Lawn, South Douglas Road as it aligns with Glencurrig Estate wall (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council and City and Region would campaign to host a leg of the America’s Cup sailing competition (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 January 2014
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager if he has applied for the recent Central Government “Living City” initiative and what areas is he targeting for renewal (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the parks department apply for funding from the Sports Council of the Department of Sport for a new MUGA in Ballinlough Douglas Pool park. A successful application was recently made for one in Douglas Park by Cork County Council (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council mark the tenth anniversary in 2015 since the city’s European Capital of Culture award via a festival or lecture series etc (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 December 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager when will the Fireman’s Hut, formerly on St Patrick’s Street, be located in Fitzgerald’s Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To fix the faulty lights at the junction of Skehard road and Church Road Blackrock. When pressing the button for walking across the road and when the green man indicates it is safe to cross on the chemist side of the junction, there is still a green light showing on the Skehard side of the junction allowing cars to carry on, which has caused a couple of near misses (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To seek a second ‘lollypop’ warden for Eglantine National School on Eglantine Park due to the large numbers of children crossing over the road at that location (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 November 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for the cost and breakdown of installing the new circulating runner’s path around Douglas Swimming Pool Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the footpath of Hillside Road, Glasheen be repaired (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Ballintemple graveyard be cleaned up (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 November 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for an update on the revamp of Boole House on Bachelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council work with the Church of Ireland, Shandon to help fix its iconic clock faces (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council work with the owner of the site of McCarthy’s Monument on Blackrock Road to clean it up (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 October 2013
That the embankment on Convent Avenue, Blackrock be cleaned-up and replanted (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council calls for action from the government on Section 9 of the 2008 Intoxicating Liquor Act and that it be signed into Law; if signed into law it would prevent children from shopping in their local Off Licence to purchase sweets if there is no physical barrier between sweets and alcohol Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 23 September 2013
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager when public submissions for the Draft Tramore Valley Park Plan will be made available to councillors plus when is the likely timescale for the park to open (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council extend its Jobsbridge programmes to provide internships in the City Library and City Museum (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a “Welcome to Cork” sign, be provided adjacent the tourist bus stop on St Patrick’s Quay, as well as an interpretative panel – guide to Cork City and map (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question and Motions and to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 September 2013
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager for an update on the preservation of the former lodge for the Munster Model Farm on Model Farm Road, which is now in a serious state of dilapidation? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council supports the Campaign of the Restaurants Association of Ireland to keep the VAT rate for tourism and hospitality at 9% into 2014 and beyond (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That Cork City Council work with the Port of Cork in digitising their emigration records, in particular in the post famine era. Such a scheme could be pursued via internships and would bring much tourism traffic online and physically to the city and region. Circa 250,000 people left Cork City and harbour in the twenty years following the Great Famine (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 July 2013
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City manager again why BAM construction have still not removed their hoarding erected on Penrose Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
As per previous motions, to ask the planning directorate, when is the area around the town wall, a national monument, under the ramp under Kyrl’s Quay going to be cleaned up? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add the overgrown plot of land at the corner of the entrance to Avonlea Court on Church Road to the site’s derelict register (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 June 2013
Question to the City Manager:
To ask why there has been no physical public consultation sessions in Ballintemple and Blackrock re: The Marina Park plan?; previous large scale projects have always been brought into communities, which are effected and presentations made and displays presented (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a commemorative plaque be placed at the site of the former Wesley Chapel on St Patrick’s Street. The Methodist congregation of Cork held their services here for almost two hundred years, from 1805 to 1986. The Heritage Council website notes that “Methodism flourished in Cork during the 18th century and formed an important feature of religious life in the expanding city”. Like many other churches in Cork, Wesley Chapel helped define the cityscape we still see today (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the swings and slides in Fitzgerald’s Park attain maintenance, such as re-greasing all mechanisms (grease is gone gritty), eliminating rust and touching up with paint, power-washing, and repairs, in particular in the big merry-go round as it is derailed thus feels really heavy to push and the single plastic swing as it is missing the traps i.e. health & safety concern (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 May 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager the cost of employing Colliers International to create a city centre strategy? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To name the two new flyovers in the south west of the city after Cork’s literacy icons, Frank O’Connor and Seán Ó Faoláin; both have no piece of city infrastructure named after them (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on the Creative Cork initiative from TEAM (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 May 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager for the litter regulations with regard to displaying posters in the city advertising public meetings? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That an annual summer Cork Proms programme be created in Fitzgerald’s Park, especially in light of the revamp of the park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council protests against the giving of an annual salary of E.843,000 to the Chief Executive of Bank of Ireland (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 April 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager to give an update on the revamp of the Lee Rowing Club pier (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To provide a traffic calming measure at the top of Flaherty’s Lane (out of Glencoo Estate) as it meets Ballinlough Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council upgrade the public realm along Albert Street adjacent the Elysian Tower and the National Sculpture Factory including the central traffic island strip (to include flowers, trees) (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 April 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager on when the plastic bollards at the intersection of Churchyard Lane and Well Road, will be removed and replaced by proper traffic calming measures? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council patch over the growing potholes in the road leading down to Douglas Swimming Pool Car Park (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council patch over the growing potholes in Beaumont Court and Drive (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 March 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the Manager what is the City’s connection with the former unemployment centre on North Main Street and the question of the resolution of debt owed on the property to the Council (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the monument of Our Lady’s Well and environs in Blackpool be cleaned up (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That a second nameplate be added at the entrance to Whitethorn on Douglas Road. Currently it only has one plaque on the eastern entrance house wall (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 March 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager on the status of the conservation report on Boole House on Batchelor’s Quay (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council patch over the growing potholes in Endsleigh Park on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council calls on the government to reform the Mobility Allowance and the Motorised Transport Grant schemes immediately, and to re-instate the transport grants available to disabled people (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 February 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager, what remedies will now be put in place to counter the cars now parking in the new cycle lane from Skehard Road junction to the Silver Key Pub? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council would consider using Abbeycourt House on George’s Quay as another Arts/ Festival House in the city? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on the Creative Cork & vacant premises initiative and its successes and weakness to date (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 February 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the Manager how much was the spend on Christmas in the Park for 2012 compared to 2011 and 2010? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Coal Quay be marketed and rebranded as a heritage quarter and that a marketing strategy be employed to support it (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a summary report on ongoing initiatives to combat dereliction on Barrack Street and Blackpool (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 January 2013
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for the commercial rate struck each year from 1995- present day? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council check and fix the drainage on and around Cusheen Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the Good Shepherd Convent fire, that the Council work with the HSE to secure Our Lady’s Hospital, and to remove valuable artefacts like the organ in its church and identify other aspects of value and put them aside for protection against the elements (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 January 2013
To ask the Manager what was the cost of compilation of the most recent Docklands report, as discussed at December’s Council meeting? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That Loreto Park be added to the 2013 re-surfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council oppose the E.13.5m central government funding cut to the Vocational Education Committee (VEC) sector, along with an increase to the pupil-teacher ratio at post Leaving Cert (PLC) level (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 December 2012
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager, on the issues of rate collection, how many businesses were on the Council’s books? In 2011 and 2012, how many of these went out of business. How many clients of the Council appeared before the courts pleading a rates remission in 2011 and 2012?
To improve the painted kerbing from the intersection from Carrigageen Park to the South Link Road. Motorists have noted they can’t see the warning to keep left at the first set of traffic lights (opp. the gates of Rockboro School) approaching the link road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To develop a tourist package/ basket/ hamper of goods at the English Market in association with the traders of the market itself- goods that can be posted to other countries; It is clear that many tourists especially on the bus tours don’t have euros on them and that credit card facilities would be of assistance to any tourist that wants to purchase goods. The same basket/ hamper product could be marketed online on the English Market website as well (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager and Motions Cork City Council Meeting, 26 November 2012
Question to the Manager
To ask the manager what is the plan going forward to improve traffic flows from Skehard Road to and from Mahon Point and beyond, to and from the tunnel (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That any bid to make Cork a UNESCO World Music Centre would include musicians, venue owners, bookers etc in the city. They should also be involved, if the city is successful, in the programme itself (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council implore the government to sort out the mess that is the On-line Student Grant Application System (Susi). More than 50,000 third-level students are still waiting to see if they will get a grant because a new online system is in chaos. The system was designed to speed up the process but instead only one in 16 grant applications have been approved (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 November 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the Manager for the number of engineers (and where) employed in middle to senior management positions, between the various directorates in the Council? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a full and proper traffic management plan be pursued and implemented in Ballinlough, Ballintemple and Mahon with regard to the traffic activity around GAA matches in Pairc Uí Rinn and Pairc Uí Chaoimh. Local residents in the area are frustrated by the lack of a proper traffic plan. Most weekends residents witness supporters’ cars parking illegally, and parking on public realm spaces, footpaths, blocking driveways, greenways etc. It is time now to implement a proper plan whereby resident parking only will be provided in the latter areas and that proper park and ride facilities be developed in association with the GAA (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That this Council implore the government to support the work of the COPE Foundation, which caters for 2,150 adults and children with intellectual disabilities. The group, with the national budget 2013 approaching, have strongly noted they cannot guarantee its current levels of service and supports if hit with further budget cuts (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 October 2012
Question to the City Manager
To ask the manage for an update on the revamp project of Boole House on Batchelor’s Quay (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of An Bord Pleanála’s overturning of the City Council’s decision on Model Farm Road, that a review/ swot analysis be pursued on Policy 4.14 in the City Development Plan, 2009-2014, i.e. the section on the development of local business centres (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council consider holding a ‘People’s Parade’ as part of ‘The Gathering 2013 project. In Dublin for their St. Patrick’s Festival, the City is inviting up to 8,000 people around the world to march in their parade (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 October 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the city manager on the up to date status of the redevelopment of Blackrock Pier? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council give consideration to erecting a “Stop” sign on Castle Road at the junction of Castle Road / Convent Road so that in conjunction with the “Stop” sign already located on Convent Road, this would encourage traffic entering the village on these routes, to stop and proceed with caution. Traffic through the village would be at a safer reduced speed. (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
As per a previous motion in mid 2009, to ask the relevant directorate, when is the area around the town wall under the ramp under Kyrl’s Quay going to be cleaned up? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 September 2012
(Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the ‘parking only’ of motor bikes in the motor bike parking spaces on Emmett Place outside the Crawford Art Gallery be enforced (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of the recent re-opening of the Coal Quay, that its rich history, through the pictures and information that were on display on the day, be drawn together and placed on permanent display panels on Corn Market Street itself (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 September 2012
Question to the City Manager
Can the Manager confirm that the BAM hoarding, erected adjacent to Brian Boru Bridge on St. Patrick’s Quay during the recent maintenance works, will be removed once the project is finished? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council consider the introduction of breaking the city down into cultural quarters and marketing them as appropriate, e.g. University Quarter, Cathedral Quarter, Opera House Quarter, Medieval, Georgian, etc. (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council support the recent submission to the Parks Department by the Irish Wildlife Trust on the management of Beaumont Quarry (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 July 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the city manager on the up to date status of the redevelopment of the George Boole House on Bachelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the recent re-opening of the Coal Quay and in an effort to promote the street and to promote its rich history that large scale historical panels/ scribs be placed on the street depicting pictures of the street from 100 years (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council actively seek a home for the Knitting Map and put it on display to the general public as part of its tourism programme (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 June 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the Manager for the numbers of Cork City Council workers earning less than e.20,000, e.30,000, e.40,000, e.50,000, e.60,000, e.70,000, e.80,000, e.90,000 and e.100,000 per annum and earning more than e.100,000 per annum in tabular form? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council upgrade the public realm at the junction of Albert Road and Albert Street to include upgrades of the public realm footpaths and pedestrian crossing areas (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 June 2012
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager what is being done to tackle the high level of illegal postering on Douglas Street? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the following correspondence received from Churchyard Lane residents on the removal of the Skehard Road Roundabout:
“The roundabout is the only piece of road infrastructure in the area that does not cause problems. The other works on the Skehard Road could easily have been done without the removal of this roundabout. We feel it is a complete waste of tax payers money. There are 3 dangerous crossings here. The junction of the Well Road and Churchyard Lane known as Greggs Cross- this junction is 40 metres wide and pedestrians coming from the Well Road cannot cross this junction safely. The other junction of the Ballinlough Road and Churchyard Lane by the Silver Key known as Murray’s Cross- this junction is 44 metres across and again pedestrians risk their lives trying to cross this junction with traffic coming from behind. The third junction is the junction of Churchyard Lane and Boreenmanna Road at Temple Hill- this junction is a concave convex junction with no pedestrian crossing of any kind and no site lines visible for motorists or pedestrians. The money saved by retaining the roundabout and not putting traffic lights there would be better spent on making Churchyard Lane a one way system and installing demand pedestrian lights at the above junctions” Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council install pedestrian crossings at Tory Top Road Intersection i.e. the Aldi and AIB road cross sections as a traffic calming method and in the interest of pedestrian safety (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 May 2012
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for an update on the opening of Bishopstown library on Thursday evenings? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a second nameplate be added at the entrance to Whitethorn on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That part of the new €59,730 or third round of grant applications under the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport’s Disabled Access and Energy Upgrade scheme for Local Authority Pools grant (May 2012) for Douglas Pool be put towards a series of murals on water safety in Douglas Pool, through getting city artists working with schools in the local area with themes of environment and energy efficiency (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 15 May 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager for a breakdown of the expenses incurred on (a) the curtains around the Council Chamber, (b) the cost of research, and framing the photographs outside the Lord Mayor’s office and (c) the cost of research, and framing of the former Lord Mayor’s portraits in the former City manager’s office in the Lord Mayor’s Room (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To repair the road from the start of Burke’s Hill, Lotamore to the GAA Pitch in Mayfield (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the introduction of legislation to support complaints about high hedges not being cut back to sustainable levels/ heights/ widths in private estates. In the UK Part 8 of their Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 allows for their Councils to mediate between parties whose hedges and trees have overgrown and are affecting the house next door in several ways. The UK documentation on High Hedge legislation is at the following link, (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 30 April 2012
Question to the City Manager:
What is the manager’s response to the remarks made by Diarmuid Gavin on a recent Late Late Show interview and his reference to the staff of Cork City Council as “something from Fr. Ted”? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Museum be closed once a week to the general public to accommodate a schools’ programme on that day (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council work with the Gardaí to address the problem that the area of Mary Street and Red Abbey Street has become a meeting place for large groups of youths bringing with it disruptive behaviour including under age alcohol and substance abuse resulting in a free-for-all attitude and a disrespect of the residents and the historical site. The residents are concerned about the disturbance to local residents as it causes disruption of the peace and interference on an ongoing basis. It is an intrusion and inconvenience causing residents constant distress, annoyance and worry as there is the potential for disorder, unruliness and physical conflict on their doorsteps.
The Abbey is a tourist attraction being Cork’s oldest surviving historical structure and is part of the tourist route but the surrounding areas are continually being vandalized and littered due to the activity in the area. The use of the Abbey grounds as a recreational assembly site is inappropriate and unacceptable in their neighbourhood. Local families, their children, friends and residents passing through the square feel intimidated and unsafe when these gangs have gathered. They wish to expose this problem and bring it further to find a resolution to restore safety and peace to our neighbourhood and community. This will also ensure that tourists can appreciate this historical site as it is a designated national monument and should be given due consideration (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 16 April 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager on the City Council’s stance on allowing wild animals to perform in circuses within the city bounds (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add Shrewsbury Estate on Ballinlough Road to the resurfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on the status of water pressure within estates on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 March 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager, arising from the appointment of consultants in early 2012 under the September 2010 competition for the Cork Docklands Marina Park Landscape Design, are the planners currently only considering the landscape design option that includes the disposal of the lands to the GAA. Or both? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To install a footpath ramp for wheelchairs on the footpath at the top of Knockrea Avenue, where it joins the Ballinlough Road opposite the bus stop (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add Whitethorn Estate, Douglas Road to the resurfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 March 2011
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager what happened the Cork 800 fountain that was located on Emmett Place (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Owing to widespread public concerns and before the further spending of public monies, we request a full investigation by an independent animal welfare body on the standards, governance, management and animal welfare practices at the CSPCA and a comparison be completed with management and practices nationally (signed members of the Recreation and Amenity and Emergency Strategic Policy Committee including K McCarthy)
That the City Council erect picnic tables on the green to the east of Blackrock Castle adjoining the car park for the walk (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the Council erect a plaque in Sunday’s Well to the memory of Dr. Vincent Barry (1908-1975). Dr. Barry was the Irish researcher who discovered the cure for leprosy. A native of 3 Lower Janemount Sunday’s Well, Cork, he is credited with the development of the compound used in leprosy drugs that have helped to cure about 15 million people. Dr. Barry also initiated research on chemotherapy of cancer (Cllr K McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 February 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager to give a breakdown of the income and expenditure for the recent Cork Christmas Celebration on the Grand Parade, December 2011? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on why BAM construction have not yet removed their hoarding erected on Penrose Quay (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 November 2012
Question to the Manager
To ask the manager what is the plan going forward to improve traffic flows from Skehard Road to and from Mahon Point and beyond, to and from the tunnel (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That any bid to make Cork a UNESCO World Music Centre would include musicians, venue owners, bookers etc in the city. They should also be involved, if the city is successful, in the programme itself (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council implore the government to sort out the mess that is the On-line Student Grant Application System (Susi). More than 50,000 third-level students are still waiting to see if they will get a grant because a new online system is in chaos. The system was designed to speed up the process but instead only one in 16 grant applications have been approved (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 November 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the Manager for the number of engineers (and where) employed in middle to senior management positions, between the various directorates in the Council? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a full and proper traffic management plan be pursued and implemented in Ballinlough, Ballintemple and Mahon with regard to the traffic activity around GAA matches in Pairc Uí Rinn and Pairc Uí Chaoimh. Local residents in the area are frustrated by the lack of a proper traffic plan. Most weekends residents witness supporters’ cars parking illegally, and parking on public realm spaces, footpaths, blocking driveways, greenways etc. It is time now to implement a proper plan whereby resident parking only will be provided in the latter areas and that proper park and ride facilities be developed in association with the GAA (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That this Council implore the government to support the work of the COPE Foundation, which caters for 2,150 adults and children with intellectual disabilities. The group, with the national budget 2013 approaching, have strongly noted they cannot guarantee its current levels of service and supports if hit with further budget cuts (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 October 2012
Question to the City Manager
To ask the manage for an update on the revamp project of Boole House on Batchelor’s Quay (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of An Bord Pleanála’s overturning of the City Council’s decision on Model Farm Road, that a review/ swot analysis be pursued on Policy 4.14 in the City Development Plan, 2009-2014, i.e. the section on the development of local business centres (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the Council consider holding a ‘People’s Parade’ as part of ‘The Gathering 2013 project. In Dublin for their St. Patrick’s Festival, the City is inviting up to 8,000 people around the world to march in their parade (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 October 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the city manager on the up to date status of the redevelopment of Blackrock Pier? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council give consideration to erecting a “Stop” sign on Castle Road at the junction of Castle Road / Convent Road so that in conjunction with the “Stop” sign already located on Convent Road, this would encourage traffic entering the village on these routes, to stop and proceed with caution. Traffic through the village would be at a safer reduced speed. (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
As per a previous motion in mid 2009, to ask the relevant directorate, when is the area around the town wall under the ramp under Kyrl’s Quay going to be cleaned up? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 September 2012
To ask the Manager for information on the following:
1. Number of dogs taken into CSPCA for the first 6 months of 2012?
2. Number of dogs reclaimed during this same period?
3. Number of dogs surrendered by members of public?
4. Number of dogs put to sleep?
5. Number of dogs that died of natural causes?
6. Number of dog Licences issued by CSPCA?
7. Number of dogs seized by Dog warden?
8. Number of dogs given to other Dog charities?
9. Number of dogs rehomed during this period?
10.When dog licences were €12.70 each the CSPCA was allowed to retain €2.70 for issuing licence. Now that the licences have been increased to €20 each what amount is retained by the CSPCA?
11. What was the total cost to the public of retaining the dog service for the above 6 months, including Wardens van maintenance, wages, amount per dog per night etc.?
12. Details of any other sums of money given to the CSPCA by City Council?
13. Of the 2,823 dog licences issued last year by the City Council how many were sold by 1. Post Office 2. Dog Warden 3. CSPCA?
(Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the ‘parking only’ of motor bikes in the motor bike parking spaces on Emmett Place outside the Crawford Art Gallery be enforced (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In light of the recent re-opening of the Coal Quay, that its rich history, through the pictures and information that were on display on the day, be drawn together and placed on permanent display panels on Corn Market Street itself (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 September 2012
Question to the City Manager
Can the Manager confirm that the BAM hoarding, erected adjacent to Brian Boru Bridge on St. Patrick’s Quay during the recent maintenance works, will be removed once the project is finished? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council consider the introduction of breaking the city down into cultural quarters and marketing them as appropriate, e.g. University Quarter, Cathedral Quarter, Opera House Quarter, Medieval, Georgian, etc. (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council support the recent submission to the Parks Department by the Irish Wildlife Trust on the management of Beaumont Quarry (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 July 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the city manager on the up to date status of the redevelopment of the George Boole House on Bachelor’s Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the recent re-opening of the Coal Quay and in an effort to promote the street and to promote its rich history that large scale historical panels/ scribs be placed on the street depicting pictures of the street from 100 years (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council actively seek a home for the Knitting Map and put it on display to the general public as part of its tourism programme (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 June 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the Manager for the numbers of Cork City Council workers earning less than e.20,000, e.30,000, e.40,000, e.50,000, e.60,000, e.70,000, e.80,000, e.90,000 and e.100,000 per annum and earning more than e.100,000 per annum in tabular form? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council upgrade the public realm at the junction of Albert Road and Albert Street to include upgrades of the public realm footpaths and pedestrian crossing areas (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 June 2012
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager what is being done to tackle the high level of illegal postering on Douglas Street? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the following correspondence received from Churchyard Lane residents on the removal of the Skehard Road Roundabout:
“The roundabout is the only piece of road infrastructure in the area that does not cause problems. The other works on the Skehard Road could easily have been done without the removal of this roundabout. We feel it is a complete waste of tax payers money. There are 3 dangerous crossings here. The junction of the Well Road and Churchyard Lane known as Greggs Cross- this junction is 40 metres wide and pedestrians coming from the Well Road cannot cross this junction safely. The other junction of the Ballinlough Road and Churchyard Lane by the Silver Key known as Murray’s Cross- this junction is 44 metres across and again pedestrians risk their lives trying to cross this junction with traffic coming from behind. The third junction is the junction of Churchyard Lane and Boreenmanna Road at Temple Hill- this junction is a concave convex junction with no pedestrian crossing of any kind and no site lines visible for motorists or pedestrians. The money saved by retaining the roundabout and not putting traffic lights there would be better spent on making Churchyard Lane a one way system and installing demand pedestrian lights at the above junctions” Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the City Council install pedestrian crossings at Tory Top Road Intersection i.e. the Aldi and AIB road cross sections as a traffic calming method and in the interest of pedestrian safety (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 May 2012
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager for an update on the opening of Bishopstown library on Thursday evenings? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a second nameplate be added at the entrance to Whitethorn on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That part of the new €59,730 or third round of grant applications under the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport’s Disabled Access and Energy Upgrade scheme for Local Authority Pools grant (May 2012) for Douglas Pool be put towards a series of murals on water safety in Douglas Pool, through getting city artists working with schools in the local area with themes of environment and energy efficiency (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 15 May 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager for a breakdown of the expenses incurred on (a) the curtains around the Council Chamber, (b) the cost of research, and framing the photographs outside the Lord Mayor’s office and (c) the cost of research, and framing of the former Lord Mayor’s portraits in the former City manager’s office in the Lord Mayor’s Room (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To repair the road from the start of Burke’s Hill, Lotamore to the GAA Pitch in Mayfield (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the introduction of legislation to support complaints about high hedges not being cut back to sustainable levels/ heights/ widths in private estates. In the UK Part 8 of their Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 allows for their Councils to mediate between parties whose hedges and trees have overgrown and are affecting the house next door in several ways. The UK documentation on High Hedge legislation is at the following link, (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 30 April 2012
Question to the City Manager:
What is the manager’s response to the remarks made by Diarmuid Gavin on a recent Late Late Show interview and his reference to the staff of Cork City Council as “something from Fr. Ted”? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Museum be closed once a week to the general public to accommodate a schools’ programme on that day (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council work with the Gardaí to address the problem that the area of Mary Street and Red Abbey Street has become a meeting place for large groups of youths bringing with it disruptive behaviour including under age alcohol and substance abuse resulting in a free-for-all attitude and a disrespect of the residents and the historical site. The residents are concerned about the disturbance to local residents as it causes disruption of the peace and interference on an ongoing basis. It is an intrusion and inconvenience causing residents constant distress, annoyance and worry as there is the potential for disorder, unruliness and physical conflict on their doorsteps.
The Abbey is a tourist attraction being Cork’s oldest surviving historical structure and is part of the tourist route but the surrounding areas are continually being vandalized and littered due to the activity in the area. The use of the Abbey grounds as a recreational assembly site is inappropriate and unacceptable in their neighbourhood. Local families, their children, friends and residents passing through the square feel intimidated and unsafe when these gangs have gathered. They wish to expose this problem and bring it further to find a resolution to restore safety and peace to our neighbourhood and community. This will also ensure that tourists can appreciate this historical site as it is a designated national monument and should be given due consideration (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 16 April 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager on the City Council’s stance on allowing wild animals to perform in circuses within the city bounds (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add Shrewsbury Estate on Ballinlough Road to the resurfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on the status of water pressure within estates on Douglas Road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 March 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager, arising from the appointment of consultants in early 2012 under the September 2010 competition for the Cork Docklands Marina Park Landscape Design, are the planners currently only considering the landscape design option that includes the disposal of the lands to the GAA. Or both? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To install a footpath ramp for wheelchairs on the footpath at the top of Knockrea Avenue, where it joins the Ballinlough Road opposite the bus stop (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To add Whitethorn Estate, Douglas Road to the resurfacing estates list (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 March 2011
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager what happened the Cork 800 fountain that was located on Emmett Place (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Owing to widespread public concerns and before the further spending of public monies, we request a full investigation by an independent animal welfare body on the standards, governance, management and animal welfare practices at the CSPCA and a comparison be completed with management and practices nationally (signed members of the Recreation and Amenity and Emergency Strategic Policy Committee including K McCarthy)
That the City Council erect picnic tables on the green to the east of Blackrock Castle adjoining the car park for the walk (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the Council erect a plaque in Sunday’s Well to the memory of Dr. Vincent Barry (1908-1975). Dr. Barry was the Irish researcher who discovered the cure for leprosy. A native of 3 Lower Janemount Sunday’s Well, Cork, he is credited with the development of the compound used in leprosy drugs that have helped to cure about 15 million people. Dr. Barry also initiated research on chemotherapy of cancer (Cllr K McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 February 2012
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager to give a breakdown of the income and expenditure for the recent Cork Christmas Celebration on the Grand Parade, December 2011? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To get a report on why BAM construction have not yet removed their hoarding erected on Penrose Quay (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
In light of the recent re-organisation of Recreation, Amenity and Emergency Services and the relevant impact and potential dismantling of the functional and strategic policy committee, that a new tourism Strategic Policy Committee be established, to complement the work of the TEAM unit (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 February 2012
Question to the manager:
Can the manager outline the Council’s role and policy in providing temporary parking permits to meals on wheels organisations who park to deliver meals in the city (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council cut back the overgrown hedging and general overgrowth on the Old Cork Blackrock and Passage Rail Line by Ballinsheen Bridge off Skehard Road in order to alleviate hiding places for anti-social behaviour (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
That the junction layout at Gate Lodge, Castle Road, Cork be narrowed and revised to control speeds similar to what was recently completed at the Sandy Lawn estate entrance close by. That speed control ramps or similar be constructed within the estate to control traffic speeds. That appropriate signage be installed reminding drivers that children play in the area and to slow their driving speed (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 30 January 2012
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager about the appeal process for parking fines? How long does the average appeal take to pass through the parking fines office? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council mark the centenary of the Titanic tragedy (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council consider the creation of a Rory Gallagher Music festival for the city (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 16 January 2012
Question to the City Manager:
Has Cork City Council any plans to resume the opening of Bishopstown library on Thursday nights in the New Year? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That this Council opposes the cuts to the Deis Educational Scheme that affect several schools, families and children in this city (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Hall clock be let chime at 12 noon and 2pm each day. Currently, it does not chime at all (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 November 2011
In light of the recent tragic death of a pedestrian on Parnell Place, that the safety of pedestrians crossing from Merchants Quay to the Bus Station be examined and reconfigured as appropriate with safety barriers etc. (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 November 2011
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager about the status (in future planning and completion) of the following derelict properties?
- The Lodge at the entrance of the IDA Business Park on Model Farm Road.
- Former Economy Shop & Post Office at Dennehy’s Cross
- Former Ford Show Rooms at Dennehy’s Cross
- The two business premises and adjoining bungalow also on Dennehy’s Cross
- The Crows Nest Bar and adjoining Terrace of houses at Victoria Cross.
- The Site adjacent to The AIB Bank on Western Road.
(Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the Council erect signs discouraging the use of Beaumont Quarry as a public dump, Recently at the spot that is directly opposite Cork Constitution Club, plastic bags and all kinds of rubbish are being dumped over the metal barrier that runs along the side of the road (Cllr K McCarthy)
In light of a recent visit to Cork by representatives of the Coventry Irish Centre, that a proposal to develop a simultaneous run concert between the Centre and possibly Christ Church in Cork be investigated by the twinning committee (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 October 2011
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager about the status of the following items in the Willow Lawn area, South Douglas Road that were previously discussed and agreed upon:
(a) The erection of a half moon railing at the entrance to the river bank on Tramore river as a security measure.
(b) The marking of pedestrian markings at roundabout near slip road from South Ring road-east bound carriageway
(c) The erection of timber laths replacement on wooden fence (baffle fence) on same slip road (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To cement the path going from Skehard Road to the amenity walk of the old railway line (Cllr K. McCarthy)
To free the drainage blocks from Convent Road to Meadow Grove, Blackrock (Cllr K. McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 October 2011
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager, when will the lamps on St. Patrick’s Bridge and Parliament Bridge be repaired? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the council replace the rusted bin outside the Lions Den Bar on Douglas Road (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the Council consider installing resident’s disc parking at Bellair estate, where the estate fronts onto Douglas Road by the bus stop (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Questions to Cork City Council
Kieran’s Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 September 2011
Question to the manager (answered, 26 September 2011):
To ask the manager is he content with the communication strategy with the ESB and the Council with regard to flood management on the River Lee plus what steps are in place to keep the possibility of a potential flood again this year to a minimum (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To ask the Council to examine the speed limit on The Marina with a view to reducing the speed limit to make it more pedestrian and cyclist friendly (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To ask the Council to consider placing speed ramps or traffic calming measures on The Marina (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 June 2011
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager about the future status of the community wardens and how steps are pursuing to retain them:? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That the City Council work with Cork County Council to clean up the approach road’s vegetation on the Silverspring’s dual carriageway just beyond the City boundary (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That in September / October 2011 Cork City Council celebrate the 75th anniversary of the official opening of the current City Hall building (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 June 2011
To consider the removal of the artwork-sculpture in St. Michael’s Close, Mahon on the grounds of child health and safety (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That extra historical interpretative or historical information panels be erected in Christ Church (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to the manager:
To ask the manager are there any plans to relocate the Fireman’s Hut formerly on St. Patrick’s Street, to somewhere in the city plus put it to a new use? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 30 May 2011
That the graveyard adjoining Christ Church be cleaned up and opened to the general public to view as well (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
“That traffic signs indicating ‘people on foot crossing roads ahead’ be erected on the Back Douglas Road slip road from the South Ring Road to the roundabout at Willow Park heading east and some rumple strips on the slip road leading on to the roundabout” (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to City Manager:
To ask the manager where the E.250,000 to be invested for the Queen’s visit is coming from? What source ? plus where is the finance going to be invested in? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 15 May 2011
That the graveyard adjoining Christ Church be cleaned up and opened to the general public to view as well (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That traffic signs indicating ‘people on foot crossing roads ahead’ be erected on the Back Douglas Road slip road from the South Ring Road to the roundabout at Willow Park heading east and some rumple strips on the slip road leading on to the roundabout” (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to City Manager:
To ask the manager where the E.250,000 to be invested for the Queen’s visit is coming from? What source ? plus where is the finance going to be invested in? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 April 2011
That the carpark at the pier head in Blackrock be tarmacademed due to its unsightly and rough appearance (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Following up on my previous motion in September 2009, that a review take place of traffic and pedestrian safety at the junction of several exits onto the Douglas Road, namely Rhodaville, Briar Rose and the Ardfallen complex and that the appropriate traffic & pedestrian safety measures be carried out (Cllr. K. McCarthy)
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager to give a breakdown of the income and expenditure for the recent St. Patrick’s Day Festival? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 March 2011
To get a report on why BAM construction have not removed their hoarding erected on Penrose Quay? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
As per a previous motion in mid 2009, to ask the relevant directorate, when is the area around the town wall under the ramp under Kyrl’s Quay going to be cleaned up? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager about an update on the revamp of Christ Church and the redesign of the adjoining section of Bishop Lucey Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 February 2011
In order to stress the importance of their work to their respective communities that they work in, that the Community Wardens give a report on their work to the housing functional committee (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That capital money be put aside for the roof of the local studies section of Cork City Library (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager will he contact all general election candidates to cut and take away as well their plastic ties that held posters on poles in the city area?
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 February 2011
To get the potholes fixed on the hill down into Douglas Pool carpark?
In light of the fact of Cork’s success in last years Lonely Planet Guide, that Cork City Council establish a Tourism Functional Committee and a position of City Tourism Officer (Cllr K McCarthy, Cllr K.O’Flynn)
Question to the City Manager:
With regard to the George Boole house on Greville Place, can the manager outline:
- What are the conservation works and long term plans for the building?
- How much is this work costing?
- Who is paying for it?
- Are Cork City Council looking to eventually purchase the building? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 24 January 2011
That the Council close the laneway behind Inchera Park, Mahon, due to ongoing anti-social behaviour? (Cllr K McCarthy)
To attain from the Planning Directorate a report on the status of activity of CASP (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager about the status of repair of the collapsed wall on Southern Road (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager and, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 January 2010
That an information panel on the monument be placed on the National Monument on the Grand Parade (Cllr K. McCarthy).
In light of the successful 2010 90th Anniversary events commemorating the deaths of Lord Mayors MacCurtain and MacSwiney and in light of the 75th anniversary in 2011 of the opening of City Hall, that facsimile copies of the documents and photographs that were on display in the Millennium Hall and other copies of documents highlighting the development of City Hall be displayed in the corridor outside the Lord Mayor’s office in the spare display cabinets that were made available for the November 2010 Millennium Hall exhibition from the Museum (Cllr K. McCarthy).
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager to give a breakdown of the income and expenditure for the recent Cork Christmas Celebration on the Grand Parade? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 December 2010
To get the balcony of Douglas Swimming pool painted (Cllr K. McCarthy)
To get the graffiti on the upper levels of Douglas Pool and the graffiti on its windows removed (Cllr. K. McCarthy)
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager for the design schedule of work for the Batchelor’s Quay wall from April to October 2010 (Cllr. Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, City Council Meeting, 6 December 2010
That the members of this Council be facilitated by the ESB with a tour of Inniscarra Dam, so that an understanding of its normal and emergency operating systems be understood (Cllr K McCarthy, Cllr L. Kingston).
In light of the successful 90th Anniversary celebrations, that an biographical information panel be provided at the Republican Plot at St. Finbarre’s Cemetery recalling those that are buried within the plot itself (Cllr K. McCarthy, Cllr M. Shields).
Question to the Manager:
To ask the manager about the details of the privatisation of Kyrl’s Quay Multi-Storey Car Park? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 8 November 2010
In light of the partial collapse of one of the city’s historic houses, i.e. George Boole’s on Bachelor’s Quay, to ask the City Council’s Conservation Officer to give a SWOT analysis on his role in protecting other historic structures from collapse (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
To ask the City Council about what measures are in place to monitor the water quality in the Atlantic Pond (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Question to the Manager:
To ask the City Manager for a timeline of events regarding the fixing of Bachelor’s Quay Wall since the flooding of late November 2009 to the present day? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 October 2010
That the City Council tarmacadam the ‘rough’ laneway behind High Street Launderette on High Street (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the Council take down the ‘no turn right’ sign for Ballinlough Road on Douglas Road (city facing, outside St. Finbarre’s Hospital) plus instate a ‘no heavy vehicles sign’ at the base of the hill of Bernadette Way (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager about the energy efficiency of c.400 street lamps on the Grand Parade plaza (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 September 2010
To get a status report from the relevant directorate of when the Blackrock Pier improval project will begin as sanctioned by Council before the summer(Cllr K McCarthy).
To get dog fouling bins on Ballinlough Road and also to get dog fouling bins fixed on the old Railway line amenity walk in the South East ward? (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager to give a expense breakdown of the E.50,000 allocated to the homecoming reception for the Cork All-Ireland football team (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 September 2010
To get a report from the Director of Services on the completion status of the Willow Lawn riverside walk (Cllr K McCarthy)
That in 2011 Cork City Council celebrate the 75th anniversary of the opening of the current City Hall building (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager about the status of repair work on St. Patrick’s Bridge (Cllr K McCarthy) (Ans: to be completed by late September 2010)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 July 2010
That plug sockets be provided for researchers with laptops in the local studies section of Cork City Library (Cllr K McCarthy).
That the City Council upgrade the podium stand and purchase a roaming mike in the Concert Hall for ceremonies (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to City Manager:
To ask the City Manager about the City Council’s response to the increasing on-street practices of open-air drinking. In particular, George’s Quay, Fr. Mathew Quay and within the small park at the eastern end of the South Mall, adjacent Parnell Bridge have regular open air drinking (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 29 June 2010:
That the site which is a public toilet on Merchant’s Quay be converted to a tourist pod, viz-a vis partial demolition. The arts bodies in Cork have an interest in taking such a facility over to promote Cork’s heritage and festival assets (Cllr. K McCarthy)
That part of the Sustainable Travel initiative grant arising from the Department of Transport’s Smarter Travel Project Fund be given towards the heritage and artistic bodies within Elizabeth Fort. That this be given to create Elizabeth Fort and its environs as a central hub for the area’s heritage. The aforementioned bodies within the fort are anxious to put history murals on the walls of Keyser’s Hill and to develop a community project called Cork Begins Here, which aims to work with Cork tourism bodies, local community groups and local schools to raise awareness of Cork’s earliest history (Cllr K. McCarthy, Cllr. M. Shields).
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager, what is the plan for the re-structuring of Bishop Lucey Park in light of the Christ Church renovations? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 14 June 2010
That the City Council fill in the pot holes in the town centre car park on Avenue de Rennes, Mahon (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
In order to curb anti-social behaviour, that the hedges adjoining the green areas in Lake Lawn, Ballinlough be cut back (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 May 2010
That a review take place of where the bins and dog fouls bins are in the south east ward with an eye to providing more bins especially to combat dog fouling (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
To get a report from the Director of Planning on the status of development on vacant land behind St Finbarre’s Hospital on South Douglas Road (eastern side) adjacent the eastbound bus stop (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 10 May 2010
That interpretative signage regarding its history and significance be instated in the interior of the English Market (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the worn name plaques in Ballinure Place, Ballinure Lawn and Avenue De Rennes in Mahon be replaced (Cllr K. McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the manager, what were the average car occupancy percentages per month in 2009 in Paul Street and Kyrl’s Quay multi storey car-parks? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 26 April 2010:
That the interpretive signage concerning bird species in Mahon Estuary at the entrance to Joe McHugh park, Mahon be corrected and that the extant images be lined up with the right bird titles (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the worn “Welcome to Cork” sign, adjacent the tourist bus stop on St. Patrick’s Quay, be replaced with a new vibrant sign and an interpretative panel – guide to Cork City and map (Cllr K. McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 April 2010
That the window problem at the social housing unit at 23 Elderwood Drive, Boreenmanna Road be resolved immediately. This problem was first officially logged last June 2009 but has been an unresolved issue for the past two years (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the publicity given by Leisureworld to Bishopstown and Churchfield Swimming Pools respectively be also extended to Douglas Pool (e.g. be included on its website and poster promotions) (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
What is the legal justification, by reference to the terms and conditions of employment, for Council employees’ refusal to co-operate and deal with elected councillors’ queries on behalf of their constituents? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 March 2010:
That the City Council review and fix the blocked sewers on Albert Road by the pedestrian crossing (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the Director of Recreation and Amenity give a status report on the repair of the slip way on the Marina for the Lee Rowing Club (Cllr K McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
With the utmost respect to the City Manager and with regard to his upcoming retirement from his post, when will the post be advertised in the media and the changeover to a new manager be effected? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 22 February 2010
That the ESB sub-station on Caroline Street, presently occupied by the Triskel Arts Centre be acquired (or work with multi art agencies) and turned into a City Council Art Gallery post the re-location home of the Triskel to Tobin Street / Christ Church proposed for October 2010 (Cllr K McCarthy).
That dog fouling fine signs be erected in Ballinlough especially on the approach roads to local schools (Cllr K McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to the City Manager, Cork City Council meeting, 15 February 2010
That the City Council consider implementing appropriate and set measures with regard to enforcing upon derelict site owners the need to secure their site and to stop derelict sites from becoming urban landscape eyesores. For example that windows must be boarded up in a certain way, that proper hoarding be erected that blends into the immediate surroundings and that derelict sites be secured according to set measures (Cllr K McCarthy).
That the exhibition the “Wood of Life”, an environmental awareness project, which was displayed in Bishopstown Library, be exhibited in other City Council libraries. In addition that local schools be actively engaged with to come and view the exhibition (Cllr K McCarthy & Cllr M Shields).
Question to the City Manager:
Can the manager please comment on the flood damage to the Cork Museum and when does he expect the Museum to re-open (Cllr K McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 25 January 2010
That the City Council replace the relevant rotting timber frames of doors in Douglas Swimming Pool (Cllr K. McCarthy)
That P.R. literature on the City Council’s educational bodies such as the Lifetime Lab and Blackrock Castle and any other relevant funded bodies be placed on a table in the foyer of the new extension of City Hall for customers to peruse (Cllr. K McCarthy)
Question to City Manager:
That the City Manager would comment on the City Council’s policy on businesses and organisations breaking litter laws by erecting illegal signs on grass verges, poles etc around the city. How many businesses and organisations have been fined in 2008 & 2009? How many were fined for illegal signs in the south east ward? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 11 January 2010:
That the pot-holes in Douglas Swimming Pool car-park (public and staff) be filled in (Cllr K McCarthy)
That the City Council support the up and coming Re-Discover Cork Initiative which is being led by the Cork Tourism Learning Network made up of 47 small tourism Cork organisers. They are looking for a suitable venue, namely the Millennium Hall. This would be a great initiative to showcase Cork to its citizens especially in light of the Lonely Planet Acolade (Cllr K McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
To ask the City Manager to report on the salting/ gritting of roads in the city over the Christmas period. What is the Council’s position in dealing with serious icy road conditions? What roads were prioritised? How many emergency Council teams were in operation? Where do the Council source their salt / grit? (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motion, 21 December 2009, Cork City Council Meeting, Budget meeting
That 33% (E.48,000) of the conference expenses be given to the City Library’s book fund (motion was passed but later defeated in the overall section vote of Recreation and amenity, however managed to get E34,000 from Recreation and Amenity survey work towards the book fund).
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 7 December 2009
That a direction sign showing the way to the Lee Tunnel be placed at the junction of Skehard Road and the Central Statistics Office Road, Mahon (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
That a moratorium on rates be enacted for the affected traders who are dealing with extensive flood damage on the western side of Cork City for a minimum of three months or until such time as their insurance claims have been resolved (Cllr K McCarthy)
Question to City Manager:
Can I ask the Manager to comment on what the City Council is doing in terms of tackling unemployment in Cork City? (Cllr Kieran McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 23 November 2009:
That the extant computer catalogues of the Cork Museum and Cork Archives be put online on a central web resource, e.g. That the Council should consider this to maximise the research benefits of its heritage material holdings (Cllr K McCarthy).
In an effort to combat anti-social behaviour, that the Council investigate the possibility of installing public lighting at the Japanese Gardens, adjacent Douglas Swimming Pool (Cllr K McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
The Christmas trees that will be bought by the City Council for the city’s main street’s this Christmas, where will they be sourced and how much will they cost to purchase? (Cllr K McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 9 November 2009:
That “road” flower pots be introduced to the immediate external environs of Douglas Pool and the environs of Blackrock Pier. That this be pursued in an effort to enhance their respective dilapidated conditions (Cllr K. McCarthy).
As an incentive to boost trading in Cork City and to help traders in these difficult economic times, that this Council would offer 2 hours free parking in the Council’s two public carparks on Saturday mornings from 9 am to 11am on a trial period in early spring 2010, a period of time to be agreed upon (Cllr K. McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
With regard to the impending closure of the Kino Cinema, what can the Council do to make sure such a cultural asset, which is also linked to the productive and very positive Cork Film Festival, does not close? (Cllr K. McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 27 October 2009:
That the invasive species of Japanese Knotweed on Blackrock pier and eastwards to the rowing club be treated and removed (Cllr. K. McCarthy).
Arising out of the recent arts report and to enhance the City Council’s investment and the future development of Cork’s international tourist market, that a S.W.O.T. analysis of Cork Marketing Partnership be conducted and the report sent back to the City Council (Cllr. K. McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
Further to Cllr John Kelleher’s recent question to the City manager, when will repair work begin on the slipway on the Marina, used by the Lee Rowing Club? (Cllr. K. McCarthy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager, Cork City Council Meeting, 12 October 2009:
In an effort to sustain the amenity of Douglas Swimming Pool and as a deterrent against vandalism that that the City Council consider the painting of a community artwork / mural around the exterior walls of the Swimming Pool; that the latter would also take place linking with local schools and community groups (Cllr. K. McCarthy).
That a review of health and safety take place of the old medieval laneways along South Main Street and North Main Street. Those laneways open to the general public are now subject to anti-social behaviour such as urinating and rubbish disposal (Cllr. K. McCarthy).
Question to the City Manager:
Over the last number of weeks as a Councillor, I have been bombarded by signed petitions by traders in the city calling for the elimination of clamping in the city. These letters claim that clamping is seriously deterring and frightening people from entering the city centre for fear of being clamped. Can I ask the City Manager what is his opinion on the trader’s view that clamping is actively turning people off from coming into town to shop?
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 28 September 2009
That a review take place of traffic and pedestrian safety at the junction of several exits onto the Douglas Road, namely Rhodaville, Briar Rose and the Ardfallen complex and that the appropriate traffic & pedestrian safety measures be carried out (Cllr. K. McCarthy)
That Cork City would actively broker temporary access to unoccupied/ unleased buildings in Cork City for the cultural section to use as gallery spaces, art, presentations spaces etc. (Cllr. K. McCarthy & Cllr. C. Clancy)
Kieran’s Motions and Question to City Manager Motions, Cork City Council Meeting 14 September 2009:
As an incentive to boost trading in Cork City and to help traders, that this Council would offer 2 hours free parking in public carparks and on- street in the city centre on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 11 a. m.– on a trial period between now and Christmas” (Cllr K. McCarthy).
That this Council would support a motion to create an independent value for money audit by an independent examiner to identify areas where savings could be made – thereby preserving important front-line services in these challenging economic times (Cllr K. McCarthy)
Question to the City Manager:
The pumping system for the Berwick Fountain on the Grand Parade does not
seem to be working properly since the Fountain’s restoration project. Will the pumping mechanics of the fountain be restored in the near future?
Kieran’s Motions, Cork City Council Meeting, 13 July 2009
That the City Council erect a series of heritage interpretative panels across the city centre island in an effort to promote further the city’s heritage and tourism strategies (Cllr. K. McCarthy).
That the environs of the section of the medieval town wall, a national monument, on display to the general public beneath the entrance ramp of Kyrl’s Quay multi-storey car park on Kyrl’s Quay be cleaned up (Cllr. K. McCarthy).